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Iris informed Dan and Phil at literally the last minute that Skye would be coming over. Dan was a bit hesitant, but Phil convinced him it's alright.

"Wow this is big, I'm meeting your parents." Skye playfully bumps Iris as they enter the lift.

"Oh, shut up," Iris laughs, pushing the button. "Didn't you already meet them?"

"Not like this," Skye replies. Sarcastically sighing, she dramatically puts the back of her hand against her forehead, "This is stressful."

"Oh my god," Iris suddenly has an idea, "We can make a video together!"

"Yes!" Skye beams, turning towards Iris and doing that girly thing where you hold their hands excitedly. You're probably supposed to squeal too, but Skye ain't about that life. *Wow this book used to be written so professionally; what happened?*

The elevator comes to a stop at Iris' floor, and the two girls make their way down the hall. Skye had somehow forgotten to let go of one of Iris' hands, so ironically enough, she decides to intertwine their fingers. Iris barely reacts, just holding her hand back.

Not having a key with her, Iris knocks on the door to her flat. Seconds later, Phil greets them with a smile. Iris drops Skye's hand immediately.

"Hey Iris, long time no see," Phil jokes. "And hello there, Skye! Nice to see you again!"

"Hello Phil," Skye replies shyly.

Stepping away from the doorway, Phil invites them inside. Before Iris can ask where Dan is, the young man comes around the corner in his pajamas.

"Hi dad!" Iris greets, at the same time Phil laughs and says, "Dan! We have a guest! Why're you in pjs?"

"Oh jesus, don't say pjs!" Dan's face looks disgusted, "It makes me think of Peej. And being inside him doesn't sound very delightful."

"Dad, we haven't even been here for five minutes and you've already made this extremely awkward!" Iris laughs.

"When does he not make it extremely awkward?" Phil asks with a smile.

"Hey! At least-"

"Hey!" Iris mocks, "Let's not start a fight."

"Alright." Phil turns to Skye, "Have you had supper yet?"

No. Skye thinks to herself. "Yes."

"Come on, Dan," Phil grabs his boyfriend's hand, pulling him into the kitchen. "Let's go make us some food!"

"Something tells me it won't be food they'll be making," Skye mumbles, causing Iris to burst into hysterics.

"Oh my god." Iris grabs her stomach, recovering from the laughter. "Let's go to my room, eh?"

"There's that Canadian accent." Skye smiles, following Iris down the hall.

Iris opens the door, and the first thing that falls out of Skye's mouth as she enters is, "Isn't this Dan's room?"

"That's what he wants you to think," Iris says, opening the window. "It's actually mine. He sleeps with Phil.

"Right! Wow that didn't even cross my mind." Skye says, then shivers a bit, "Jeez, it's cold, Iris. Why're you opening a window?"

"I find it quite warm." Iris says, looking out at the snow on the ground. She then turns around and notices the blond is shivering. Walking over to her dresser, she opens a drawer and pulls out a tie dye crewneck, handing it to Skye. "This one's my favourite, it'll keep you warm."

"This one's your favourite?" Skye asks, pulling it over her head. "Awe, I feel special."

"You are." Iris quietly responds with a smile, admiring how well the pastel colours look on Skye.

"Are you checking me out?" Skye asks, striking a violent pose.

"Shut up," Iris giggles, rolling her eyes. She goes over to her desk and picks up her camera. Placing it on the tripod, she looks to Skye, "You ready to make a video?"

"What will it be about?" She asks.

"Uh . . ."

"Let's tweet it out and ask." Skye suggests, pulling out her phone. Iris does the same, opening Twitter and typing:

About to make a video with @CollideWithTheSkye !! What should we do?

"Everyone's replying with 'Kiss' or 'Have sex'" Skye laughs.

"Oh god," Iris replies, then laughs at Skye's newest Tweet:

stop telling us to kiss u onions.

She then spots sight of a good suggestion:

Do the best friend tag! @Surpriris @CollideWithTheSkye

"Look at this one," Iris shows Skye the Tweet.

"Yes! Let's do it!"

The two girls take a seat on Iris' bed - which no longer has the black sheets as viewers would immediately recognize it as Dan's room if it did - facing the now recording camera. Skye let's out a small laugh, turning to Iris. "This is where the magic happens?"

"Please, the only magic that's happened is you walking through that door." Iris giggles, pointing to the closed entrance.

"I'm sure your parents have made some magic in this bed," Skye wiggles her eyebrows.

"Ew, shut up!" Iris says with a smile, playfully pushing Skye off her bed. The blond is knocked over easily, though she pulls Iris down with her. The two laugh as they hit the floor, thin limbs tangling as Iris falls on top of Skye, having just enough to time catch herself by putting her two hands beside Skye's head.

"Hey Green Eyes, looks like you top!" Skye says between laughter.

"Shut up," Iris smiles.

"Make me."

Taking her word for it, Iris begins to slowly lean down, pretending to close her eyes. Skye closes her eyes as well, though just as their lips are millimeters apart, Iris begins to laugh and pull away. "I'd miss your voice too much."

Skye opens her eyes, blushing a bit as she giggles.

"Skye Pereira, is that a blush I see?" Iris mocks.

"What if I say yes?" Skye mocks in reply.

"Then I . . . Don't know how this ends." Iris laughs, getting up off the floor and helping Skye along the way.

Skye laughs too, "Let's just make the video, we can make out later."

Iris' eyes widen, causing Skye to laugh harder. "Okay- well- uh-" Iris stutters.

"Sit down, Green Eyes." Skye says in a deep sexual tone, patting the bed.

Oh god.

I figured I'd end it here or else I'd end up with the longest chapter in the universe. God I love writing Skyris moments! And can I just confess that every single time I write a chapter, I accidentally spell Iris' name as Itis. Damn my keyboard. Anyvray, even more Skyris in the next chapter. Muahaha!

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