𝗜 𝗸𝗻𝗼𝘄 𝗱𝗲𝗮𝘁𝗵

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When the morning came me and itsuki changed into nice clean clothes and came to the hospital riding my motorcycle.

I arrive to the hospital and see a new girl at the front desk. It's not Lumi anymore ",hello we want to check in to see Kaito in the private room".

"Of course , oh wait before you go we needed to talk about something to you". I waved Itsuki to go see Kaito as I talk to the girl "I already paid for the expeensives in cash, was the money fake or something ?".

"Oh god no ma'am, it's just we noticed weird visits the past week", I came closer to the window that Separated me and her so I can hear her better "what do you mean ?".

"Someone by the name of Tetta Kisaki has been visiting Kaito a lot recently. We never really noticed him before so we had to tell you". I looked at her confused by her words. Who was Tetta Kisaki ? And why does he want to talk to Kaito ?

"Could you not let him in till I find out who he is ? Thank you so much", I started to walk into the hospital rooms but then I was pulled aside by someone "y/n".

His blonde hair that dropped at his shoulders looked damp "Mikey ? What's wrong ?", he frantically inched closer to me softly pressing my lips against his. They felt soft and warm as if he was waiting for this moment for a while, but I couldn't let the kiss go on longer. "Mikey.... I ", Mikey held the back of my neck and brought his lips to me again , this time I let the Soothing kiss go on. His lips collapsed on mine as his tongue slowly touched the rim of my lips tasting the cherry chapstick I had on.

I pulled away breathless and looked down "we have to talk about this later", I cleared my throat and saw his smile "y/n I like you, I liked you ever since you showed your strengths , I've never met someone as strong as me , or as beautiful as you. Please, please hold me in your heart".

I walked away from the situation not giving Mikey a word, I didn't know what to say to him. Yet regarding the situation I was heading to Kaito's room. "What are you thinking Kaito. That's not what happened!" I heard yelling outside his room.

I jogged in as fast as I could seeing Kaito holding a gun. "Y/n , she did this to me. I almost died because of her", he came closer to me shaking his gun.
"You scarified yourself for her Kaito.."
Tsuyoi tried to calm him down while I stared blankly at him.

"No no no no", he yelled while looking at me with so much anger "You killed Kaito , you killed him , you killed me !". I finally had the courage to say something to him ,"Kaito.. i love you. I wouldn't ever try to hurt you like...-", I was cut off by something, a gunshot. I was so surprised I didn't even feel pain or even where it hurt.

My body went cold , and my hand went to my heart, blood. My blood was on my hands. "Why Kaito...". I was on the floor and slowly sat up having the wall against my back waving Tsuyoi over to me. "Don't worry y/n there's a doctor on the way you'll be fine", I smiled at him and took his hand, it calmed his frantic look. "Tsuyoi, I'm dying... the bullet hit a vain to my heart. I can feel my blood wasting away".

He looked at the amount of blood I was loosing by the second and tried to stop it by putting pressure on my wound. This is when I felt the pain , so much pain. "Tsuyoi , listen carefully", I tried to speak while he cried heavily putting his head on my lap "you're going to live. You're going to be okay y/n", he yelled.

I looked at Kaito getting taken away by the police yet it was as if it was all in slow motion. "Tsuyoi look at me", he did crying silently. "You will be the leader of Hansano, i b...I believe you". He started crying more holding onto my hand tightly.

"No no, I can't replace you" he yelled while I started to see black, so much black surrounded me. "Tsuyoi .. tell M...Mikey... I have always felt the same towards him". I closed my eyes, they felt so heavy, then times stopped for me.

I am now dead

Tsuyoi pov:

She closed her eyes and once she did, she didn't pick them up. Mikey ran in and saw me crying trying to put the blood back in her body. "Mikey ", i yelled while crying

"She's dead..." he said while falling on his knees. I nodded while he was on the other side of her body, he lightly moved her chin to see her lifeless body. " her last words were,  I have always felt the same towards him. It was for you Mikey".

He wasn't crying but once I said that he started tearing up and soon yelled out her name as he cried. Why did this happen to her. She was so young.

Time skip to the future 12 years later on the same day:

I looked at a bunch of articles with Naoto , "I cant understand why we cant find anything" he said annoyed while I saw a article about a gang called Hansano. I know them but they aren't as popular as Tokyo manji gang. "Here look one of their allies" Naoto started to speed read the article.

"Yeah but it's just useless crap", I saw a name that I haven't see before "they say  their first leader name was Y/n l/n , but now it's Tsuyoi Hansano. Don't you think that means something ?".

He looked a bit confused by my suspicion but still let me continue "I'll search up the former leader and what happened". He watched the screen as I pulled up a article.

Young girl dies because of a shot to the superior vena cava. Witnesses say 'Kaito Hansano' or what some would say her best friend who was her lover . Shot her at the hospital. She died slowly in her friends arms Tsuyoi.

"Tsuyoi is the current leader now, maybe we should talk to him", Naoto walked back "even though it's a good idea , he wouldn't even know us. Plus he's still a criminal. One of the people who ruined Toman". I spun around in the chair I was in and looked at Naoto.

"I have a plan, hopefully... we won't die".

I go into a dojo, I heard that y/n liked to go there the last time I saw her. Today is the day she died, they might've gone there for a ceremony. I took Naoto to the park and saw three grown men at the dojo. I saw and smelt burning incense, flowers and a photo.

I walked closer to see what the photo was, it was Y/n smiling with three boys.
I walk up to them and cleared my throat. They all turned with tears in their eyes , one stood up and held his fist tightly "who are you ?", he said sternly making me a bit anxious.

"I'm takemichi. I knew y/n ... I didn't know she , passed", a boy with brown hair stood up, "It's weird how when she died , toman went to shit. It's like she was the knot that held it together". He turned around and I knew who he was.

Tsuyoi , he looks so different, so sad. "I tried to make everything back to the way it was but, Mikey was so mad. He didn't know who to blame, he killed Kaito a year ago, once he got out of prison. After eleven years he still didn't get over her death. And he hates us, but he can't kill us because of her. I swear he lost himself once she died".

I looked at the photo again , it was the boys in the photo, Jun, Itsuki, and Tsuyoi. "If only I could go back in the past and bring her back", Itsuki said while gripping onto the flowers he had in his hands.

I lost someone too , hinata. If doing this brings her back, then I'll do it.

I'll save y/n no matter what happens

-𝙃𝘼𝙉𝙎𝘼𝙉𝙊 ༄ 𝗠𝗔𝗡𝗝𝗜𝗥𝗢. 𝗦Where stories live. Discover now