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"No," Iris speaks with uncertain laughter. "You were dead. You died! It was all over the news! You left me on my own! You left me to suffer. What makes you think you can just come back into my life?"

Before Isaiah opens his mouth to speak, Skye approaches Iris. The brunette allows her to be comforted by her, as she whispers, "Iris, I know this is a lot to take in but I think you two really need to talk."

"How'd you find him?" She asks out of breath.

"I've known him for awhile. Not personally, but I'd see him walking the halls of the mental ward. The other day I heard a nurse call his name, and that's when I realized why he looked so familiar to me. He looks just like you; because he's your brother."

Iris grips the hem of Skye's shirt tightly, her hands start to shake almost as much as her knees. She begins to hyperventilate, desperately grasping at her chest. She cries out, "I can't breathe! I- I-"

"Shhh babe, look at me," Skye says soothingly. She pulls up Iris' sleeve, placing the younger girl's nimble fingers on her wrist. "Feel that? That's your pulse. You're still breathing, baby. You're alive. Look at me, follow my breathing. You're okay."

With tears streaming down her face, she exclaims again in a whisper, "I can't breathe. I can't breathe!"

Skye pulls the distressed girl into her arms, bringing her close enough to feel her breathing pattern. "Follow my breathing, Iris. I can feel your heartbeat just like you can feel mine. You're alive. You can breathe."

"Maybe I should leave," Isaiah suggests, getting ready to walk away.

"No no, you both need this. Iris will be okay in a few minutes, don't worry." Skye begs, "Please stay."

"Alright. How can I help, though?" He asks, genuinely concerned for his sister.

"Here," Skye throws Iris' phone at him. "Call her dad, explain that his daughter is having a panic attack and that Skye is taking her back to the flat."

Scrolling through the contacts, Isaiah is stumped. He scratches the back of his neck, looking up in confusion. "Which one do I call? There's two dad contacts?"

"It doesn't matter which one, just call one of her parents." The blonde replies impatiently.

"She has two dads?"

"Give me the phone, I'll call."

Isaiah hands the phone over to Skye, and she calls up Phil.

"Hey Iris-"

"Phil, it's Skye. Iris is having a panic attack. I'm taking her back to the flat now, along with someone I think you need to meet. I'll explain when we get there." She hangs up before Phil can say anything.

* * *

Iris is much more calm in the quiet of her home. Skye sits next to her, holding her hand, while Isaiah sits in the chair across from them. Dan and Phil are sat on the other side of Iris on the couch. The family is ready to hear Isaiah's story.

"After the incident with our parents, I took matters into my own hands and got us into foster care. As you know, Iris was only six-years-old. And even though I was only two years older than her, I had to take responsibility. I acted as her guardian, because our caretakers never did.

"Iris never knew this, but the foster parents we had at that time were abusive. Mentally, physically . . . sexually. The reason why she was oblivious to this, is because I took all the abuse. I took it, to keep her safe. It became too much to handle. I had to get us out of there. I had to get out of there.

"I met some guys who could help me. They were pretty bad, but I was too. They helped me fake my death, and move me to London. I was only ten, but I managed to do it. I was living on the streets for a few months before the cops found me. They saw my record and put me in the mental hospital. And I've been staying there since."

"Wait," Dan speaks up. "What could be on your record that landed you in there? Was it the fake suicide?"

"No, it was . . . actually the main reason why I needed to get away." Isaiah takes a deep breath, looking at the floor as he says, "That fire our parents died in, it- it wasn't an accident. I- I- listen, I was sick, like really sick. My brain wasn't working right. I was hearing voices and-"

"What are you trying to say?" Iris asks, fearful that she already knows the answer.

"Iris, I- I killed our parents."

There's a long, deafening silence, before Iris speaks again. "Get out."

"Iris, you have to believe me; I didn't mean to do it! I was sick-"

"And you died!" Iris shouts back, "How the fuck are you still alive?"

"That was fake, Iris. I didn't really die. I'm not dead. I'm right here-"

"And I want you out." Iris finishes his rambling.


Iris glares into Isaiah's green eyes. "Look, you may be alive now, but you'll always be dead to me."

"But I'm still your brother! I-"

With dry laughter, Iris cuts in again. "You are not my brother. This is my family now, and you are not a part of it. So get out."

This time Isaiah obeys, and he is gone. Never to come back into Iris' life. Or so, she hopes.

Hahaha haha ha ;-; oops.

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