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This is just a Howell-Lester family chapter! Let me know if there's anyone you'd like to see more of in this story :-)

Today is Monday, and Iris should be at school. However, Dan and Phil — being the responsible parents they are — have kept her home for some quality family bonding. Which in this case, is a Dan vs. Phil, with the addition of Iris against them.

"Why are you setting up a camera?" Iris questions her father.

"I figure I'd film some memories," Dan responds with a smile. "Why? Are you afraid you'll end up in some Dan and Phil book?"

"No," Iris giggles, "I just think it's strange that you would film your failure."

Dan gives his full attention now, placing his hands on his hips as he faces his daughter. "Oh? You think I'm going to lose?"

"Oh, no." Iris responds innocently. Then a wide grin surfaces her face as she snootily remarks, "I know you're going to lose!" 

"Listen here, little missy," Her father points his index finger out, "I'll be the victor-"

"What makes you so sure of yourself?" Phil shouts from across the room, joining in on this disagreement.

Laughing to himself, Dan spreads his arms out and shouts over to Phil, "Because I'm boss, and I said so!" 

"Oh really?" Phil smirks. He slowly walks up behind Dan, and whispers oh-so-quietly into his ear, "Because that's not what you told me the other night."

Dan's face flushes a red hue, his eyes widening at Phil's words. The older man laughs at the sight of his fiancé. And their daughter is quick to change the subject.

"Is that thing on?" Iris asks, walking up to the camera's view-finder.

"Yes," Dan mumbles, clearly still embarrassed.

Phil clasps his hands together, "Shall we get started then?"

"Yasss!" Iris yells obnoxiously. She then comes up behind Dan and whips her leg up, kicking him in the butt. Well, that's one way to bring him back to normal.

Dan squints his eyes at Iris, "Oh, it's on!"

The first challenge is Mario Kart. (I know that in this story it's April 28th, and I know that Mario Kart 8 was released on May 29th 2014. But, okay listen, I own this fanfic, and I will give them this frickin game if I want to. Okay?) After getting the WiiU and camera set up, Iris goes into Create a Mii.

"Can I make your Mii?" Phil enthusiastically asks.

Iris nonchalantly disagrees, causing Dan to laugh at his boyfriend's pouting face. Though he's quick to quiet himself when Phil glares over at him.

Iris took a good twenty minutes perfecting her Mii, but finally the family gets to play Mario Kart 8. When the title screen appears, Dan and Phil try impersonating Mario's voice. Though after several failed attempts, Iris perfectly imitates the voice, telling her parents to "Shut up or me a the Mario will shove a the ten blue shells up a your asshole."

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