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Hello there.

I've missed this world. The one that I created and have watched you all react to. It's amazing how things change over time. Before I left, this story only had a couple hundred views and almost ten comments. Now this place is a fucking amusement park.

You may be wondering where I've been. Or rather, where this story has been. Basically, I couldn't decide what shirt Phil should wear, resulting in me giving up on life.

Okay, in all seriousness, I've been in recovery for the past year. It's been a long process, but I think I'm ready to go back to doing the things I love. And one of them being, writing this story.

I've had to go back and read everything to become familiar with the plot again, and while doing that I came across your comments. Oh god . . .

Firstly, let me just say that I wrote this story before "Daddy" became some really creepy term around the internet, and now I feel like I'm violating Iris for having her use that as Phil's name.

Secondly, why the fuck are you naming these *star* things? Billy? Ronald?? What even???

And why do you guys read this at such bad times in weird places? You're going to actually bite your hand off someday if you keep this up.

Also, which one of you little shits thought up the term 'phanbulance'? There may be free health care here in Canada, but we still have to pay for the ambulances. Seriously guys, quit giving me the bills!

Lastly, I would just like to inform you that I will break the fourth wall as much as I want. SUCK ON THAT YOU DICK WAGONS.

Okay I am done.

It'll take me a little time to write up the next chapter, but I just thought I'd let you guys know that I'm back and ready to ruin your lives again. So, leave some suggestions of what you'd like to read!

(And if you're wondering about my "Phandom School" idea, that's put on hold. I'm taking things one step at a time)

That's it I guess. Gooooodbye!

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