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𝐼'𝑚 𝑠𝑜𝑟𝑟𝑦 𝐼 𝑟𝑢𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑑 𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑛𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡

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...𝐼'𝑚 𝑠𝑜𝑟𝑟𝑦 𝐼 𝑟𝑢𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑑 𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑛𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡...

0:58 ──♡───── 3:47

"𝐒𝐎 who's Jess?" you ask, not even trying to hide your annoyance.

Guren sighs, putting the phone down and leaning against the headboard. "A girl I used to hook up with," he truthfully admits.

"Used to?" you mock. "Because that text makes it seem like you're still hooking up."

"You don't have to trust me, but I'm telling you the truth. Nothing is going on between us anymore. I put an end to it a few weeks ago when I realized I wanted to be serious about you—no, about us." He murmurs that last sentence, as if he doesn't want to confess it. "As you know, the frat hosted a party tonight, and I promised her weeks ago that I'd show her a good time. But things have changed since then. I had forgotten to call things off with her. I'm sorry Y/n."

You gnaw at your bottom lip, unsure if he's telling the truth or spinning a web of lies. He's never given you a reason to doubt him before, but after the incident with Haru, the Instagram message, and Vanessa, your head was absolutely scrambled. Maybe time alone is the best remedy for something like this, but you didn't want to push Guren away. 

"If you want me to leave—"

"No!" you exclaim hastily, not sure what just came over you. "I-I believe you. If you really wanted to be with her right now then you would. But why did you try to hide the message from me?"

"It's not that I was deliberately trying to hide that message, but I didn't want it to become something bigger than it needed to be. I suppose I should've just been honest with you though," he sighs, raking his large, veiny hands through his silky, black waves. "I'm sorry."

A part of you debates what you're about to do next, but you do it anyway. Remaining silent, you reach for your phone and pull up the Instagram message from earlier to show him. "Is this the same girl?" you inquire, reaching out your hand to hand him the phone. Within five seconds, he returns the phone to you, nodding in affirmation.

"Yeah, that's her. I had no idea how clingy and possessive of me she'd be." He sighs once more. Honestly, his sighs are starting to bother you. "I'll talk to her about this and put an end to it."

"Okay Guren," you flatly say. A part of you is irritated because she ruined your date night, while another part of you feels that Guren is once again playing you like a fiddle. You desperately want to run away to the other room, engulf Anya, and confide in her. But that'll have to wait until tomorrow.

"Talk to me," he begs as he takes your hand in his and massages your thumb. "Tell me what I can do to make it better. I'm not interested in her, I only want you."

"I get that," you reply, glancing at the patterned blanket. "But my mind is a bit foggy right now, and I need time to gather my thoughts. So let's just talk about this later, k?"

You can feel his longing stare boring into your tired eyes, but you don't dare look up, afraid you'll cave if you catch a glimpse of his sparkly, violet orbs. "S-sure," he finally says once he realizes the conversation is over.

Turning over in the bed, you try to create as much distance between the two of you as possible. 

As the bed sinks, Guren's warm, tender lips brush against your temple, attempting to ease your worries. "Goodnight snowflake. I'm sorry I ruined our night."


"I don't know girl," Anya sighs. "I'm still Team Guren. I can see the way he looks at you. He only wants to be with you, and you know that."

"Ugh," you groan, flopping onto her bed. "I know that but I can't ignore the feeling in my stomach that's telling me to pull back and run away."

"How about you let me do some digging on this girl and get back to you later?" she asks, picking up her phone and working her magic. Sometimes it seems as though Anya works as a secret agent for the FBI. 

"Sure," you nod, scrolling through your Instagram feed. 


It's been a little over a week since your incident with Guren. Anya reassured you that nothing was happening between the two after the extensive research project concluded. Regardless, you haven't spoken to Guren since then. He's left numerous texts, calls, gift baskets—you name it, he left it.

With Valentine's Day soon approaching, you debated ending your streak of silence to spend a nice evening out with him. Truth be told, you miss him, a lot. 

Your phone buzzes with another alert—most likely from Guren. Instead of continuing to hide in your room, you decide to go over to the frat house to see him. 

Before heading over, you pick up some of his favorite snacks, to express your sincerest apologies for ignoring him for so long.

The walk from the corner store to his house isn't long, and you enjoy the fresh and brisk winter air. The neighborhood is seemingly quiet, but it's most likely because it's a Sunday, when everyone is either recovering from last night's events or working on homework.

You linger in front of the door for a few moments before finally ringing the medieval-sounding doorbell. After a short time, the doorknob turns, and out steps Guren, sweaty and clad in athletic wear.

"H-hi!" you shyly say, attempting to hide the lust in your eyes. Who knew that being away from him for so long would increase your sex drive?

He rests against the door frame and crosses his arms. A small smirk creeps onto his face as he observes your skittish behavior. "Hi, snowflake."

"I'm sorry," you feign, batting your eyelashes at him. "Please forgive me?" You shove the plastic bag holding his snacks into his chest, hoping to divert his attention to the goodies.

He smiles, pulling you in for a long, warm hug. His compressed black shirt squeezes at his muscles as they wrap around your frame. "There's nothing to be sorry for baby. But I'm happy you're here."

You pull away to glance at his eager face. "Why is that?"

"Because I missed you, dummy," he chuckles, tightening his grip around you once more.

If he could squeeze you any tighter you'd be sure to pop like a balloon. "I missed you too."

The hand that was initially hugging my side comes up to stroke my cheek. He bends near my ear, hovering far enough to allow his soft lips to brush lightly against my ear, sending a tingle down my spine and my pussy.

"Let me show you just how much I've missed you."

2:49 ─────♡── 3:47

happy new year loves <3

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happy new year loves <3

next chapter will have spice!

✔️𝑃𝐿𝐴𝑌𝐵𝑂𝑌  | 𝐼𝐶𝐻𝐼𝑁𝑂𝑆𝐸 𝐺.Where stories live. Discover now