𝑻𝒊𝒎𝒆 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝒎𝒆𝒂𝒔𝒖𝒓𝒆

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"Hey Mikey. Long time no see right ?"

I stood before the Tokyo Manji gang with a big smile "miss me that much ?", I said with a snarky attitude. Itsuki stood to the left of me while Tsuyoi stood on my right, right now I did get over Kaito's death but this was the first time I saw Mikey after 12 years. I guess it took a little too long "I don't go by Mikey anymore".

"Oh , yeah sure. Anyways"
"Leave us", I say to Tsuyoi who didn't leave at first; yet after a few seconds he followed my command and walked away with all my other comrades.
"Are you going to say goodbye to your friends too Mikey ?"
"I have something to say, privately".

A man who I didn't know stood in front of me "you can say it in front of us".
"Hm...? really now ?", I moved my hand to the man's cheek and punctured a certain spot in his neck. He fell to his knees , I kneeled down to his height and whispered in his ear "this is when you pass out".

He fell down and did exactly so , "Poor kid"
I walked over the man who passed out and made my way to Mikey's gang "now please , leave us be"
"And take him with you", I pointed at the man who was laying down on the ground.

"Listen to her" Mikey said without hesitation when I asked the second time. Someone new interfered and came up to Mikey
"but boss .." . Mikey looked at him with his dark black eyes, the man didn't say anything after that. I could feel how he understood that he should stay in his place. "Yes sir".

They all leave

"Hmm... though I hate you . I feel like we needed to catch up a bit right ?", I sat down in his almost empty big office . He isnt that bigger then me now, meaning popular with people , money, and land. "Why do you hate me y/n ?"
I look at the cup I made him years ago, and the bracelet on his wrist.
He still had all the things I gave him, and on his book shelf I saw a photo of me and him from afar.

What a creep.

"No reason to bring that up now Mikey. What's happening with you ? I heard you're mister big shot", I cross my legs and arms while giving him a fake smile. A fake smile to hide how much I wanted to kill him at that very moment.

"Why do you hate me ? Why are you giving me that shitty smile"
he scoffed and didn't let our eyes meet
"you killed my first love , I couldn't forgive you. I don't think I really did".

"But can't you understand? He was going to kill the person I first ever loved "
he bluntly stated . He got up from his desk and walked over to me , his knees touched the ground as he was in front of me "don't hate me anymore y/n ... I love you. After all these years"
"I still...."
"love you".
He held onto my hands tightly and laid his head on top of knees.

I shook my head and threw his hands to himself
"Man up Mikey"
My statement was meant to hurt his heart deeply as he kneeled near my feet. I stood up and started to walk away from him
"I shouldn't have never came . I'm sorry", before I could walk away I felt his hand hold onto my wrist tightly "I can't let you go this time y/n". He pulled me to him and held onto my waist he laid his lips onto mine , my hands slowly moved to the back of his neck pulling him closer to me. I moved away from his grip and let a breathless tone escape from my lips.

"We shouldn't do this Mikey", he ended my words with a kiss and slowly moved his hands up my shirt , his fingertips exploring my entire upper body. He left our kiss and whispered in my ear "wouldn't that make it so much more fun ", he chuckled soon after and unclipped my bra while doing so.

His lips sucked onto my chest leaving bite marks all over
"I always imagined how you taste but actually tasting you is so much better", he said while picking me up and letting my legs hug his waist "don't say things that make you sound like a pervert. It'll ruin the mood". I said while trying to catch my breath from just his slight touch.

How I slightly rubbed up against his waist made him jolt just a bit , "don't squirm that much ... I'm trying to do something", he said while making my body pled for more with each hickey he gave me.
His lips moving slowly down my stomach leaving me with soft whimpers as I watch him, waiting for me to ask for more.

"Please .. don't make me say it", I closed my eyes enjoying his soft touch , but with each touch I felt like letting go of my body and letting him do whatever he would like with it.
Maybe it was what I wanted from the start.

"You know it's what I want", his voice purposely ringed out while now moving his lips to mine once again, his tongue explored my mouth and tongue.
He made sure that I wanted him just as much as he wanted me. He slowly moved away from the kiss letting our sliva drip away from our tongues. "Hmm, are you just as wet inside as well ?".
he moved his hand to my zipper and slipped his hand inside to rub his thumb against my now wet clit

"Okay fine"
"Please ... please fuck me Mikey", he smiled and picked me up by my waist again putting me on his desk, he removed my pants and underwear with no struggle.

"I've been dreaming of those words coming out from your mouth for a little while", he said removing his belt and pants.
I whisper to myself but soon my words were choked up by the sudden erect pressure of Mikey's dick.

"Hm ? I didn't hear you"
He removed his boxers and started pressing against my entrance only having his tip inside of me. "I said"
While the words slipped out of my lips he moved his waist as deep as he could thrusting most of his dick in me. He keep moving at a steady rate. Enough to make me want to go crazy for more, the words I was about to say were now only soft moans.
"Use your words y/n"
He stated as I moaned underneath my breath holding tightly onto the corner of the wooden desk.

"Fuck Mikey", I grabbed onto his shoulder and pulled him closer to me.
I looked into his eyes to show him how much I was pleased by his touch. While doing so the noise we made were much stronger. The wet claps became louder by the moment.
"Y/n you're so perfect"
He whispered yet loud enough for me to hear. I leaned in for a soft kiss which made him start to throb inside of me.
His moans mixed with mine as we kissed.

"Damn you're getting me so close"
He moaned into my ear as I hugged him tightly to me. The more I moaned near his ear the harder he throbbed, and each time made my insides throb with him.
I squeezed my insides trying to not cum immediately which made him jolt up.
He yelled and held onto my waist tighter trying to control his new urges.
"Who are you thinking of when I fuck you y/n" He whispered once more , I moved my arms to his neck and looked at him with tears slowly leaving my eyes.

I say breathlessly while he wiped the tears away from my cheek "who ?" He asked again slamming harder into me.
"Mikey" I moan out while throwing my head back and having warm cum spill all over him.
"I can't anymore Mikey.."
He stopped seeing how it started spilling over the floor.
"I'm not finished yet y/n"
He slammed into me harder then before, and each time moaned at how effortlessly good he felt inside of me.
I kept moaning with him noticing at how the pain slowly turned into so much pleasure.
"I'm almost there".

He held onto my thighs letting out a warmer liquid spill out of me. Slowly pulling out of me.
We stood there trying to catch our breath , I looked at him while he looked at the floor still trying to get his heart rate down.
I picked up his chin and kissed him again, this kiss wasn't different from the others but this one made my heart skip a beat.
It felt like it mattered way more then the others .
"I can't love you now. But would you give me time so I can ?".

Mikey held onto my hand his eyes grew to a happier measure.
"I want to give you all the time in the word to love me".

The end

-𝙃𝘼𝙉𝙎𝘼𝙉𝙊 ༄ 𝗠𝗔𝗡𝗝𝗜𝗥𝗢. 𝗦Where stories live. Discover now