𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙜𝙡𝙖𝙨𝙨 𝙘𝙪𝙥

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Years into the future where Mikey now goes by Sano , and changed to be more hollow. No one remember why he lost his heart . His friend Draken , now sentenced to death. Yet being able to not be touched by the police is something he thinks is cool. He has everything, but not the things he wanted. It felt as if , this was all for nothing.

"You have to warn Mikey about what is going down at the hospital". Takemitchy smiled then shook his hand. "We need to keep Toman and my sister safe".

Present time Takemitchy now:

I run to Mikey's house breathless and scared. He can't go to the hospital with y/n. They both can't go. I knock on the door frantically seeing y/n open it.

"Oh thank god you are here y/n...", she watched me as I soon tried to catch my breath. "Uh Mikey, your friend is here", she yelled across the house and i soon saw Mikey come out with stitches on his nose. I wonder what the story is there ,"Mikey , we need to talk". Mikey looked at y/n and smiled as he closed the door.

"Dude , I was so close to kissing her - what's so important that it can't wait ?". I sighed and stood up a bit more confident yet my voice was still weak. "You cant let y/n go to the hospital today", Mikey was a bit confused and started trying to comfort me. "I think she always goes on Thrusday Takemitchy... I don't think I can't stop her. I can go with her if you think something is wrong ".

I pushed Mikey away from me in anger . He isn't listening to me. "Mikey.. you have to listen to me. Try and distract her. You want your first kiss right ?".

Mikey blushed a little and rubbed the back of his neck "you think she likes me ?", my jaw dropped as I see this boy get distracted on my point. "I don't know- but do want your first kiss ?". Mikey took a moment and thought about my question "I actually want a kiss.. and I crave it from her".

"Ew.. I mean , then whatever you do . Dont let her go into the hospital". Mikey gave me a strong pat on my back and then turned around disappearing into his house.

I hope everything will be okay

Back to you:

"What is wrong with him ? I swear each time I see him he had ran a four miles " I laughed at my comment and then see Mikey thinking hard about something.

"I'm so hungry. Want to grab something ?", once I said those words, it was as if a light bulb went off in his head. "It turns out I was just informed that they aren't letting anyone in the hospital right now. It's a small
out break of a flu. So we should just go out and eat some breakfasts and not go into the hospital". Sounded like a reasonable reason not to go, it has happened before .

"Oh really ? Let me tell Tsuyoi about that", I grab my phone from my pocket and start to dial his number "Ah, no need for that", he pushed the phone down and gave a nervous smile. "I
think I should tell my friend that it's closed". I take his arm away then look at my dead battery.

"You're getting on my nerves today-", my voice was as thick as a brick, and as strong as a bear. But he didn't flinch, he didn't even find me scary. He just smiled

His smile is kinda nice to see

I blush and roll my eyes away from him, "do you need a charger ?", "yeah I do",

"You're gonna have to get it from me"

He started to tease me as he held his charger up above his head "you're such a child Mikey", his arm fainted as I spoke "cause I'm obviously gonna get it". I reached for his hand but he was faster .

"Good one", he ran to his sofa and jumped on the creaking old couch as I chased after him. "I cant wait to see the look on your face when i get the char..." while I got onto the couch my leg tripped over his.

Everything once again was in slow motion, the air underneath me felt as if small butterflies crowded the inside and outside of my stomach. My knee landed in between his inner thighs as he was pinned onto the couch. He gasped at our position and we both paused. The moment felt like a out of body experience as I stared into his dark eyes.

I looked for a while deeply looking at them. I saw nothing , but at that moment I saw something. I saw his weakness. It stared back at me , slowly taunting my existence

"Y/n .. You have to stop putting me in these situations... ", he wrapped his hands around my waist pulling me near his stomach "it's getting harder to resist" , he whispered in my ear having it slowly echo sweet nothingness. My back started to gain goosebumps as his cold finger tips trailed up my back.

"Haha , anyways so what did you want to do today ?", I sat up from the couch being unexpectedly hot from the experience. And he again looked unsatisfied.

He sat up bringing my legs closer to him slowly as his lips started to kiss my cheek and unhurriedly moved them to my ear whispering "you, just you", I blushed more and started to melt into his soft kisses along my ear and neck.
Slightly starting to moan underneath my breath.

"Mikey s..stop.. we cant-", he sighed near my ear and took my un-couraging words as a shot through his heart. "Mhm..."

I broke the silence with an idea "why don't we go to this glass sculpture place ? They have the most coolest tour , and they even let you make a glass cup".

It didn't take him much convincing to go so once we were both in the glass 'shop' a guy around 17 started to start the tour.

He was pretty tall , taller then me and Mikey , had black earrings with dark blonde hair that was curly. Overall his style was horrible . But he's not a bad looking guy ,"hello pretty lady, you must want a nice wine cup to go with your cute figure". I laughed at his words as his hand moved towards my waist slightly but not touchy enough to make me feel uncomfortable.

"Yeah that sounds so..." I felt Mikey grab my wrist pulling me away from the taller guy, who name tag is actually guy.

"Well you see here ... Guy.. y/n and me just want to make some cups , the tour isn't needed". He scoffed under his breath and started walking to the nearest oven.

"This is where you blow into , very slowly and turn it around evenly to have a nice circle. These pliers are used to flatten it and ..."

During the time he was explaining what to do I couldn't help but to look at Mikey, something about him at this moment made him seem so cute. He was just standing there listening to the tour person and somehow that's so attractive.

"Y/n ? He asked if you've done this before .." Mikey hand waved at the front of my face as I bluntly was lost in his looks. "Oh... no I haven't , but I've read articles and saw some videos. So you can go now", I put on the mittens and started dipping the stick into the hot molting glass.

I then waited for my glass cup to dry off. While I let it dry I looked at Mikey almost fail to make the cup "you're so good at this", he scoffed and lightly rolled his eyes. "What ?!?? are you talking ?? Your cup looks so sloppy".

I laughed at his hurtful joke and with a hard pat on the back to show how I felt "you're so funny " , I said sarcastically as he itches the spot in his back I 'patted'

Once he was finished I started to make small little pink flowers as a type of handle for the cup. I quickly ran to the glass cup and had it connect to the other side. "It looks so cute", Mikey laid his chin onto my shoulder as I started to move my hand to the back of his head, slowly moving my nails softly around his scalp.

"As a gift , I'll give it to you. I know it's so beautiful, you might not be able to handle the responsibility", he turned his head around and kissed my cheek. A slight blush always gets printed on my face when he touches me.

"I'll keep it safe , forever"

-𝙃𝘼𝙉𝙎𝘼𝙉𝙊 ༄ 𝗠𝗔𝗡𝗝𝗜𝗥𝗢. 𝗦Where stories live. Discover now