9. The letter

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"You haven't packed your bags. We have to leave tomorrow" Hermione said and helped Hazel by packing her bag.

A pleasant smell spread across the room as Hermione walked in.
"Hermione from where did you that perfume. It smells so good".

Hermione's cheeks went red. And eyes bright as the sun shining in her eyes.
"Hermione ?! Why are you smiling like that ?!" Hazel said smiling at her.
"Don't lie to me".
"Okay. I'll show you" Hermione said and walked outside the room. Hazel looked at her awkward behaviour confusingly. That was strange.

Hazel shrugged her shoulders and turned to the wardrobe to get her clothes. She took a few clothes and her eyes landed on the dress. The dress where she had hidden the letter. Her lips apart. Making her jaw dropped a little. She motioned her hand towards the dress. She touched it and felt the letter inside it.
She whispered "I'm stuck. In this darkness".
She closed her fist tightly. Crushing the dress with the letter.

"Look at this Hazel " Hermione interrupted Hazel's thought, making her release the dress. She rushed back inside the room and sat on the bed.
"What are you doing over here ?" Hermione interrogated.
"Nothing important. Coming..."

Hazel looked at the dress and closed the wardrobe. She spun her heels and slowly walked towards Hermione. As soon as Hazel sat, Hermione handed her a bottle of perfume. She looked suspiciously at Mione.
"Someone gifted me this. In Christmas...." Her cheeks turned red again.
"What's special about this ? Why are you smiling looking at perfume ? What the hell has happened to you ?!?!"
"No....He sent me this".
"Who ?"

She cheeks went even more red.
"Wait wait wait ! Lemme clear this out. Theo send you the gift ? Are you sure ? Why would he give you gift and not me ?"
"Wait he didn't send you the gift ?"

Hazel shook her head at a slow pace.
"But there was a letter for you this morning. Don't tell me you haven't seen it ?

Hazel's eyes turned suspicious from red "No... I don't"
"Wait. I'll bring the letter" she left the room, making Hazel fall into the loop of questions.

"Here it is !!!" Mione came running into the room with the letter in her hand. She handed the letter in Hazel's hand. Hazel's heart stopped. She folded her lips tightly to hold her tears. Theo sent her a letter and she thought he forget her.

Her lip curled into a smile. She gulped the lump formed in her throat and turned the letter. There's written 'To Hazel...from Handsome (you know exactly who am I )

Hazel was shocked when he read read 'handsome'. Memories flashed back. How they met first time and she called Theo 'handsome'.
Her voice break like her heart when she asked "How !? I mean how did you know he's Theo !?"
"I have once seen his handwriting. I can recognise it" Hermione replied.

Hazel took a deep breath and rest her head back on the frame. She stare at ceiling for a moment and slowly the corner of her lips curled into a beautiful smile. She looked back at that letter and moved her fingers on the word 'handsome'.
She muttered herself "You remember that Theo..."

Hazel smiled and opened the letter. It disappeared like it never was. Her hand freeze. Her jaw unclenches. The letter was blank. A sudden shock came unknowingly. She pressed her teeth forcefully to each other and crushed the paper.
"What are you doing ? Why are you crushing the letter" Hermione tried to stopped her. But Hazel crushed and burned the letter in her hand.

Hermione went back when fire rise in Hazel's hand.
"Hazel stop. It will hurt you".
Hazel stared at the letter until it's completely burned in her hand.
"Hazel please..."
Hazel threw the burning letter away and walked out of the room.

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