Chapter 7: Skirmish at the Tower

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"What!?" Cherry, Shard, Yeti and Amber cried in unison.

Cherry stubbled back and continued."You can't make us!"

"We've already packed your sacks. There are lemons, burnt mangos, and a couple vegetables. The bags are in your room and you can pick them up on your way out. We'll disguise you as well," Pine explained like it was already decided.

"No we'll never do that," Cherry said, desperation in her voice."And besides, Shard will obviously bring his monkeys and they don't eat lemons."

"Then we'll make you steal," Stonefly growled. "Plus Shard isn't bringing the monkeys. You guys are getting ready right now. I don't care if Snowstar has to drag you every step of the way," she held up a sack of blueberries.
Cherry watched as Shard was painted into a perfect Seawing. Then Starflower started on her. The paintbrush tickled as it went over her scales, concealing her in a layer of paint. Shard was painted an indigo and murky blue color with spots looking like little sapphires on his scales and little colors of white and green on his wings and underbelly. Cherry was a nice turquoise color and with a light green blue color on her face and wing tips. "You look beautiful," Shard complimented. Then he realized what he said and blushed. Cherry could feel blood rushing to her face.

"Time to set off," Starflower said, completely ignoring Shard. Starflower had told them to go out through the main entrance and fly north towards the ocean. "The tower should be guarded by a couple guards, some of which will be underwater."

"But how will we breathe?" Shard asked.

"Oh right! Take these pearls. As long as you hold on to them you'll be fine. They'll also help you find who you're looking for," Starflower said. "There's no time to lose, off you go," she concluded, pushing them out. The open sky welcomed them as they flew toward the ocean. The sun was barely lightening anything up. One of the moons was already within view, towering over the mountains. Then the ocean came into view.

It was a beautiful blue going as far as the eye could see. The beaches were glowing pink in the sunset. A tower on an island was in the distance.

"How are we going to get through that tower?" Cherry said.

"There are like 10 guards!" Yeti added.

"Well, don't we look like Seawings?" Shard said jokingly, nudging Cherry.

Cherry pushed him back. "They probably won't just let any Seawings in,"Cherry reminded him. Shard stopped smiling instantly, his wings drooped. "Just act like you're there on the queen's orders. If we can't get through I'll hold them off. You get Blackpearl,"Cherry said, sighing. Shard nodded, looking towards the ground. Cherry took off, letting the wind carry her towards the island. She saw Shard's shadow behind her. But the guards saw her too, and flew up to greet them.

"Never seen you guys around here. I know every Seawing I see," The Seawing said, narrowing his eyes. The other guards were standing guard outside a tall, arched gate. It was connected to a fence that ran along the island. It was made of what looked like whale bones, with pearl door knobs and an outline of blue and green gems. Fancy for a prison, Cherry thought. She returned her attention to Shard and the guards.

"The queen sent us," Shard said awkwardly. He puffed out his chest, trying to look tough. "Yeah," he said in a deep voice. "Told us to check on the prisoner." This is going badly. Cherry thought. The guard looked skeptical.

"Well I have a list down there," He said pointing, "The queen sent it herself! What are your names? I'll check it." He motioned to another dragon, holding a list. They flew upwards, nearly crashing into the first dragon.

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