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At Sunny High School

There was a bunch of police cars and investigators around along with two news channels around the school premises.
Many of them trying to find leads, suspects, and interviewing many students. Some cops were even escorting students in or out the school while the principle rushed everyone to still get to class.

"Did you hear about Y/n's death!?" Ryujin yelled running up to the group of 11 girls who were out in the football field area, sitting on the bleachers. There were barely interviewers and cops in the field area so it was way more peaceful.

"Yep I can't believe it. She was like a huge friend to me." Yeji said looking down onto the ground with a sad expression written over her face.

"Yea it's real crazy...my mom has been real paranoid since and won't let me be alone anymore." Lia spoke.

"How could someone even do something like that. I heard that she got stabbed 29 times." Bae explained.

"Me too! I even heard that the killer had sliced her throat so hard that the bone in her neck was showing and when police was escorting her body into the morgue her head almost fell of."
Chaeryeong joined in the conversation.

When Chaeryeong said that everyone else cringed real hard.
"Can we please talk about something else!? I hate talking about death." Haewon groaned.

"Well what else is there to talk about Haewon?" Sullyoon questioned. "Sunnydale is literally the most quiet, peaceful, and safest town I know and then this shit suddenly happens."

"Sullyoon's right." Jiwoo agreed.
"Ok well excuse me if I have common respect and don't want to talk about someone's death!" Haewon got up from the bleachers, picked up her backpack and left. Heading to class.

"Well this is awkward.." Lily glanced around.
"Look I think we should all just get to class right now and talk more during lunch." Yeji grabbed her bag and started to walk away.

"Yea I should come with. If I'm late to biology class one more time I'd have to do Saturday detention." Kyujin spoke before leaving with Yeji.

The rest of the girls talked some more about the gruesome death of Y/N and made some theories before they eventually bid their goodbyes and parted ways to head to their first period class.

Jiwoo, Sullyoon, and Yuna headed to Algebra class.
Lia headed to Art class.
Ryujin, Jinni, and Chaeryeong headed to Gym class.
Bae headed to English class.
Lily headed to Algebra Honors class.
Kyujin already in Biology class.
Haewon already in Music class.
Yeji already in Social Studies class.


*RINGGGGGG* The school bell went off. Signaling that first period was over and it was time for everyone to transition to their next class.

It was just Yuna, Lia, Haewon, Sullyoon, and Yeji walking down the hallways heading towards the same direction for their next class while having a conversation. Police still being on guard and around the school pulling in students one by one and news channel interviewers being annoying as hell, interrogating students for more information.

"This is going to be an on going thing isn't it?" Lia rolled her eyes.
"You already know it." Yeji sarcastically replied.

As the group talked some more down the hallway they eventually passed by Kai and Wonyoung. Talking and being all cuddly with each other at his locker. Making Yuna feel jealous and holding her books tighter to her chest as she walked pass them.

"Ugh if I had the chance to kill that bitch I would." Yuna raised her voice in annoyance, making Lia, Yeji, and Sullyoon snicker at her statement while Haewon looked concern but seconds later showed no emotion.

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