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Sorry it took so long! Wattpad kept crashing :-/ Anyway, enjoy!

Iris skips through the school gates with the most positive vibe flowing through her veins. Not only is she excited, but for some reason, she's hoping to see Skye. Little does she know that's not exactly possible.

"Hello!" She happily greets the secretary. Dan and Phil would have came in with her, but obviously if kids there knew them; shit would fly. Therefor, Iris is on her own.

"Hi there! Are you the new student?" The secretary asks kindly.

"Yes, my name's Iris!"

"Ah, what a pretty name!" She compliments. "And your accent is lovely, where are you from, Dear?"

"Canada." Iris beams.

"Oh! I've always admired that country!" She says, sliding her wheel-y chair over to a cabinet. "Anyway, what's your last name, Iris?

"Uh," Oh no. "Howell-"

"-Lester. Here it is!" She finishes Iris' sentence, pulling out a file. She takes out some sheets of paper and hands them to her. "Homeroom 8-3. Here is your schedule, locker number, and other information as well. I hope your first day goes great!"

Iris thanks her with a warm smile before walking out of the room. As soon as her feet hit the hallway, she's pulled aside by a fangirl. Or . . . fanboy.

"Oh my god, did I just hear that your last name is Howell-Lester? As in Dan Howell and Phil Lester?!"

Iris plays it dumb. "I'm sorry, you must have the wrong person."

"You're the only person who was in the office." The boy fights back. He must've seen the fear cross over Iris' face because he's suddenly reassuring her; "Don't worry, I won't tell anyone! I have no friends anyway! My family isn't too thrilled to have me either, but that's irrelevant!"

"Okay. You've caught me." Iris slouches over in defeat. "Now keep it down, I don't want other people knowing."

"Oh my god!" He jumps around and claps. When he's finally done his little fangirl dance, he holds out his hand to be shaken. "I'm Floyd!"

"And I'm late-"

"I can take you to your class!" Floyd insists, grabbing Iris' arm and pulling her back. Iris winces at his hand squeezing her arm, but Floyd doesn't notice.

"Alright." She says through gritted teeth. Floyd removes his grip and takes her schedule.

"Oh. We're in the same class, girl! Come on!"

He takes the longest route, but Iris doesn't notice. On their way to class, he fills the silence with excessive amounts of pointless speaking. Iris only catches some of it:

"-And I even watch some of your videos!"

"What?" Iris asks, shocked. "You watch my videos?"

"Yes! I love them! And your username is so fun; Surpriris. Like surprise, bitch! It's Iris!"

Iris finds herself laughing with Floyd. As much as the boy has frustrated her by getting a little under her skin, she's beginning to enjoy his company.

Now trusting Floyd, Iris takes a chance; "Do you happen to know someone named Skye Pereira?"

"Yes." Floyd's face scrunches in disgust. "I know like all her secrets, too. She's real fucked up." And suddenly Floyd is an open book, telling Iris all about Skye's personal life: "She used to go to this school. She's almost gay-er than me. And her family is like major religious and don't support homosexuality what-so-ever so I think they're glad she's not living with them anymore. It's only temporary though; and that's not the reason she doesn't live in London anymore. I'll get to that later. Anyway, one time i went swimming with her and all I could see was bones. And these big scars all over her stomach and legs. Self-inflicted pain. I also found out she has this really severe eating disorder. That's why she moved away; she's in a mental hospital. She's slowly being allowed to come back to London. I-"

"Stop." Iris cuts in. "I can't hear this anymore, I feel horrible."

"Alright, come on then; class is right over there, anyway."

* * *

Come lunch time, Iris finds herself sitting alone with Floyd. Like he said, he has no friends. And his family disowns him for being gay. But that's irrelevant.

She can't shake the thoughts of Skye and what she's heard about her. She wants to ask Floyd more, but at the same time; she can't handle knowing someone so beautiful is so broken.

"So, what's it like living with them?" Floyd interrupts her thoughts, dropping his voice to a whisper.

"Who?" Iris asks, completely out-of-it.

"Your parents." Floyd says with a smile, gently bumping Iris.

"Oh. Nice, I guess." She says. A smile suddenly crosses her face as she thinks about it. "Really nice, actually."

A large boy in one of those popular jock boy sweaters suddenly dumps his tray of food on Floyd. "Hey fag, watch where you're going!" He shouts.

"I-uh-" Floyd stutters, but Iris cuts him off.

"Hey Jerk, how about you watch your language!" She shouts, standing up.

"Excuse me?" The boy's voice sounds more as if he's saying Who do you think you're talking to?

"Oh, you and your jock army should watch your ridiculous pants as well, they seem to be growing." Iris states coolly.

"That's not the point!" The boy says, covering his junk. He turns to Floyd, "This is all your fault. Give me the money to buy a new lunch!"

"I don't have any money." Floyd mumbles.

"Where the fuck am I gonna get the money, then?"

"Hey, are you walking funny?" Iris asks the boy.


She crosses her arms. "Well then, you won't find any in your ass."

The boy suddenly comes so close to Iris that she can smell his breath. He whisper-shouts, "What's your name?"

"Iris," She squeaks.

"Iris, you just made the biggest mistake of your life."

Who knew that boy had the nerve to beat up a girl?

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