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I ran out of my house and hop onto my motorcycle in a hurry. After 15 minutes I finally got to the police station and barged in breathless. Tsuyoi was glad to see me, but the look on my face showed that I viewed him in a infirm way. I walked to the front desk and stared the lady down.

"Where's Itsuki ?", i said firmly while furrowing my eye brows together. "Like I said you have to wa-". I interrupted her in a hurry "Mother of five , Reji. I know your son , the oldest that gives you money to survive , my money". At that moment her blood ran cold, the person in front of her feeds her family and pays her rent. "your son is sweet, and kind. But you see. I can always take him out of my system, Reji".

Her eyes grew noticing how she isn't in power in anyway , even if she was older. "Let me see Itsuki. Now, that's my last time asking". She hurried to the phone and bowed her head "thank you for providing for my family". I was already mad at the incident and sat down next to Tsuyoi asking him to tell me exactly what happened. Once he was done explaining I was even more upset.

"umm Y/n ? we have a room ready for you".I stood up having my back towards Tsuyoi, "Come on, let's get him out of this mess".

I walk into the grey room. There was a clear plastic window that separated Itsuki from us. He held his head down in embarrassment as me and Tsuyoi walked over to the chairs given to us. "please dont be mad y/n". I was already upset, shaking my leg anxiously trying not to yell at him already. Yet before I could open my mouth Tsuyoi stopped me "He's obviously very upset about the situation. Don't be too upset at him".

I didn't even take Tsuyoi's words to mind as I spoke to Itsuki ",What did you do ?". he avoided eye contact as he held his arm "I didn't do it, you know I wouldn't try to hurt you y/n. Even though I never liked Kaito, he loves you so I respect him . I wouldn't ever hurt him. I swear y/n".

My fist rolled up in a ball as he spoke, I wasn't mad at him, just his carelessness . "What happened to the burner phone I gave you ?". "Oh I lost it a while ago", i sighed trying to find words that Itsuki wouldn't feel hurt or dumb in such ways. "You will use a burner phone to call me. Tsuyoi, and Jun they all have one, and they all use it. I expect the same out of you".

When I looked at him keeping eye contact his expression changed , as if a puppy got reprimanded by its mother. "And hold your head up. You seem weak". I stood up and came closer to the window taking another deep sigh ".You'll be fine Itsuki. I'll take care of everything I swear".

I head back home with my head down. "Why is this happening to me now.." while going through the hallway I hear extra footsteps. They tried to match mine yet didn't do well. I look behind me and see no one. So I started waking ahead once more, and I heard the same footsteps again. "What the fuck...".

I looked behind me again, I still saw no one. I started to open my door and then see someone's shadow behind me. I didn't pause I kept trying to open the door. "Shit I forgot it's locked", I started going through my keys

As quick as I could I jabbed the keys in his leg. Blood started pouring out quickly as I did so "who's with you ?", I pulled his ear down to me. While he screamed in pain. "Shut up. It shouldn't hurt that much...". I moved the key deeper into his thigh and started to twist it slowly . "Who sent you ?".

He couldn't talk because of his own screams. " you're so loud, do you want to go to jail ?", his loud cries became whispers as I spoke "good, now who sent you ?". He whimpered "I don't know, I was on call with them and I was told to hurt you". "That's not a good enough answer ". I pulled the key off of his thigh and made another jab at it "Fuck ! Please stop I wasn't going to hurt you". He screamed while tightly holding onto my shoulder.

He took off his mask and revealed his face . He reminded me of Jun with longer hair and brown eyes "Jun ?". I pulled out the key and watched as he fell slowly to the ground holding onto his thigh.

"No... my name is Baji", he whimpered a bit as he spoke but tried to look professional. "Who sent you then , Baji ?".

"I cant say who", I stepped my foot onto his injury and pushed it onto the ground. He winced in pain as I smiled. This is what I like to see, being in power. "The gang ...Valhalla". My legs went a little weak when I heard the name.


Such a gang that hurt my friend. "That really doesn't help your case". I turn around and started to open the door, he held onto my ankle tightly as I tried to walk inside my house "you're gonna leave me like this ?".

"It'll be best for you and me to pretend that this, didn't happen. Say I wasn't home or something. They'll believe you. Try not to dirty the hallway with your blood. Oh and , don't come back". I closed the door and sighed. "Didnt I see him during the time I met with the Tokyo Manji gang ?".

"Hmm, whatever. I'll ask Mikey tomorrow".

It was now day time and I felt like I had zero rest. I looked at my phone and texted Mikey

Hey I need to talk to you about something, meet me at the dojo we fought at.

I didn't get an answer but I still went . I waited for a while underneath the cherry blossom tree that was next to the dojo. The pedals slowly fell as if the tree was slowly crying.

I looked up and wondered how long it would take for him to come. Then I saw his blonde hair from a distance . I tried not to stare at him as I collected the pedals that fell onto my hand and hair. Counting each one


I counted quietly as if counting them took years off my life. Once he arrived he avoided eye contact and tightly had his arms together as his hands were in his pockets. "Y/n..." , I patted the place next to me and had him sit down. I looked at his face that seemed upset.

"Y/n what did you do". I squinted my eyes confused at his words "what do you mean Mikey ?". He finally looked at my eyes but once he did he looked away "I cant even look at you right now", I heard his heart beat from afar slowly start to slow down seeming I did an action he cant ever forgive, "Mikey what's wrong ?".

"Why did you hurt my friend ?"

-𝙃𝘼𝙉𝙎𝘼𝙉𝙊 ༄ 𝗠𝗔𝗡𝗝𝗜𝗥𝗢. 𝗦Where stories live. Discover now