5. The Kids Shenanigans

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     Sooooo, ˧∷ɾ¦⧶ and I were making a Chaos Creator. Basically, it chooses a name and and event randomly, and I have to write a paragraph about it. ˧∷ɾ¦⧶ is actually going to make an appearance in her own book! Magical! Anyways, enjoy. -⍊¦⍊¦


     ⍊¦⍊¦. Grian makes a fish tank. Finally some Grian POV

     Thinking to myself. I do that a lot. This time, I'm thinking I like fish. Everyone likes fish. What if, I gave everyone fish! Yes, the perfect thing to do. No one can get mad at me, because they will love the fish! 

     I need to get water. I walk over to the sink. I shove the sponges down the drain, and turn on the water. Perfect. Now, I need the fish. I know! I can just go over to the lake! There are fish in there! I run to the lake with my bucket. I scooped up a pretty yellow one, a blue one, and a red one! That should be good! I also found one with lots of teeth, and it was cool, so I got it also. Perfect! When I got back, there was water everywhere. It was about two feet deep. "Be free fishies!" I giggle. "Be free!" Xisuma is gonna love it! 

     "How did he even do this!" Xisuma says, while splashing about. 

     "I don't know!" Joe responds. 

     "Now we have to clea-OW" Xisuma yelps in surprise, "THERES A PIRANHA!" 

     "HOW DID HE GET A PIRANHA!" Joe is now freaking out. 

     "I DON'T KNOW!" Xisuma yells. Yay! They love it! 

     ⍊¦⍊¦. Mumbo commits a crime. Wait what-Mumbo POV

     I need more redstone. Xisuma keeps taking it away! Everyone's distracted by Grian's fishes. Now is the perfect time to go get some. I sneak out the door. OW. I tripped. They still don't see me. I made it out! Yes! There's a redstone shop down the street. I walk through an ally in the back. There's a back door! It's not locked! I walk inside. There's so much redstone! Observers, comparators, redstone torches, and even dispensers. Wow! Wait, what is that noise? Someone's coming to the back. PANIC. I run as fast as I can away. Go, go, go! I make it back into the daycare. OW. 

     "Xisuma a fish bit my leg!" I start to cry. "WAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH" 

     ᶖ⍑ꖎ੭ᒷ. Scar gets a hold of a knife. I finally exist even though ⍊¦⍊¦ put this here-Scar POV:

     ⍊¦⍊¦. Cleo blows up. I don't watch Cleo sorry-Cleo POV 

     I like death. What causes the most death? Explosions. I need to cause an explosion. That'll be fun! What do I need? I know! I grab the fire extinguisher. Wait, the oven needs a passcode! Noooo! Oh well. I guess using the oven to blow things up is a bad idea. I should use the microwave! I climb up to the counter, and set the timer to one minute. Just as I close the door, Joe walks in. He looks at me. I look at him. He looks at me. "Oh no." Joe lunges at me and yanks me away from the microwave. BOOOOOM. 

     "Yay!" I cheer. "Big boom! Did anyone die?" 

     "No, everyone was far away." Xisuma starts to examine the damage. 

     "Aww." I say, downcast. "I'll go get another, we can try again!" 


     ⍊¦⍊¦. Hels. Just Hels. Need I say more-Hels POV

     I like fire. Fire is cool. Everyone is scared of fire, but I like fire. The way it burns is just calming! Everyone is supposed to be asleep for nap time, but I'm not sleepy. Maybe fire will help me sleep! I have matches and gasoline in my backpack, I can use that! I pour the gas on my little bed. It smells weird, but it's worth it. Then I take the match, and leave it on the bed. The flames burst around me, and I close my eyes. So comfy. Within a few seconds, I fall asleep. 

     POV SWITCH-Xisuma POV. 

     Why do I smell smoke? The smoke detectors would go off if there was a fire, wait, I had those removed. Mumbo and Iskall kept stealing the parts. Let me just check on the kids anyway. WHY IS A BED ON FIRE. HELS NO. I race to the kitchen, and grab the, nope, Cleo blew it up. I run back, to see if I can do anything to put the fire out, my brain going a million miles an hour. It stops for a few moments when I see Hels sit up and yawn. Wait, what? These kids are weird. 

     ⍊¦⍊¦. Grian drinks bleach. Minor angst. Precious bean noooo-Grian POV 

     I'm thirsty. I'm not allowed near the faucet after earlier. Why didn't they like the fish? I will never understand adults. What else is there to drink? Hmm. Cleo blew up the fridge, so I don't think anything will be in there. Maybe in the cabinets? Perfect! A white bottle! Kind of looks like milk, but milk belongs in the fridge. I take a sip. Weird. Must be something adults like. Oh well, I'm thirsty. I take another big gulp, and then put it back. A few seconds later, I feel dizzy. Probably nothing. I take another step, but I feel even more dizzy. I think I fell over. Xisuma rushes over to me. I definitely fell over. 

     "Grian, what's wrong?" I try to answer, but I can't. "Joe! Grian needs help!" 

     "What did he do n-" Joe stopped in his tracks when he saw me. I was barely holding on to being awake at this point. Actually, I don't think I want to. Sleep just seems so nice right now. . . . 

     POV Xisuma. 

     Grian drank bleach. He drank bleach-WHY WOULD HE DRINK BLEACH. I was still mad at him for the aquarium earlier, but now I can't be. He just looks so fragile in the hospital bed. He was my responsibility. I should've kept the bleach in a better spot, I should've been watching him, I should've, done, something. Anything. I feel terrible. The doctors say he will be fine, but that doesn't make me feel any less guilty. His parents didn't even show up. Oh Grian. You adorable, lovable, little demon. Please get well soon. 

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