5. The Truth

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This chapter is quite long as compared to other chapters. Hope you'll love it.

Time marched on.
It's her 4th year.

She stepped into great hall. The gaze of attraction turn into a death stare. She found herself unusual and awkward. Her eyes were searching Hermione. The one who could help her out. As usual, she noticed Hermione's head into one of the thick book, not caring slightest what's going around. Harry and Ron were busy eating besides her.

Hazel snatched the book "Mione I need your help".
Harry and Ron rolled their eyes. They never do this to her tho she's Slytherin. That's the other reason Hazel don't like Ron. The reason is too obvious. Lavender Brown.

"What happened to you both ?" Hazel questioned.
"You just leave. We know who are you and why you're trying be our friend" Ron spilled.
"W-what I didn't get it what you wanna say"
"Don't act too smart. HAZEL". Ron purposefully emphasized on the word hazel. He further continued "Whole Hogwarts know, you're daughter of whom and why you wanna be our friend. Specially Harry's friend".

"Listen to me once-"
"Shut up. Shut up. You lair"
"I'm not".
"Your parents aren't normal !!! They loves to torture innocent people, hate muggles and kill them. You are like your parents. Psychopath with dirty mindset. And offcourse, Slytherin"
"ENOUGH. SO WHAT IF I'M DAUGHTER OF LORD VOLDEMORT AND BELLATRIX. DOES THAT MAKES ME WICKED TOO? I'm who I am. My character doesn't define me by my parents. Never".

Whole Hogwarts overheard her statement.
"Well then Fuck you. I don't care".

Hermione interrupted "Harry and Ron, you two should stop. You are wrong about Hazel. I know, her parents aren't good people but that doesn't mean she's bad too. Believe me guys".
"Go with her then. We don't need you" Ron barked.
"What !"
"Yess you go with her and never come back to us".

Harry quickly cast a spell on Hazel. Later Ron joined Harry. The quarreling now turned into a wand fight. They two and Hazel.


She's defending each spells smoothly.
From Harry's back a new spell crashed on Hazel. Pansy Parkinson.

Before the spell could hurt Hazel someone stopped it. The person is quite closer to Hazel.
Green apples with a hint of mint. She looked sideways, veiny hand and rings, holding the wand straight towards pansy.

"Do not dare to hurt Hazel" His ocean blue eyes from sideways looks more breathtaking. Hazel felt secure when she saw Draco by her side.
He looked down at Hazel and said "The one who wants to believe will do. No need to explain ".
Draco glowered at Harry "If anyone wants to hurt her, should fight with me first. And if you stay alive then try to cast spells on her".

Draco hold Hazel's wrist and took her out from the great hall. They are walking down the corridor. He suddenly pushed hazel towards the wall. Making sure they both breathe the same air.
"Why you came in between ? You care for me?" She whispered.
"I don't care about you dumb. I came because you can't save yourself".
"How you know I can't save myself ?"
"I don't know. But you can't"
"Tell me you care Draco"
"No I don't"
"You do. I know"
"I don't"
"You do Mr. Malfoy"
"No I don't"
"Then what was that ?"
"Someone told me to take care of you"
"Someone who ?"
Soon she heard Bella, Hazel pushed him and walked down alone.

Draco pulled her hand which make her stop. "Why you always like this ? She's your mother. I know she left you but she do care about you".
"Oh shut up Draco. You are saying this cause you got your mom as well as dad on your side"
"Not dad. Fully" He spoke.
"He will. But what about me ? I got no one. Atleast you stay with your parents. You have someone to call mom and dad. What about me ? I got no one Draco. Not even you. They left me and you're saying Bella care for me. Really ?!"

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