4. I Was Not Prepared

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I am writing this immediately after the last part. 


     I was so not prepared. Then again, who would prepare for a daycare to be taken hostage. Now the kids have guns, I have to tell the police what happened, and I don't even know what happened. Exarel kept being rude to them, Cleo snuck behind one poor guy, and I think she bit him. Grian's dragon carried one off. I don't even know how it got in here. Impulse put one in the walls(without a hole in the wall, I had to call the fire department to get him out), and Stress started screaming so loud, the criminals thought the police were coming. So that happened. 

     "Mumbo put down the RPG." I hear Joe say. WHAT-

     "But I made it." Mumbo replies. 

     "Can I have a turn?" Exarel eagerly begs Mumbo. "Can I please have a turn?" 

     "Mumbo that's dange-" Joe gets cut off by a bang, followed by the sounds of clattering. Mumbo fired it. 

     "Mumbo I just remade the place!" I raise my voice at him, fuming inside. 

     "WaaaaaaAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" Dangit! Now he's crying! 

     BANG. Oh, I forgot that they all have guns. I was so not prepared. 

     "I'm making human roast, who wants some?" CLEO NO- 

Sorry it's short, I try to have one major event every part, and once the hostage situation was resolved, I didn't know what to put. Then again, with so many crazy redstoners, I can just put one of them doing something crazy. Next part will be full of random things from all the hermits involved, so hope you enjoy it. 

Edit: Thank you for 69 reads! I got on at the perfect time, and now we have this. 

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