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"Hey where's Kyujin?" Ryujin asked walking up to Lia who was now watching the movie, Halloween.

Lia looked up to dark haired girl.
"I thought she was with you?"

"What? I thought she was down here with you?" Ryujin questioned even further.
"Noo...she went upstairs to see you. You sent her a text to meet her up there, did Sullyoon give you weed also?" Lia looked at her in a funny way. Assuming she was high.

Ryujin arched her eyebrows in confusion.
"I never sent her a text Lia."
"Yes you did. Even Kyujin showed me the text."

Ryujin scoffed in confusion, heading back upstairs.
"Kyujin?" She called out.

Chaeryeong had then walked out the kitchen.
She gained attention from Lia as Lia noticed red stuff on her hands.
"Chae what's on your hands?"
Chaeryeong looked down at her hands. Her eyes widened a bit as she saw what Lia questioned.
"Oh it's just pizza sauce...I was eating some leftover pizza and some of the sauce landed on my fingers. I'll head upstairs to wash it off."

Lia giggled a bit. She turned her attention back to the movie as Charyeong walked upstairs.
Lia was watching the scene of Michael Myers creeping up on Laurie until she heard a sudden scream coming up from upstairs alerting Lia.
"What's wrong!?" Lia shouted out. She settled down the popcorn bowl and rushed upstairs.


Lia rushed upstairs and saw all of the girls with shock and a sadden expression around their faces, surrounding the bathroom door.
"What!?" Lia questioned. Her voice cracked a bit as she was scared to find out what's wrong.
Lia walked up slowly and gently pushed her way through to the front. Seeing Kyujin's lifeless body on the bathroom floor.

"Oh.My.God." Lia's voice trembled.
Ryujin started gagging crazy like a maniac, rushing downstairs to the kitchen and throwing up in the kitchen sink. Feeling sickened at the sight she saw of her crush.
Jiwoo, Chaeryeong, and Sullyoon rushed downstairs to comfort Ryujin. Jiwoo rubbed her back as Ryujin continued to throw up fluids.
Lia, Lily, and Yeji quickly followed downstairs, panicking with the others.

"We have to call the police!" Chaeryeong suggested.
She pulled her phone out her pocket and tried to dial 911 but the phone line disconnected.
"Fuck!! No service!" Chaeryeong groaned in frustration.
"Fine then we'll drive up to the police station." Lily grabbed her car keys that were laying on the kitchen counter and went to the front door.
As she opened the front door, she was met with horror as she found Officer's Kim severed head laying on the doormat.

Lily let out a deep cry slamming the door.

Everyone gasped at her announcement.
Ryujin had straightened up her posture and faced the others.
"One of you is the fucking killer." She spoke.
Everyone turned to her with silence.
"It was only just the 8 of us and then Kyujin ends up dead? really? Unless some other psycho snuck in and killed her one of you lied about being somewhere upstairs and killed her!" Ryujin yelled as tears of anger brimmed up.

"This is insane!! Why would any of us want to kill to Kyujin!! Or Bae, Jinni, Yuna, Kai, Y/n, Wonyoung, and Haewon!?"
Yeji yelled.

"Haewon? Hold up...what do you mean Haewon is dead!?"
Lily looked at her with wide eyes.

Yeji eyes widened as she realized she slipped up.
She looked around frantically as the girls looked at her with either shock or disgust.
Yeji froze for a bit but suddenly rolled her eyes.
"You know what fuck it."

Yeji pulled out a gun and shot Lily in the head.
Screams of horror erupted the room.
She turned the gun to everyone else.
"Welcome to the Big Finale." She let out a crazed smile.

1 killer revealed. 2 more to go.

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