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If I mean anything to you I'm sorry but I've made up my mind.'

I knew something was wrong right away. That Tweet was like a wake up call for me. I jump out of my hospital bed and run out the creaky door. I don't care if it's curfew now, this is an emergency. The nurses have to let me go.

I knock at the door to the nursing station, immediately being greeted by Eleanor, my favourite nurse. I have to admit, I'm quite lucky to have had her answer. If I were dealing with any other nurse, I doubt they'd go along with what I'm asking for.

"Hello Skyelar." Eleanor greets with a friendly smile, "What can I do for you?"

"Eleanor, I don't have much time," I say with a stern voice, "My friend is in danger and I need to go help her. Now."

"I don't know-"

I cut her off, looking straight into her hazel eyes. "This is an emergency."

"Okay," She agrees, grabbing her jacket off a hook. "How far?"


"That's almost a four hour drive!" Eleanor remarks.

"It's an emergency!" I repeat.

"Alright," Eleanor grabs her car keys, "Let's go."

* * *

The door is unlocked when I get there, allowing me immediate access to the flat. I run right in, my eyes searching the room, meeting with Phil's. His reaction takes a second to unfold, but he's clearly astonished. His mouth opens, as if he's about to question me, but I escape before he can.

Running down the hall, Iris' room empty. I turn in a panic, running towards the bathroom door. Jammed shut.

I push my body into the door, trying to budge it open. I fall to the floor, weeping in exhaustion and heartbreak. In my time of sobbing, a tall ebony-haired man approaches the door with a key.

My eyes flicker up to Phil, and I pull myself off the floor as soon as the key meets he lock. Within seconds I'm able to scan the room, catching sight of Iris' unconscious body.

I rush over to her, checking her breathing before anything else. My heart lifts in relief when I hear her quiet breaths.

"W-what happened?" Phil stutters out in disbelief. It's already quite clear to him what had happened, he's just hoping for there to be a different explanation. One that doesn't break his heart.

"She- she-" I can't bring myself to say it. I break down right there and then, clenching to her small hand as the realization of what she's done to herself hits me.

Phil is unable to do anything, I can see it written all over his face. He's in too much shock to do or feel anything at all.

I wipe away my tears - making myself look a little more presentable - before attempting to lift Iris' body. However, being even thinner than her and having no muscle what-so-ever, I am unable to do so.

Part of Phil's instinct kicks in, and he takes over for me, lifting his daughter's body off of the floor. He calls an ambulance, calmly explaining the situation as he carries Iris out of the flat. I follow behind them with dreamlike vision.

The sirens are outside in no time. And as Phil is lead towards the ambulance, Eleanor pulls me towards her car. I don't try to fight against her. None of us say a word on the trip to the hospital. What is there to say? What could you possibly say to lighten a mood like this?

* * *

I sit in the hospital's waiting room, gripping Phil's hand to keep him level in reality. Eleanor sits on my other side, staring off into the distance as if she's deep in thought. There are many other families that sit in this room, their faces painted with worry.

A little boy walks out with a cast on his arm, and all I can think of is that rhyme. The one about sticks and stones; as if broken bones hurt more than this pain I'm feeling now.

I grew up believing no one would ever fall in love with me. That I'd be lonely forever. That I'd never meet someone to make me feel like the sun. My broken heart strings bled the blues, until Iris sang along. She proved to me that love is real. She taught me what it is and showed me all the positive aspects.

Little did I know how much it could hurt, too.

Now I sit in this waiting room, not knowing if the girl I love will make it out of here alive. I don't know if I'll ever get to hear her gentle voice again, or that beautiful melodic laugh. I don't know if I'll ever get to hold her warm body close in my embrace, or feel her soft lips against my own just one more time. And I have no idea if I'll ever get to see those green eyes filled with life and staring back into mine again.

Don't you dare tell me that hurts less than a broken bone.

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