4. Love

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"Hazel !!!!!!" Bella screamed out loud from her lungs. She tossed her wand away and came running upto Hazel. Sharp cuts on Hazel's body are swollen with heavy blood loss. Hazel can barely speak. Bella pressed one of the injured part tightly to stop the outflow of blood.

Unhurriedly Pansy walked towards the ring. She carefully picked up being unnoticed by others. She quickly slided the ring into her pocket.
"PUT IT BACK RIGHT NOW !!" Bella ordered which made Pansy flinched too hard. Bella's scary eyes were starring into pansy's soul. Pansy gulped. Put the ring back onto the floor and make off her way.
Bella look towards Narcissa.
"Cissy I need your help !!!" Her facial expressions changes like waves on the beach.

Hazel muttered something in pain. Trying to say something. Bella turned all her attention to Hazel. Slowly she moved her ear close to Hazel. Focusing on Hazel's breathe. Bella's dark tangled hair nearly wrap her. Everything went silent for a moment. All she can hear is Hazel's breath. Heavy air gasp out of Hazel's mouth, begging to leave her. "I-I d-didn't do anything".

"I know you didn't. Don't close your eyes, hazie. I'm sorry. It's all mommy's fault. I didn't recognise you. Mommy is sorry baby".
Hazel's eyes were closed and she was obviously unconscious.
Bella pat Hazel's cheeks, making sure she open her eyes. "Don't you close your eyes Hazie. Look I'm here. Your mom is here".
Bella's voice is breaking into a cry "Hazie, Please stay. Please. I need you. I'm just a lonely lady who need your light. Open your eyes. Please...."
Bella wipe off her tears "I won't let you happen anything, Hazie" She hold Hazel close to her chest and got up. Running upto room. To which Narcissa followed.

Bellatrix the one who's the most insane death eater among all, is trying to save someone, need someone and most importantly has a soft side for someone for whom she shed her tears.

When she reached the room, she carefully placed Hazel on the bed. And wash out blood stains from Hazel's body with a moment of her magic. With leaden footsteps she walked towards Hazel. Slowly sat besides her, locking her eyes with Hazel's unconscious face. Bella carefully took Hazel's hand and placed it on her lap. And started bandaging every single wound she caused.
"Open your eyes Hazie" Bella moved her hand on Hazel's soft face.
"Bella she's unconscious. We need to wait for sometime" Narcissa added with a teary eyes.
"This happened because of me cissy. All because of me. Why I am so evil ?! I don't deserve her nor anyone...." Bella's eyes are the clouds holding water.
"No it's not because of you Bella. Neither I know she's Hazel. Everything what happened is traumatising but please don't be so harsh on yourself. We love you Bella the way you are".
"Hazel don't".

The evening sun cast long shadows on the ground. Hazel is still unconscious. Laying like a distorted corpse. Narcissa walked into Bella's room to check on her. Bella's room is completely messed. The windows are broken. The clothes are hurled out of the cupboard. Pillows are tore up. Flower vase is broken, seem it to thrown on wall. Chair is being brutally kicked many a times. Bella motioned her hand to throw glass. Since she noticed Cissy, standing there between door frame, she put it back and sat on the edge of the bed. Narcissa understood Bella has lost her mind. She's being hurting herself. Cissy slowly walked towards her and hugged her, tried to give her comfort which she lacks.

"I'm so done now cissy. How can I hurt my own daughter to the death. It's being half of the day she haven't opened her eyes. And even if she opened her eyes, will she forgive me ? Well I don't think so she will. She's my daughter. She got my temper tho Sirius raised her" Bella's lips curled into soft smile.
"Bella I think she'll forgive you, you're her mother. She will. Anyways have you seen her carefully. She's so like you. Powerful, strong and beautiful". Narcissa paused. "Even beautiful by heart like you" she intensionally pressurized the sentence.

"I left her cissy. She won't forgive me. And my heart isn't beautiful. I'm evil. She's maybe kind, loving, caring. Not me". Bella got up. She walked towards a desk in the corner and picked up the ring placed on it. She looked at cissy for a while and handed her the ring.
"This was the ring I gave her. You know when she was born I decided to gift her this ring when she'll turn into younger witch. And I did that too. But I didn't know Esme is my Hazel. And this happened".
"You waited for so long just to gift her this and call yourself Evil ?!"

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