1. Mr. Malfoy

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"Welcome our new student!!!" Dumbledore gestured his hand and big door opened right there. Walking in, Esmeray caught everyone's eye.

She being the proper example of prepossessing. Glitter black dress was so fine, making others look vacantly at her body. Well settled hair behind ears, defining her sharp jawline.

Someone complimented. His eyes were wide opened "She is god damn beautiful....."
Esme heard and smirked proudly which is more breathtaking.

"Welcome Miss Esmeray. She'll study in 3rd year." Dumbledore greeted her respectfully.
Croud still don't got over her. Esme walked slowly and took a seat for her sorting. Before sorting hat could say anything, some twin boys from Glyfindoor screamed "Glyfindoor for sure!!!" They both seem to be eager for Esme to be on their side.

The professor placed the sorting hat on her head. The hat took a moment and screamed "Slytherin!!!!!!".

Slytherin's whole group cheered up joyfully. However others and especially cute twins were now disappointed.

"Third year directly. How's that even possible ??!" A Blonde guy from Slytherin barked.
Everyone in the great hall got offended too soon to this statement. They gave him the death stare.

He seemed to be very arrogant yet he was charming. "What ?! She don't even know anything about magic and will study in 3rd year ?"
"You think I need to learn magic which I know without EVEN learning it" Esme roll her eyes on him.
"I don't believe. No one can do all the magic well without even learning it. Such a lair you are".
"No need to explain myself. If a man talk shit then I owe him nothing".

Generally thought to be a superb gig, the audience were noted to have burst into totally spontaneous mid-song applause more than once. Needless to say, she got much deserved thundering applause for shutting a mouth of bully.
Twins smirked and replied "Hat is right.....Slytherin for sure".

Esme walked towards the Slytherin group and took her seat in front of Blonde guy. He spilled "Filthy spoiled child".
Esme crossed her arms and replied "Talking about you ?".

When the conversation was going on, one girl approaches Esme. She is with frizzy, untamable dark hair, brown eyes, and protruding teeth. Overall she give the expression of being a Bright witch.
"Hey I'm Hermione. Why didn't you wear the robe ?".

Blondie replied sarcastically "Because she didn't have enough money tho".
This thing now was getting on nerves. Two boys sitting next to Blondie seems to be his friends laughed and making fun of Esme. Hermione held Esme's hand and told her to let it go.

Esme sighed and said "I didn't came here by Hogwarts express like you all. That's the reason I can't change my clothes into robes" Esme explained.

Both Esme and Hermione became good friend within less time period.

Later the feast gots over and Slytherin's Prefect is taking all of them to Slytherin's common room which was downstairs in dungeons. The entrance was located behind the bare stretched of stone walls. The password is 'Pure-blood' as it should be according to blood traitors.

She felt a long, cold touch on her back moving from her spine to head. It was cold as ice and the grip was strong. Just like someone is holding her back and wrapped one of her shoulder. She turned around swiftly. It was all dark. No one was there. This thing happened with her most of the time, but this time it was different than that of before. She spun her heels and went inside the common room.

*Days passed on*
She received a present today. It was anonymous. No name mentioned on the gift leaving it more suspicious. However for Esme it wasn't that much suspicious. On every Christmas and on her each and every Birthday she used to receive such anonymous yet beautiful gifts.

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