10. The Clouds

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Their eyes widened.
"You ?" Harry wondered.
Ron quickly got up from his seat and yelled "WHY ARE YOU HERE ?"

Hazel sighed and looked at Sirius
"Sirius I need to talk to you".

"WHY ARE YOU HERE, I ASKED" Ron interrupted in his high pitched voice which was too irritating.
"This is what I should ask why are you here, Ronald Weasley" she replied.
"Because I am Harry's friend and he is here".

Hazel was about to say and a familiar voice fell on her ears.
"Hello. O you there, Hazel. Nice to meet you again" Tonks pleasantly said and hugged her. Hazel smiled at her and hugged her back.
"Nice to meet you tonks" Hazel whispered in her ear.
"But why are you here ?"
"I wanted to talk to Sirius".

"Oh come on. He won't talk to you" Ron interrupted again.
"What's you problem?" Hazel raised her voice.
"You !"

"Wait wait. I didn't get it. Hazel how do you know Sirius?" tonks interrogated.

A moment Hazel looked confused, and then turned away. What and how she should face her. Hazel gulped hard. Took a deep breath like oxygen in the air going to be vanished.

Hazel calmly said "I knew Sirius since I was child. She took care of me. He raised me".
Tonks eyes got smaller. She spoke in her deep gravelly voice "That means. You are -"
"Yes. You are right. I am daughter of Bellatrix and Voldemort. I feel ashamed to mention his name tho"

Hazel took her hand out for a handshake. "last time I didn't introduced myself. I am Hazel. Hazel Tom Riddle".

"YOU ARE DAUGHTER OF VOLDEMORT ?!" Lupin sitting on the chair said surprisingly. . He got up from his seat, looking at Hazel not blinking his eye. Hazel turned herself towards him and nodded.

Tonks pulled Hazel back "Mom was right then......"
Sirius got up and turned facing tonks "What did Andromeda said ?"
Tonks looked at Hazel and then looked back at Sirius and said "Hazel looks like...".

Everyone's eyes were on Tonks statement.
Sirius raised his brows "Who?"
Tonks continued "Her elder sister. Bellatrix. Now I understood why she said that".

Ron lost his patience. He screamed a loud "GET OUT HAZEL !! NOW".
Hazel barked back "THIS IS NOT YOUR HOUSE, RON".

She slowly walked towards him. A little bit closer to him. Her eyes were staring at his coward soul.
"I will not go unless I talk to Sirius. And you cannot stop me".

Lupin swiftly came in between and separated them away "Look Hazel. Whatever you wanna talk, talk in front of us".
Hazel looked at Sirius to reassure him. He motioned his head to indicate 'yes'.

Hazel slowly walked and stood in front of them. She took a deep breath and started with confidence in her breath "I want to kill Voldemort".

Concentration on the face changed into a sudden shock.
Ron interrupted again "She's lying. Don't trust her"
Molly hold the knife straight in the air, warning Ron to stay quite. He clenched his jaw and looked at the other side.

Hazel continued "I want to kill Voldemort. And I think you'll help me".

Harry questioned suddenly but in a low cracking voice "Why do you want him to be dead ? He's your father".
"I know Harry but what he did to me and my -".
Hazel stopped. Ron looked at her back with his doubtful eyes.
She realised she was about to say something which CAN create a problem here. She sighed and continued again "he treated me worst. Whatever he does I think it's wrong and I want to stop him. I need your help. Your support".

They all turned to look at Molly as she suddenly poked a question "What if you're lying ? What if you took all the information from us and told him ?"

Sirius entered into the conversation "She won't".
"How so sure ?" Molly interrogated.
Sirius bangs on the table "Because I have raised her". His point deserves the bang to sound more confidence. He continued "Tho she's daughter of Voldemort. I know her very well. She wanted to help us since the start but I didn't let her do that".

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