8. The Same Page

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Hazel yelled at voldemort "WHAT YOU WANT ?"
"Because of You everyone became so courageous that they'll talk back and do things behind me. Because of you everything happened" his finger pointed an inch away from her eye.

He quickly grasped Hazel's jaw. She let a scream out. His rough grip was strong to break her jaw "Now see how everyone will leave you. And you will be Alone". He threw her away forcefully with her jaw. Hazel crashed on one of the thick barks of the tree. And apparates right after then.

"THEO !!!!!!!!!!!!!" Hazel's scream was inhuman even to her own body. Her lungs vibrates with her own voice inside. Dryness in eyes with tears. Swollen vessels causing bloodshot eyes to appear red. She punched the ground and lay down. Crying, sobbing. Alone.

She's on the edge of something new. But not on good.
"You promised you won't misunderstand her......."
She brought her hands together to her mouth, thinking "What should I tell mom now ? You misunderstand her too like me ? I can't tell her that you left her too. That her son left her too".

A warm hand falls on her shoulder. Hazel quickly wiped off her tears. She took a deep breath and turned around. She was a pale girl with short, spiky hair.
"You need some help ?" Her polite words would make Hazel cry.
"No I don't" she replied with a lump in her throat which is making making her unable to breathe.

Hazel felt a connection with her but she can't tell her tragic life story to a stranger. Tho she's young witch by appearance.
"Have this" she offered a piece of chocolate.
Hazel's eyes got smaller. No one have ever offered her a chocolate when she's sad.
Hazel's eyes slowly moved from piece to the young witch standing offering a chocolate.
"Don't worry. Eat it. You'll feel better".

Hazel nodded and took a small bite of it. A tear was about to fall, Hazel turned her head to other side. Soon she realised something on Hazel's face. She turned Hazel's head more to the other side. Hazel left a soft scream of pain.
"Is there blood ?" She interrogated.

Hazel lift her hand up to back of her ear. It felt warm and a little watery. She brought her hand back, in front of her. It was full with blood. She remember she crashed her head on the bark of the tree.

The girl drew a napkin and covered the injured part. Hazel felt so weak with dizziness.
"It's bleeding a lot" the girl pressed the injured part to stop the blood.
"Let it be. I'll go home".
"No stop. I can't let you go like this. My house is at some distance. Come with me. My mom is good at healing. I'm sure she can heal this too".
"I told you I'm fine. I can go home"
"Your head is bleeding and you don't even realised it. Please come with me".

Hazel took a moment to think and said yes. They were walking and she asked "what you prefer people to call you?"
"My name. That's what I prefer. You don't prefer people calling you by your name ?"
"My mom selected a name for me which I strongly disliked".
"So what you prefer me to call you ?"

Hazel looked up. Her eyes widen. She might got a clue she's with wrong person and she's taking her to a wrong place. Before Hazel could say, she shriek with excitement "We reached. That's my house".

The house was white and peace as it's colour. It was not too big nor too small. Tonks pushed the door and went inside, chanting her mother "Mom !! Look who's there !!! Mom come outside".

Hazel still standing outside, deciding whether to go inside. Tonks came out, sighing "you still standing there". She hold Hazel's hand and pulled her inside the house.
Before her mom, there appeared tonks father (Ted tonks).
"Hey you're head is bleeding too much" he ran towards Hazel and hold the injured part. Her heart filled up with tears and love. Her own father never cared about her this much like this man does.
Ted said in quote high voice "Dora go bring your mom. Fast !!"

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