2. Mom ??

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She heard a knock on her door.
"You okay ?! You came here without saying anything" Blondie seems to be quiet worried.
"I'm all good. Thanks".
"Are you sure ??"
She nodded.

Draco walked away. He turned back but the door was closed. Complete disappointment is visible on his face. Esme was watching him going through a narrow space of opened door, which Draco didn't know. Her eyes were on him. It was a mixed emotions, where she don't want him to go but on the same time it's being few days they have met. She waited there until he's gone.

When Draco disappeared completely from her sight, she closed the door quietly. While getting back to her bed, her eyes land on the gift which wasn't yet opened. The covering was pretty simple. Inside it there lies a vintage brown wooden box. She opened it. And..... There was a beautiful diamond ring. The ring literally caught her eyes. So beautiful and so elegant that she'd never seen. The diamond was covered between delicate small vines on the ring. Perfect shine, elegant defining royalty. Esme slowly slided the ring into her finger. Surprisingly, it fits perfectly which calm her nerves.
There's a small note left behind in box. It says "Hope you like it. Glad to say I'm coming to meet you soon".
No name mentioned here as well. Thinking for while, she neglect the note. She fell in love with the ring.

Esme kept everything aside and moved herself towards great hall since it was lunch time

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Esme kept everything aside and moved herself towards great hall since it was lunch time. She took her seat. Pansy always had an eye on Esme.
Without taking any moment she groan "Who gave you that beautiful ring. Are you that rich huh ?"
"I'm not bonded to tell you about this" Esme groans back.
"You wear good clothes but that doesn't mean you are born hella rich"
"Ohh just shut up. You don't even know me"
"ohh really ?! Tell us then who are you ?! And where did you come from?!" pansy narrowed her eyes.
"M-me um- "
"See you can't. You stole it from somewhere. Give it backkk"

Pansy vigorously trying to pull the ring out of Esme's finger. Esme hold the ring tightly in her finger and moved her elbow back. In this dispute, Esme pushed pansy lightly. Pansy flew back harshly and got herself crashed on the table's edge. The table's edge was tough tho. Her back got hurt badly.
"A WANDLESS MAGIC W-WHAT ??!" Harry Potter spill those words in complete room of silence. Some Slytherin students including Blaise helped her to get up and take to hospital wing. She roar back at Esme with her red eyes"you'll pay for this!!!!!!".
Esme smirked a little "you deserve this bitch".

"Bloody hell !! What I saw now?" Ron interrupted. To which Hermione replied "Don't make this thing as a great deal. Wandless magic is considered the norm". She sounds always smart which she is.

It's safe to say that after this, every Hogwarts guy had a crush on Esme and who won't. Esme asked Hermione to come with her to the class. Hermione agreed. On the way when they're walking Hermione questioned "you don't feel I'm muggleborn and you're Slytherin?"
To which Esme replied "so what? Idc about this bloodline. Everyone to me is equal. And coming to Slytherin, is ther anything written in your thick books that Slytherin can't be glyfindoor's friend ??"

Esme's queen behaviour is clearly seen through this. Not only by apperance and dressing but also my speech is show her queen behaviour. Both of them were mixing up with each other. Hermione always used to sit besides Esme. Both of them became best friends in short time-span. Hermione help her in studies and Esme makes her laugh and feel comfortable. Gradually, Esme became friend with Ron and Harry too. Now Draco is pretty much good and gentle with Esme. Pansy's back will take months to heal. She'll join Hogwarts in next year. Esme's third year end up well.

Departuring from Hogwarts express, she realised Draco dropped a letter from his bag. She called out his name but no use. Finally she decided to visit his mansion to give this letter.
She reached to the giant gate which opened on their own. The garden was surrounding the dark, huge mansion. Her finger rang up the bell with bunch of anxiety. There stood tall, slim 'good looking' lady.

"Mrs. Malfoy. Who you want?" Narcissa asked politely.
Narcissa asked her to come in. Mr Malfoy was sitting on his EXPENSIVE couch, scolding Draco for something. He didn't get up to welcome her. Cold hearted. Yet he asked what's she doing here without forgetting. Esme motioned the letter which Draco snatched quickly and hand it to his father. Now lucius got his bottom lifted up. Esme told them that Draco dropped it, also adding a sentence that she didn't open it to look into it.
"Stupid Draco !!!" He stared at him very roughly. "Thank you for this dear" now Lucius tone completely changed. And why not maybe his work is done. Weirdo...
Draco and Narcissa thank her too.

A soft tickling of heel fall on her ears. Esme spinned her sneakers slowly. The lady was wearing long black dress with knee-high black boots pairing with long black fingerless gloves. Her hair used to fall forward and cover her one eye. Slowly walking she entered...
At the very first instant, Esme identify her. Esme's heartbeat was gradually getting faster and faster and faster. When the lady stood right in front of her, Esme's eyes went little wet.
"Mom-" she whispered beneath her breathe.
"Did you say something ?" She questioned raising her brow.
Esme shooked her head while looking into dark brown eyes.
"Who's she cissy" she asked Narcissa.
Narcissa told Bellatrix what happened. Bellatrix whispered something into narcissa's ears and was about to leave.

All sudden she turned around and throw a glass over Esme. What happened was too quick. Esme raised her hand to stop the glass. There was a quick burst of glass into small pieces leaving small red flames coming out of her hand.
Everyone was too stunned to see this wandless magic all sudden at this age. Bellatrix groal "you dumb. What did you stop that glass".
Esme was confused "That means I should i hurt myself just because you threw it, is it ?!"
"I didn't threw at you idiot. Look behind you i threw this at that elf who betrayed us".

"He's dobby. And as far as I know he didn't betray you all. He's my friend".
She laughed sarcastically "who make elf their friend. Anyways I'm not interested in this shit".

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