7. The Misunderstanding

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"I think we should leave now" Bella suggested.
"One minute. I wanted to talk to Hazel" Narcissa said softly.

Narcissa took Hazel aside so no one can hear them.
"Hazel. I want you to listen to me carefully. Bella look normal and happy from outside and why wouldn't she. But remember she always wanted to keep you away from this. And TODAY YOU DID EXACT OPPOSITE".
"Look I know-"
"No explanation. I know it wasn't your fault. It happened. But she is scared that you'll turn into something like them. You have the same blood running through your veins. I just want you to take care of yourself and her. She never shows what's in her mind or is she sad" Narcissa raised her eyebrows, whether she understood. Hazel nodded.
"And Mr Parkinson, will surely gonna tell this all to the dark lord. You better stay aware".

"Cissy we wanna go !!!" Bella's shout drew their attention, and they walked towards her.
As they were walking towards Bella, Narcissa whispers to Hazel "remember what I told you".

Hazel stood on left of Bella, looking at Narcissa, she mouthed Don't worry and soon she apparates.

No sooner did they land, Hazel dropped her shoulders "it WAS a tiring day".
"Not for you Hazel" Theo added.
Soon Bella teased "I love their dance Theo, don't you ? She looked good today. I mean, extra good today." Bella's lips curled into smirk making Hazel blush.
Theo annoyed "Mom, it was SO...special. I heard them laughing. Something happened.....".

Hazel cut off his sentence "SHUT UP, nothing happened"
"I know everything. All of those rumours are true" Theo's overly exuberant personality annoyed her.
"Theo shut up !!!".

Bella came towards Hazel "tell us you love him ?"
Bella's sentence triggered her emotions which sent blood to her face, causing her cheeks to turn red "No. Yes. Idk. He didn't confess anything yet except-"
"Except what ?" She raised her eyebrow, smiling.
"I'll go upstairs this is getting awkward".

Bella and Theo glared for a moment, then burst into laughter.
Hazel turned back in the middle of the stairs "I'm hungry. Can we have dinner"
"I'll make something" Bella turned towards the kitchen.
"You need Draco ?" Theo and Bella burst into laughter.
Hazel threw her heel and he caught it.

"Mom you too !!!!" She cried.
"I'm sorry. It made me laugh badly. I cannot stop laughing".
Theo and Bella enjoy teasing her. Hazel rushed towards her room, shy and embarrassed.

*At dinner*
Bella made juicy fried chicken with some rice and salad. Hazel was astonished. Bella made so many things. Hazel looked over Theo and mouthed Now.
Suddenly, Theo from right and Hazel from left side, slided their chair towards Bella. So that Bella is sitting in between them.

Hazel replaced Bella's almost empty plate which was having one slice of bread with her full plate. Simultaneously Theo convinced Bella to have dinner.

Bella was continuously refusing to have dinner. In the end, their puppy little eyes won. She agreed to have a full dinner. They both kept staring at her until she finished it all.

"Mm..wow. Strange. I can cook" Bella said surprisingly.
"Of course you do. Now finish it all" Hazel said.
"Okay now that's enough for me now" Bella pushed the dish slightly away from her.
Hazel and Theo both brought it near to her again "Have it. Pleaseeeeeee".
"NO !"
"No !"
"Why ?"
"Azkaban has earned a reputation as a horrific place. Because of Dementors, I went insane for years. It was depressing for me. Losing my will to live and at some point I stopped eating. Now you're making me eat again and that's hard for me".
"Fiiineeee" Hazel pulls the dish towards herself and starts eating. They completed their dinner.

After a while, Bella took both of them out of the mansion. They all were silently walking down the woods. Following Bella. Cool Breeze making their hair fly. And silence wasn't killing them
"Where are we actually going ?" Theo interrogated. Bella softly smiled and told him to follow. She was walking down the woods and then she suddenly stopped.
She turned around, facing them and spread her arms, making them explore the place.
It was an open space surrounded by huge woods with an open sky.
Bella beamed "isn't it pretty. I love this place so muchhhh !!!!"

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