Chloe: WHAT?
Chloe: Oh my, Marinette, are you okay?
Adrien aGRASSte: why is it even in a year? Is there even a reasonable explanation?
MarinaraSauce: Well I'm assuming they don't want their villains moving to other cities. But I don't understand why they just don't have extreme security that day. But I guess that just wouldn't end up working, so this is just the safer way.
Chloe: This is ridiculous! Outrageous!
Adrien aGRASSte: Are the villains that serious? I don't remember any attacks happening while we were there.
MarinaraSauce: From what I can understand, the town's vigilantes had caught them a few days before we arrived. But they are extremely dangerous, some have even been marked as clinically insane.
Chloe: I'm glad they didn't break out. Apparently, they break out frequently.
AdrienaGRASSte: I'm glad they didn't either.
MarinaraSauce: What time is it there?
Adrien aGRASSte: Really late *Yawn* We finally got back an hour ago, but it took awhile to get off the plane. We are currently waiting for the Gorilla, Chloé is riding home with me.
MarinaraSauce: You guys need to go to sleep as soon as you can.
Chloe: Why?
MarinaraSauce: Because I need you guys awake enough to shut down any outrageous lies from Pinocchio tomorrow.
Chloe: Fine, you have a reasonable enough reason.
Texting her friends made Marinette feel loads better. She felt a little bit more safe, even if the room still felt empty.
After she set her phone down, she got up and changed.
She had brought some of her sewing things to mess around with for when they would be stuck in the hotel with nothing to do. Which, had turned out to only be at night.
She let herself get lost in what she was creating, letting the world fade away.
"Marinette, It's really late." Tikki said in a soothing voice.
She sat up and rubbed her eyes, surprised she had fallen asleep.
She drowsily grabbed her phone from the side-table.
She had a text from an unknown user.
Unknown: This is Lila, I feel so bad we left U behind Marinette. R U ok?
Marinette: Lila, why are you texting me?
Marinette changed Unknown to Lie-La
Lie-la: That isn't very nice, im just trying to be nice.
Marinette added 2 people to chat
Chloe: What are YOU doing texting Marinette?
Adrien aGRASSte: Seriously Pinocchio? Isn't it a little too early for this?
Lie-La: I just thought I'd tell Marinette something :)
Lie-La: You better stay in Gotham or i'll have UR parents bakery reputation ruined.
Chloe: Is that a threat?

When a liar gets you left behind
RomanceDespite the fact that many things had changed in her class, Marinette was content-she wasn't happy, but she was not sad or negative towards what had happened between some of her classmates and herself. During a cut short trip to Gotham, Marinette f...