Part 3 Friends and Enemies

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Part 3

Friends and Enemies

Chapter 20

The Seer's Sickness

Cherry rushed through the library doors. She raced through the hundreds of shelves. Finally, she saw her friends. Blackpearl was propped up on a chair. Her eyes were closed but her body thrashed wildly. Cherry ran towards her side. Boriel stood next to her along with the rest of her friends and her father.

What's happening? She thought. If it was a disease or plague wouldn't everyone else around her have caught it by now? Her thoughts raced.

Suddenly she had an idea. "What are her symptoms? We could look up what disease she has! I'm sure at least one scroll has the answer!" She cried.

"S-she has a f-fever and I think she h-has a headache," Boriel whispered softly, panting. Cherry nodded and started to back away from them.

Amber shot her a 'Seriously why now?' look. Cherry pointed at the books, and Amber, having received the message, mouthed oh.

Oak led the way to a shelf in the corner. There were little tags describing the illnesses on the shelf, and on each shelf were books about the illnesses that had the symptoms.

Cherry searched frantically for the right scroll. Amber gasped, and Cherry looked at her. She was holding a scroll that said, Magical illnesses: Seer's Sickness; Symptoms:



Loss of breath


Constant Visions

"How do you fix it? How do you save Blackpearl!?" Cherry cried, peering over Amber's shoulder.

"It doesn't say anything about that. But it does say that it's caused by an overload of visions which is caused by a trigger word," Amber informed her. "It's supposed to be very painful." Boriel sobbed.

Cherry groaned. What were they going to do? "Keep looking, if they have a scroll of her sickness, they must have a scroll with the antidote!" Cherry said, hurriedly

Oak sat, thinking. Then he snapped his claws together, and went, "Ah!"

Oak flew onto one of the bookshelves and rummaged around. Cherry flew up to join him. He opened a secret compartment, and lifted a big book out.

"Ever since The Shadow started invading, you need to watch your most prized possessions!"

Cherry and Oak flew down and joined the others.

He showed Cherry the cover. It was a leatherbound book with a drawing of a happy dragon with a mixing bowl, surrounded by vials of potions. The title was in large, loopy letters. "Aloe Vera's Guide to Treatments and Antidotes," Cherry read aloud, "This is perfect! Now let's see, animal bites... broken bones... carnivorous plant wounds... Ah! Magic induced fits and illnesses, page 498!" Cherry enthusiastically flipped through pages until she got to page 498. " OK, this is the one, right? Seer's sickness. It says there is only one cure; you must get a wild berry, located in the LeafWing's forest, some talon leaves, and some moonlight powder from a moon crystal of the oldest NightWing village."

Yeti started to freak out. "How are we going to get those things? We're in the RainWing forest, not the LeafWing forest!"

Cherry answered, "True, but I can just use my animus powers to get that stuff!"

"I don't think you should be using your powers," Boriel murmured.

"Even to save Blackpearl?" Cherry asked, even though she already knew how Boriel would respond.

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