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𝑑𝑖𝑑 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑎𝑡 𝑙𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑡 𝑘𝑖𝑠𝑠

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...𝑑𝑖𝑑 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑎𝑡 𝑙𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑡 𝑘𝑖𝑠𝑠...

0:58 ──♡───── 3:47

"𝐃𝐄𝐓𝐀𝐈𝐋𝐒!" Anya shouts. "We need details!"

"Who's we?" you ask, unable to contain the permanent smile you've been sporting all day.

"Me and all of these stuffed animals!" she says, holding up her favorite bear.

You give in, rolling your eyes as you say, "Fine, well, we visited a beach."

"Oh my gosh." she squeals. "Did you guys skinny dip?"

"No!" you immediately say.

"Jeez," she huffs. "I was just asking a simple question."

"Will you let me finish first?" you scold. "Save your questions for the end."

"Yes mom," she pouts, sitting cross-legged on your bed.

"So he kept it a surprise from me the entire time. But as soon as we got out of the car, I could feel the cool breeze and smelled the fresh saltwater," you say, smiling brightly.

"How cute," Anya squeals, clutching the stuffed animal and kicking her feet in the air. "But wait, you didn't have a bathing suit."

"Well, we didn't really intend on swimming. He set up a small picnic on the beach complete with champagne, cake, fruit, sandwiches—the whole nine yards!" you explain, replaying the date in your head.

"Shut up," she says in disbelief. "Guren? A romantic?"

"You're telling me," you chuckle. "He must've watched some cheesy rom-com before setting it up."

"So what else?" Anya asks, eager to hear the rest of the details.

"Um nothing," you shrug.

"Nothing?" she repeats.

"We ate, talked about school, our hopes and dreams, aspirations. Those sorts of things," you admit. "It is a bit redundant since we've known each other for a long time, but we're taking baby steps."

"Boring!" Anya groans. "You two are so utterly boring now. I miss the good 'ol days."

You arch an eyebrow and ask, "What are you talking about?"

"When you two had those secret hookups, and you were always flustered. It was so exciting." She frustratedly pulls at her short, fluffy, brown hair. "Now you two are dull."

"That's not fair!" you object. "I just don't want to be seen as an object."

She gives you an intense look before softening her expression and giving you a hug. "I know I'm sorry. I was living vicariously through you."

"Yeah yeah," you laugh, pushing her off.

"Did you at least kiss?" she asks, nudging you slightly.

You gaze at the floor and mumble. "Um..."

"What?" she shouts, nearly falling off the bed. "You are lying."

"It just didn't happen," you shrug. "We were so engrossed in our conversation that—"

"Well, what about when he dropped you off?" she asks, squeezing the bear in an attempt to contain her disappointment.

"We hugged..." you whisper.

"A...hug...?" she asks, incredulously shocked.

"Anya, please," you sigh, rising from your bed and turning on your speaker. "We're taking things slow and, as my best friend, I need you to respect that."

"Sure old lady," Anya huffs, walking out of the room. "Guess I'll have to settle for movies to give me a rush."

"Rude!" you yell as she walks away.

"Don't care!" she shouts, flipping you off.

"This bitch," you whisper, turning your music back on and continuing to clean and organize your room. You want to relax for the remainder of the day because you have a meeting with your professor later today about a research topic for your midterm project.

There still hasn't been any sighting of Haru and you're beginning to wonder if Guren did something.

You contemplate sending Guren a text to see what he's doing, but you don't want to appear annoying and clingy.

"Ugh, why am I overthinking so much now?" you groan, flopping onto the bed backward. You find yourself slowly drifting off to sleep, allowing your overworked brain to rest.


As soon as your alarm goes off, you leap out of bed in a huff.

"Good thing I set that alarm," you vocalize, praising yourself for being semi-prepared. "I just need to freshen up and grab a few things for my meeting."

After packing your laptop and a few other items into your bag, you proceed to the bathroom, brushing your teeth and applying deodorant and perfume, before eventually stepping out of the room.

You don't mind the dreary and uneventful trek across campus as you happen to enjoy the serenity. When the campus is this tranquil, it's easy to relax. To simply sit on one of the pink umbrella-topped tables, put on your noise-canceling headphones, and lose yourself in a good book on a sunny day.
Before you know it, you're in front of the neurology department's building. Checking your phone, you see that you have a few minutes to spare, so you waste no time heading up the stairs to meet your professor.

The door is slightly ajar, but you knock anyway.

"Mr. Kento, it's Y/n," you announce.

"Ahh, Miss Y/n, please come in," he says, his deep voice bouncing off of the walls.

In truth, he makes you nervous, so any kind of feedback or praise from him would boost your confidence and, most importantly, your grade.

He's sat behind the desk, overlooking a few papers. His grey jacket is hanging off the back of a chair in the corner of the room, and his aqua-blue button-up has a few undone buttons. Not to mention that his trademark cheetah print tie, which he always wears to class, is looking less than presentable today.

"Please excuse my disheveled appearance," he apologizes, removing his glasses and adjusting his unkempt tie. "It's been a busy night."

"Oh, would you like me to come back another time?" you ask, fully prepared to leave.

"No," he dismissively waves. "Please sit down so we can discuss your findings."

For the next hour and a half, you two discuss the ins and outs of your research topic and before you know it, the sun has set and the street lamps are lit.

"My my," he exclaims, laughing heartily. "It seems I've gone on for too long about the subject matter. However, as I've already indicated, the scholarly articles that you've presented to me are superb. Notably, the subject of your sturdy intrigues me greatly, and I can't wait to read your report. If you have any questions at all, please don't hesitate to set up another meeting or drop by during my office hours."

"Sure thing," you say with a smile. After gathering your belongings, you stand up and quickly bow before exiting the room.

Once outside, you excitedly rejoice in a successful meeting with your teacher. You're eager to tell Guren all about how well the meeting went, so you take out your phone to call him as you walk back to the dorm.

As you're searching for his contact, a notification from Instagram catches your attention.

A woman whom you don't follow has requested to send you a message, so out of curiosity, you click on it.

"Hi, sweetie. I know you don't know me, but Guren and I are actually seeing each other right now. To be honest, you look a bit pathetic pining for him when he quite literally has every girl on campus wrapped around his finger. But girl-to-girl, I thought I'd warn you. <3 take care love."

2:49 ─────♡── 3:47

apologies for being so late babes, xx

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apologies for being so late babes, xx

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