1. Oh Crap

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     Unfortunately, this is my first book. You'll have to be patient with me. I just could not leave the idea of Xisuma and Joe struggling to babysit the other hermits. I would have put all the hermits, but that is just too many characters to handle. Maybe once I get the hang of this I will. The ages are; Xisuma 17, Exarel(EvilX) 10, Grian 8, Mumbo 9, Iskall 11, Cleo 9, Impulse 10, Doc 11, Ren 9, Wels 10, Hels 10, Joe 17, Scar 8, Pearl 10, Tango 10, Bdubs 9, False 9, Stress 9, Keralis 10, Gem 9, and Joe 10. The story starts as Xisuma and Joe enter the daycare to find the children, or what they called demons, they were stuck with for the next few hours. This is in a Minecraft perspective, but there is no respawn. (Cover not drawn by me.)

     POV Xisuma. 

     As I walk in the cute pastel blue walls, I only see prison. Great. I wanted to spend the day with my friends, but instead I'm babysitting a bunch of nightmares. At least Joe decided to help me. I don't think I would be able to do this on my own-IT'S ONLY BEEN TWO MINUTES. 

I run as fast as I can towards the screaming kid named Scar, who is yelling about how a cat scratched him. Stress-at least I think that's her name-is bandaging the wound with mashed potatoes and a coconut shavings, causing Scar to scream more. The twins-Wels and Hels- are desperately chasing the cat down, Hels trying to set the cat on fire while Wels is trying to make sure that the cat was fire-less. The cat lets out a frantic screech in panic as Ren, a kid with dog ears and a tail, leaps t'wards it, barking wildly, causing the terrified stray to run into a wall. Scar is now crying that the cat got hurt, Wels and Hels are shrieking while wrestling on the floor, the zombie girl known as Cleo is preparing a pentagon, reciting an unknown ritual, while False somehow has an enchanted sword, is chanting "FIGHT" over and over. Joe and I franticly race from kid to kid trying and failing to get order. 

     What did I get into? 

     Ten minutes later and eleven promises of ice cream, we finally got everything in order. Actually scratch that, where did an explosion come from. I run outside as Joe pretends that there was no explosion, and that it was just Grian's pet bird who had a major case of diarrhea. I open the door to the backyard, and get greeted by-a rocket. Grian is in the rocket ship, yelling out from the window, "Take me to Amongus!" 

     Doc and Mumbo grin ear to ear, lighting a piece of redstone, starting the countdown. I panic, and with some quick thought, I run at the spaceship, locate Grian, and attempt to pick him up and get out of the ship. Though Grian had other plans. He ran as soon as he saw me, to higher and smaller stages of the rocket, shouting "THAT'S A LITTLE SUS," as I follow behind him. I feel the homemade aircraft shake, and the redstone powered engines roar to life. Grian trips and falls in the minor tremor, and a race up to him, grab him, and run as fast a I can out of the death machine. Just as it starts to take off, Jevin does a backflip into the rocket. Somehow, the thing takes of, but Jevin does not have a good grip and goes flying back down the the ground. He kersplats on the grass, splitting into many fleshy blobs. They start to squirm back together, as I watch in horrified interest. Once they reassemble into Jevin again, I stare in horror at what I had just seen.  Grian takes off across the dirt, "Aggressively pokes Cleo with a knife," and slices Jevin back into pieces. 

     "Why......" I ask, not really to Grian, just in general. Grian grins widely and says, 

     "I was the imposter all along." 

     "I didn't sus you at all!" Cleo exclaimed from the ground, with the knife in her forehead, just sticking out. Yet another explosion goes off as the rocket smashes into the swing set. 

     Everybody is suddenly teleported into the daycare, circled around a table with one large, red button smack in the middle, as Mumbo shrieks "EMERGENCY MEETING!" From the top of the table, a very surprised False holds a knife to Tango's throat. She looks around, and casually puts the knife down, steps down from the table, stands next to everyone else, and says,


    "TANGO SUS." Grian declares. 

     "Why?" Impulse questions Grian. 

     "He's Tango?" Grian so smartly replies. 

     "Good enough for me." Hels agrees. "I vote Tango" 

     "Uhm-uh-wh-why" I stutter. This is fine. Totally fine.  

     That was fun. 

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