3. You liar !!!

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"Dear Esme please go inside. I'll be there in couple of minutes" Narcissa spoke out politely as she is. Esme nod a little and went inside.

Narcissa wait until Esme is gone.
"Why you did this Bella ?" She raised her voice.
"I did what ?" Bellatrix raised her brow.
While they both were having disputes, Narcissa's eyes landed on floor. She noticed something unusual. She suspiciously gaze even more carefully. And cried out loudly.

"Is that blood ? In my house ?!!!" Narcissa panicked as she never saw blood.
"Oh-whoo blood" Bellatrix smirked.
"Shut up Bella. This isn't joke. It's Esme if I'm not wrong". She spinned her heels swiftly. Her high-heels click-clack down the corridor making a way towards Esme's room.
She stopped. "Bella I think you should go".
"What me ?! I'm not going and why would I ?" She crossed her arms.
"Do I have to tell you what you did"
"Fine going" she exhaled.

Esme pov :-

The room is quite and dark. I sensed a triggered pain in my right palm than before. The piece of a glass pierced my palm leaving a sharp edge outside. I took a seat on a wooden chair besides the window. I was observing my palm to remove the glass piece easily until I heard a knock on the door.
She was Bellatrix. Why she is here ? I rolled my eyes and continue observing the glass piece.

"Did you roll your eyes on me?" She crossed her arms, leaning her back to the desk.
"I mean yes I did"
"Do you know what you're saying ? How dare you talk back to me like that ?!!!"
"Well you think I should talk to you sweetly when you did this. Anyways why you are here ?!"

Placing my left thumb and index finger on the edge of glass, I tug it out. I hold my groan under my breathe.
"I think you can help yourself" she looked away and left. W-what the hell was that. She left like nothing happened. And why would she ? She don't even know that I'm her daughter. It's being many years she haven't met me. She left me when I was born, like the way she did now. But it's good I don't want to live the lady like this. A complete psychopath.

There's a first aid box in the corner of table. I picked up and tried to open it left handly. It's hard tho. I failed to open it. A familiar voice came from the door side. I lift my head up.
"May I help you ?" Narcissa smiled. "I knew it she wouldn't do bandage to you".
This two are sisters and there's so much of difference. Narcissa is a kind lady. She bandage my wound carefully without even hurting me. She asked me stay for a night, but I refused it. There's already so much of drama caused by Bellatrix and my name is involved in it. It's better not to stay here.

I am heading home back to Sirius. He's kinda cute. After Bellatrix leave me alone when I was child, Sirius took my responsibility. I don't know the backstory of why she left me or why only Sirius took my responsibility.... Only two of us live in Black manor. I reached. Everything seems so magical after returning back to our comfort place. I rang up the bell. And he came walking calmly wearing a beautiful smile on his beautiful face which was priceless. I immediately ran up to him and ended up with a warming hug.

"What's wrong with your hand?" The smile when I arrived is gradually fading away.
"I went to Malfoy manor".
"What ?!"
Sirius is quite disappointed and stunned by my statement. He motion his hand towards dining table asking me to sit.
"I wanna know everything what happened" worried he seems.
"Nothing much. But unfortunately I met Bellatrix who did this".
He hold my palm like it's a delicate leaf. "Bella did this?". I nodded.
"Sirius I don't want this topic to extend further more. Can we have the dinner please. I'm hungry".
"But I wanna say-"
"Please I said".
He understood.

The summer holidays were going well. Until that night. I was busy in my thoughts of Bellatrix. Many unanswered questions were running in front of eyes. I want to sleep however this is making me uneasy. I got up and rest my back along the bed's frame, leaning my head back starring the roof vacantly.

A cold breeze touched my cheek and neck on a hot summer days. The window is wide open letting more air to pass freely. The wide green curtain along the window made a photo frame fall off the desk. I picked up the frame. All I see in photo frame is Bellatrix. I kept it back facing the frame towards the wall.

I heard sound of wings flapping. My owl brought a letter.
Dear Esme,
It's Draco Malfoy. I'm inviting you for my Birthday party. Hope you'll be there.

Next morning I told Sirius about this party. At first he didn't agree. He knows if there's Draco's party, there will be Bellatrix too. But I don't care about her, she's just like a stone lying there to me.

I reached Malfoy manor. Why no one is here for party ? I am quite embarrassed now. How can I be so fool. I didn't check the date.
Do I came before than the actual day ??
"No dear you not"
"Mr. Malfoy ?!!"
"You came on right time. We call you a day prior".
"And why so ?"
"Narcissa want to apologise for what happened because of bella"
"It's fine. I have no issues with it. However it wasn't her fault. No need to apologise for what you didn't do".

"Is Esme here too?" I turned around, pansy stood right there.
"You know each other ?" Narcissa questioned.

"Ya she's from Slytherin too. How can I forgot that. And how can I forgot how she broke my back".
"It was just a little push. Don't be so dramatic".
"Really a little push ?! Which made my back broke".
"Can't you both just stop !! I need to go out for some work. I want you both to stay quiet". Narcissa apparates.

My eyes landed on Beautiful library in the corner of the manor. Books were properly aligned with the colour theme. I grab one book from shelve and sat on the couch. Light sunrays fall on the pages making the pages and the eyes goes golden.
I got distracted by a voice asking me to come for lunch. I looked up at the clock and realised I sat here for nearly 4 hours. I put the book back in the shelve and head myself towards hall.

All were gathered in hall waiting for Lucius. I felt something around my hand. A little spark coming out of my hand. I lift my hand until Bellatrix screamed with pain. She fall off the couch. Her words are getting trapped inside her throat. "Cissy someone is using cruciatus curse on me".

Pansy interrupted "I'm sure this is Esme. She can do wandless magic. Cause we don't have wand either".
"Wait what ?! I didn't do that. And why would I do so?"
"I don't know your inner grudges. Maybe you want to take revenge who knows". Pansy smirked.
I agree I don't like Bellatrix but why would I curse. That's the other thing she don't recognised me yet. But still-

A sudden pain raised from my spine to my head. I screamed from my lungs on knees. I can barely move. My body started aching. I lift my head up at a snail's pace. I can't see anything clearly. Everything around me is slowly going blur. I perceived Bella holding her wand towards me. She tilt her wand more. I screamed with another heart wrenching voice. The curse is so powerful which make my bone crack.

She continued cursing me as it's fun. Voice of Bella babbling is ringing inside my ears. My lungs are almost collapsed, shortening by breath.
"S-stopp. P-please stopp" I breath more heavily. " I didn't hurt you. Trust me".
Bellatrix grab my face harshly. Her nails are piercing my skin letting blood flow off. "You lair !!!!" She shouted.
"I'm telling you the truth !!"
"You are lying".
"I'm not. I'm telling you the truth"
"THE TRUTH" She smacked my face, quite hard.

The black spots in my vision are getting wider and wider. Headaches are similar to brain cutting into half. In all this, the only words fall on my ears was of Draco "She's hurting. Please leave her".

My scream is fading away as the blood from my body. She is seeing this but unable to feel my pain. A quick numbness trace one side of my face. I get the feeling that she won't even love me if she would recognised me. I can feel watery eyes, running blood from nose and ears.

I spilled some blood out my mouth. She cursed me more. I screamed for the last time. A sharp blue wave broke out from my body causing all the glasses shattered into pieces. My eyes are getting closed completely, my ring which fell out is spinning....

I heard Bellatrix screaming "HAZEL ?!!!! Don't close you eyes. WHAT I DID TO MY OWN DAUGHTER ?!!" She cried out loud.
I can see blur Bellatrix running towards me. Holding me in her arms tightly. "Mommy is here" her voice strong voice is fading away as I closed my eyes completely.

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