11. The Cup

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Hazel pointed his wand at Theo and whispered "Brackium Emendo".

The spell was powerfully cast by Hazel. It quickly healed his broken bone. She then cast one more charm to bandage him.

Theo was amazed at her magic. He quickly interrogated "Where did you learn this all ? That's amazing".

Hazel was silent, sad.
"I think that was a compliment for you" Theo raised his eyebrow while smiling.
Hazel was not into the mood of taking his compliment. Theo noticed it. Hr softly holds her hand "This is not hurting me. Look I am smiling".
His smile warmed her eyes.

"It's not a topic here Theo. Every time because of me others suffer. Because of me this problem arises. Anything that happens is always because of me".
"No Hazel. Don't let your thoughts rule you".
Hazel pulled her hand back "Let's go"
"Okay. Fine".
They returned home, deep in thought.

At night, Hazel was staring at the ceiling, deeply lost in her thoughts, eyes wide open. Bella sitting next to her was reading a book. After a moment, Hazel suddenly crawled onto her lap and held her left hand.
Surprise trickled through Bella. She kept the book on the desk besides her bed and slowly moved her hand on Hazel's head.

"Anything happened to my girl ?" Bella comforted.
"Nothing" Hazel added.
"You thinking about Draco ?"

Hazel was silent. So Bella remained silent for a few moments and when she spoke it was in a controlled voice.
"Look Hazel. I know you're trying to hold everything when they want to leave. You are hiding. Holding. Staying quite. Just because you want them to stay in your life. But you have to learn that some things are meant to leave. You can't stop them".

"But what about the memories they gave you ?"
"They always stay. Good or bad. They stay"
"Just like me"
"What do you mean ?"
"I gave you the worst memory. Remember you left me to Sirius"
"Mm-hm. I remember" Bella was moving her hand on Hazel's head. Soon she realised something and interrogated "wait. How do you know about those memories".

"Those are the one of the reasons because of which I understood you".
"And what's the second reason?"
"Theo ofcourse"
"Ah I see Theo....But what you understand about me ? That's so strange for me to hear that" she giggled.

"Well um. To be honest. I thought you're rude. Which you're actually"
"HAZEL !?"
"But but I understood you're not that much rude. Also I thought you're cold hearted witch who always finds fun in torturing innocent people like me you did back then"
"That was by some misunderstanding. And excuse me you are not innocent".
"Haha I know. Also I didn't like you At all because you left me. I was so angry on you. I never wanted to see your face. I felt like if you came into my life again it will be worse than it's been now. For me it was so traumatizing. I was on the verge of hating you"
"Everyone hates me. Nothing new" her voices gets lower than before. Nearly disappointing.

"But but. I understood slowly that all this things about you are just framed. It's not like how you actually are. They have only seen the bad side of you. They didn't took any efforts to understand why you turned into this. They framed opinion about you that you're cold hearted witch and what not and then left you with them. I understand slowly that you're kind. Many of them can't see but we surely do.

"You'll never leave me again?"
"Excuse me ! I didn't left you mother. It was your choice because the circumstances were like that. Or else who will leave such an amazingly powerful witch who is so good and fine even in magic also in her life. I won't do that. Sorry. When I know you exactly how you are. How kind and caring you are, it's impossible to leave you. The one who'll leave you might be the dumbest person in this world".

Hazel said and there was a complete silence for a minute until Hazel spoke again "I want to ask you something"
"Go ahead"
"If I ever did something which is good but if it hurts or affects someone then am I right or wrong ?"
"Exactly what are you talking about ? I didn't get it"
"I wanna know mom. If I did something good and what if it hurts you".
"I am just asking for example"
"I don't know. How can I tell you that without knowing what you're doing".

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