15. The wedding

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Draco slowly slides his hand and holds Hazel's hand. Hazel slowly placed her head on Draco's shoulder.
"You remember this place ?" Hazel questioned.
"I do"

She lifts her head slowly and said "This place is ours. It symbolises our love here"
Draco leaned forward and placed a soft kiss on her warm lips "Remember you threw your letter over here on my face ?"

Hazel chuckled softly "I do".

There was a moment of silence until Draco spoke "Hazel, maybe I'm not as perfect as the man of your dream but I'll try to be. I hurt you many a times. Even others have hurt you the most. But I was the root of your sadness. I have made many mistakes and this is the time to correct them"

He came closer so close that they both breathed the same air. His blonde hair falls down like Domino. Hazel lifts her eyes up at him.

Draco whispered "But now, I wanna be a part of your happiness''

Hazel hold his hand quickly "You always were the part of my happiness. And not only you hurt me but I hurt you too. That should be count. I acted insane. I said most painful words to you. I threw water on your face in front of everyone. And especially I broke your heart when I don't even know, I am in your heart. I am sorry Draco".

"It has been years to that Hazel. Look at us. We are grown up now".
"Will you marry me"

Draco cut her sentence and blood rushed through her cheeks making them red.

"Will you my lady ?" He questioned again.
"I will" Hazel nodded.
"I knew it" Draco grabbed her my waist and hugged her tightly.

*Time skips*

"Come on hurry up. It's a wedding day" Bella screamed.
"I am almost ready mom" Hazel said back.

It was three o'clock in the morning, and everyone was busy making the arrangement. They were all in a great mood. And why not ? It's a wedding is something special.

Guests started arriving.
"come lets go!" said fred.

Harry, Fred ,George,Ron were ready in their suit with perfect matching Shoes. They all look perfect.

They all were standing at the entrance outside the huge manor inviting the guest. They were helping guest to get arrange at the empty places. All of them were so enthusiastic.

There were many bodyguards surrounded. The servents were serving the glass of vine to the guest. The theme was quite similar to Slytherin. All green.

"Just arranging the guest is boring, isn't it?" said George.

"why don't we have a look over the arrangement of the hall" suggested Ron.

Harry agreed to ron. They head towards the hall.

It was a huge hall which was covered with light shining over the roof. The stars symbolises the time when Draco and Hazel actually first met. When Draco added something to Hazel's potions and the pot blew up in the air. The potions drop in the form of stars.

The green table and chair were settled opposite to each other. Lining the long green carpet. The supporting poles were hung with white flowers.

Theo suddenly appeared .
"what are you all looking at ?" asked theo from behind them.

"Nothing ,just looking over the arrangement if it's done correctly or not" said Harry.

"Something is still left" said Theo.
He moved his wand up in the air and an enormous bunch of flowers and balloons appeared at the exact place where, in a few times Draco and Hazel would be taking their vows.

"you are here then who's inviting at the entrance ?" asked theo.
Fred answered "well Neville and oliver are there. But why are you here? It's your wedding too".
"I know. I know I am going. To get ready".

On the other hand in the makeup room Bella was helping Hazel to get ready.
She was in a beautiful elegant white dress which was completely fitting to her and matching her makeup. Her hair was tied up in a bun and a few strands of hair was falling on her face making her more gorgeous.

Someone knocked on the door "can I come?" hazel recognised the voice. She quickly said "you're always welcome handsome".

Theo entered with a huge smile on his face "you're also looking gorgeous, my beautiful"
"of course she always does theo" said Bella from behind.

Hazel surprisingly called her "Mom ?"
"Yes my hazy".

Seeing her daughter in the wedding dress, looking so adorable, her eyes filled up with tears.

Bella wrapped her arms around her shoulder. Her eyes were shining like stars with water.
"Hazel you really look so beautiful today"
Hazel's voice cracked a bit "I'm your daughter"
"I know but I have to say you look much better in this dress than I ever do"

"But have you observed something?"
"See the dress pattern carefully"

Bella went near to the dress. Her eyes were searching Hazel's answer.
Soon she jumped "I got it"
"It's nice, isn't it ?"
"You literally printed the same design which is on the ring I gave you back then".

Outside, few figures were appearing one by one out of nowhere at the distant boundary of the yard . Exotic flowers and expensive dress worn with them arrived with their husbands. They all entered in hall. Whereas Draco was ready wearing his
Black suit. It was perfectly fitting him and pairing with shoes .
Everyone get arranged on their seats .Draco came along with theo walking .Theo was standing down in front of Draco ,he was waiting for his soon to be wife . Hermione went to call her .

In makeup room Hermione entered to call hazel . Hermione said "it's time to go". Bella and hazel answered coming.Bella extended her hand for hazel to hold . She happily accepted and was going towards aisle .
Draco was staring continuously at the the enterance .The door opened there stood hazel and Bella.He made an eye contact and smiled looking at her . Walking through the aisle holding Bella's hand she took a glance and got amazed by the surrounding .
She smiled towards theo and her friends which were in front seat standing. As she reached ,Bella placed her hand towards Draco who was already bowed to get her hand .she hugged Draco and whispered in his ear "take  care of her Draco .I'm giving a gem which I preserved . I will take care of your gem at any cost ,he answered to her questions staring at hazel .The priest started his vows.
He asked Draco "Do you take miss hazel riddle as your lawful wife to have and to  hold ,from this day forward ,for better and for worse for rich and for poor,in sickness and in health to love and cherish until death do you part?

He answered by looking at her "yes,i do" .
The priest repeated same for hazel
She also smiled and said yes ,i do .
Theo brought the ring of both to priest  he blessed and gave hazel ring and told her to slide ,after that Draco took the ring.

And slide it back taking her hand .They completed their oath. Later the  priest told him that he may kiss.
Hazel looked at Draco "what are you waiting ? He said you may kiss".
"We want to kiss"

Draco quickly pulled her into a deep kiss.

"I declared them both officially as husband and wife"
Everyone stood up clapping to them . One by one every came congratulate them gave them gifts ,few withes took photo as memories.Hazel and Draco went toward theo and their friends and thanked them about the efforts.

"Don't make me ashamed in front of everyone Hazel"
"It's my duty" she popped up the champagne bottle into the air.

Later, Hazel invited them at their wedding feast .They all were at the big table where only them and theo,Bella were sitted waiting for them . Draco called the servant to serve the plate. They all arrived and served them .

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