Chapter 4: The Escape

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A few days passed. Shard practiced using his flamesilk and Cherry tried to get a bit better at changing colors like a real RainWing. Doing this was not easy for her, especially since she was half LeafWing. Even though they were busy, they talked a lot, especially about the new dragonet. "When will they get here?" Shard asked for the sixth time.

"I don't know," replied Cherry.

Cherry sighed. It has been three days since we got information about the next dragonet, what's taking Pine so long? This long wait seemed to bother everyone. Cherry overheard Starflower and Stonefly talking about the new dragonet and Shard was mumbling to himself about the dragonet a lot.

Finally, on the fourth day after he left, Pine's voice rang out like a siren, "STARFLOWER! STONEFLY! SNOWSTAR! THE NEW DRAGONET IS HERE!" Cherry and Shard dashed out of their room, through the halls, and into the entrance of the cave.

The same entrance coincidentally that Cherry had been brought through when she was kidnapped.

There was Pine, standing at the entrance to the cave. Right next to him stood an IceWing dragonet looking scared and confused. Starflower, Stonefly, and Snowstar appeared out of the other tunnel that led to their bedrooms.

"Where am I? Why did you take me here?!" screamed the IceWing, pushing Pine away from him.

"You'll get answers later. Why don't you say hi to the other dragonets?" Pine said, oddly calm.

The IceWing glared at Pine with pure hatred as he reluctantly walked over to Cherry and Shard.

"Hi," he said lamely, rolling his eyes. It was obvious he was only doing this because he was forced to. In a lower voice he whispered, "Why are we here?"

"I'll tell you once we head to our rooms," Cherry whispered back.

A few minutes after the guardians introduced themselves, the dragonets showed the Icewing his room.

"Hi, I'm Cherry, and this is Shard," Cherry said brightly. Shard nodded.

"Just get to the point! Why are we here?" asked the IceWing.

"Well, since you are a part of the prophecy, I thought we could be friends." Cherry said coldly, "Anyways, we're here because of a prophecy. If you didn't get that already."

"What's the prophecy?"

"We don't know yet. The guardians are telling us once everyone gets here."

"Everyone?! What's that supposed to mean?"

Cherry ignored him. "How's life back home?" She asked.

"My parents are mean, but I can live with it. It's pretty good. The queen is pretty nice, and so are my grandparents," he said proudly. Cherry frowned, and so did Shard. Yeti looked confused.

"Wait! You still have both your parents!? And you know the Icewing Queen?! And she's nice?!?!" Shard gasped and scowled at him.

Yeti looked taken aback.

"Sorry, it's just that Shard lost his dad when he was protecting Shard from his queen. I was taken by Starflower at a young age and never met my family," Cherry said hoarsely. Tears welled up in her eyes.

"Oh," Yeti sighed.

"It's fine," Cherry said, sniffling.

A few hours later, as they were eating dried mangos that Cherry burned to a crisp, when Cherry asked, "Who do you think the next dragonet will be, as in what breed."

"I think a SandWing," replied Yeti.

"Probably a SeaWing," Shard said, probably just to annoy Yeti.

"It could be a hybrid, and I thought it might be a SandWing SeaWing hybrid," Cherry said.

"Isn't a SandWing SeaWing hybrid a MudWing though?" said Yeti jokingly. He chuckled to himself, but Shard just started glaring at him.

"What's wrong with you?" Cherry asked, elbowing him. Instead of answering he just finished his burnt mango and stormed out of sight. Yeti's smile faded, and he looked down.

"You too? Seriously?" she said, following Shard out. She followed Shard out into the hall, but he was gone. Suddenly the cool breeze from the entrance stopped. She raced towards it and found Snowstar.

"Have you seen Shard?" she asked

"He disappeared through the doorway just a second ago. I don't know where he is," Snowstar calmly replied. "On the contrary. PINE!!!!!!!!!!! SHARD RAN OUT THE DOOR!!"

"THREE MOONS?! DID YOU JUST SAY HE RAN THROUGH THE FLOOR?!?!?!?!?!" Pine frantically screamed back.


"Hold on! I'll get Starflower and Stonefly! Bring Yeti and Cherry! We can't leave them by themselves!" Pine shouted. He ran to them, panting.

He was holding a sack.

When she asked he murmured, "Just in case." Starflower came up next, grabbing Yeti by the arm. Stonefly appeared last carrying a large bag of fruit. Snowstar shoved the boulder aside and flew out, the others on her tail. The sky was pink and yellow, without a cloud for miles.

"Split up! Pine and Yeti follow me that way! Starflower, you take the rest!" Snowstar shouted before disappearing into the trees. Cherry, Starflower, and Stonefly continued flying straight until there was no light left in the sky. Finally when the first moon rose above the trees, Starflower told them to stop.

"We will rest until first light," She finished with a yawn. Cherry landed in the nearest tree and sighed. Her wings ached and her mouth was dry. Her scales felt like they were on fire. She climbed on to the top two branches and with a yawn fell asleep. 

Why have so many chapters ended with Cherry falling asleep or being knocked out? Lmao

I guess we were in a sleep happy mood when we wrote those chapters. I mean like what student isn't sleep happy?

Sorry for not posting in a while, we had standardized testing today and again next week so posting might be more scare. 

Thx for reading! 

-Legend Kitten out

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