6. The party

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Hazel fell back onto the wall. She is shock at how harsh reality can be. She is staring at the stone Pensieve with wide open eyes cannot shut. Totally paralysed. Frozen at her place, breathing heavily.

Theo noticed her changes. He wrapped her shoulders. He shook her little hard, for her to response. However she's still vacantly looking at stone Pensieve.

Theo yelled "Hazel !! Hazel !! Why your hands are shaking ? Say something. Your body is getting colder. Hazel. Say something !!!"

Hazel got snapped back to reality. She grasped Theo and cried in his chest "the time. The Time. I heard Tom and Bella's conversation, it made me hate her so much. I feel like I wanted to curse them. Or torture Tom. He is using me for his own purpose and Bella is saying nothing. I felt like a thrown crumbled piece of paper. I was so lonely Theo. They broke my heart into a million.

*She took a pause*
"But then, Narcissa walked in..., how Bella lived without me tho she loved me so much ? Azkaban is such a worst place. She suffered a lot. And then, when she got out of it, I tortured her, with my own words. Others treat her badly. And I treat her worst tho I was her own daughter".
Hazel burst into a cry.

"I don't know what to say Hazel. But-"
"I never wanted Bella in front of my eyes. I used to hate her. I thought she didn't care about me. She's the most selfish, cold hearted witch. I WAS WRONG. She isn't evil. She is the kindest. You were right. You were right from the start. I should have listened to her story. I should have......"

She is in Theo's arm. Trembling and regretting. Theo's tear dropped on her cheek.
His words got trapped in throat. He pulled her closer to his chest. "Hazel. She will forgive you"
"No doubts. She will. But I can't face her. She always searched for some love and kind words from me. And what did I do ? I always have her back answers, being rude to her. I'm so shameful about my own self. I can't even ask her to forgive me. I don't deserve her"

They heard a voice from downstairs. Probably it was Bella.

Hazel pulled Theo's shirt firmly "DO NOT SAY ANYTHING TO HER ABOUT THIS NOW".

Hazel wiped off her tears. Both of them came downstairs. They saw the backside of Bella waiting at the dining table for lunch. Hazel reminded him again and sat across the table facing each other like they do.

Bella was reading a letter. Theo asked her about it. All she did was tell him to wait. After a couple of minutes she stated "all eyes on me. Now listen. We are going for a party tonight. It's a death eaters party at Malfoy manor".
Hazel's eyes sparkle for a moment when she heard Malfoy.
Bella further continued "I know Theo will dress perfectly. What about you ?"
Hazel pointed her finger at herself "I'll dress perfectly too. My dressing won't affect you and your reputation. I'll take care of that".

Theo was having his lunch peacefully. However, Hazel has lost her appetite. She is moving her spoon to and fro. Bella sitting next to her noticed that. She wanted to ask her but she knew if she did Hazel will give her back answers and maybe that would hurt her.
But Bella didn't know this time it won't happen. Hazel won't give her back answers. She won't hurt her. Bella refused to ask her out.

Hazel on the other side doesn't't have enough courage to face Bella. She wants Bella to read her mind. She looked up at Bella who is reading. Hazel realised she won't read her mind now, so she got up and make her way towards the room. Bella and Theo keep staring at her until she's gone.

Bella interrogated "is something happened with her ?"
Hazel's sentence got quickly framed in his mind and he end up saying "No. Nothing".
"Okay then. But you seems happy since she's here, isn't it ?"
"Yeah. She makes me happy. Just like the way she did to you".
Bella chuckled. "She is with me. But not actually with me".
"Mom... please"
"No discussion on this topic. I'll go to Malfoy manor now. I need to help Cissy there. You both be in time. I'll be waiting".
Theo nodded and she apparates.

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