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Skye kisses Iris awake, "Good morning, Green Eyes."

Iris laughs, her voice a little raspy, "Gosh, you scared me!"

"Sorry beautiful," Skye apologizes.

"Someone's flirty," Iris winks, sitting up in bed.

"Shut up," Skye jokes back, kissing her softly.

The two girls eventually get out of bed, Iris suggesting they go get breakfast. Before they can leave the room, though, Skye fusses about needing to put on longer pants.

She dresses herself in the same black skinny jeans she wore yesterday, throwing on one of Iris' t-shirts. The shirt starts out as blue - the same shade as her eyes - at the top, fading out to white at the bottom. She also borrows a hair-tie, pulling all of her hair - except her bangs - up into a messy pony-tail

"I'm going to the bathroom to take off this shitty makeup," Skye informs Iris, referring to the makeup she still has on from yesterday.

"Okay babe, I'm going to change then." Iris says, kissing her cheek.

"Wait," Skye stops in the doorway, "Did you just call me babe?"

"Yes; problem?" Iris asks with a cheeky grin.

"No, I like it." Skye blushes, slightly hiding her smile with her fingers in a shy kind of way.

When Skye leaves to go to the bathroom, Iris takes this time to change. She slips into a pair of black and white vertically-striped leggings, along with a black Drop Dead crewneck. She quickly brushes her dark hair, pulling a black toque onto her head to control its natural waves. When Skye finally comes back, the two girls make their way to the breakfast bar.

"''Morning," Phil greets, not bothering to turn around as he's in the middle of cooking pancakes.

Iris smiles, even though he can't see it. "Good morning, Daddy."

"How was your sleep?" He asks, serving up the first batch.

"Great!" Iris replies, then stares at the pancakes in front of her. She begins to drown them in syrup, though she stops abruptly when Phil speaks.

He places his elbows on the table, chin sitting on his hands. "Dan and I heard the weirdest thing last night,"

"Yeah?" Iris' voice cracks.

"Yeah," Phil smiles, "It was like, the sound of . . . kissing."

"Well, isn't that strange," Iris mumbles, going back to preparing her pancakes.

Phil begins, "So-"

"Good morning, love birds!" Dan shouts, entering the room with much sarcastic enthusiasm. "We heard everything last night! Was it satisfying, Iris? Was it everything you've ever dreamed of? Aren't you just so happy that your room is right next to ours so we could hear everything that happened?"

"Shhh, Bear." Phil whispers, coming around to embrace Dan's side. "You're making it sound like they did a lot more than kiss!"

"Can we just eat our breakfast in peace, please?" Iris asks, clearly irritated. "I'll talk to you idiots about this later, okay?"

Dan and Phil answer together, "Okay."

After breakfast, Skye and Iris go into town. They walk hand-in-hand down the pavement, swinging their intertwined fingers between each other. They giggle softly at little jokes and puns they make, genuinely finding the other funny. That's something Iris really likes in a person; a sense of humor.

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