Chapter Six: Chloe's Redemption

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"Your giving me Pollen back?!" Chloe said, her eyes gleaming in the light, her eyes watering slightly more than usual.

Marinette nodded and waited for her to reply, knowing that this was really important for her.

Chloe put on the trinket, her hands shaking the slightest. She watched with satisfaction as the familiar being popped into existence.

The feeling of happiness was strong in the air as the two old friends reunited.

Marinette in that time that it had been years since everything had changed in her life. Lila had only officially taken away her former classmates two years ago. So Chloé had not seen Pollen in literally years, so this actually really important to them.

"My Queen!" The Kwami leaped at her chosen.

"Pollen!" Chloé said in shrieky tone.

The two then launched into conversation, catching up, making up for the lost time between the two of them.


Marinette looked at her two friends. She had went to the bathroom, and found a amusing situation when she came back.

Chloe had one, terrifying object in her hand: A pillow.

And she was currently wacking Adrien in the head, while he was stuck in a corner of the room defenseless. Well, not totally defenseless, but he had no pillow in his hand, and, unfortunately, Chloé was vicious with the cotton-filled bag of fabric.

Adrien just sat there, awaiting the perfect time to act, whether that be escaping or attacking, it did not look like he knew.

"Look!" Marinette yelled at Adrien as she threw a pillow over Chloe's head.

"Ah-hah!" He said, grabbing the pillow, his eyes brightening up with the hope of winning the match.

She watched as the two fought with the light, fluffy objects.

She enjoyed seeing Chloe like this, seeing how much she had changed. To her, It was proof people really could change if they wanted to.

Distantly, she remembered how Chloe apologized.


Marinette was trying her hardest not to let her emotions get the best of her, though the disappointment still continued to come off her in waves.

She had quietly given up her seat to Lila without a single complaint, knowing that would be better for her.

A sudden thud on her desk snapped her out of her dark thoughts.

Someone had set a ginormous notebook on her desk. It looked like every single piece of paper had already been used, so no one was giving her a new notebook. Though, she would have found it curious if someone had given her a new notebook.

She looked up to see the brattiest face in all of Paris looking at her kindly.

—Wait! Kindly?

Then she preceded to watch as she drew a bag out of her ginormous backpack.

"What's this?" Marinette asked quietly. She was sure it was some elaborate prank.

She was a little worried as well, as Chloé's pranks could sometimes be very bad in the end.

"A book with all the things I've done to you over the years. Handwritten. Including all the things of yours I've messed up," Chloe grabbed a envolope from the bag she was holding. "This is all the money covering the damage of everything I've ever broke."

She then grabbed a few huge rolls of fabric from her backpack. "This is all of the fabric I owe you from destroying throughout all the years. Though, if you wanted to, you could press charges against me and I promise I will plead guilty."

Chloe took a deep breath, the grabbed a piece of paper from the bag in her hands. "Dear Marinette, I am apologizing to you not only for all the things I have done to you over the years. But about the fact that I haven't stood up against Lila when I knew she was a liar. I promise that if you give me the pleasure of your forgiveness, I will forever cherish the opportunity. I am trying to change because I know I can be a way better person than I am being. I sincerely apologize. I know I have no right, but I would love the opportunity to be your friend," She said finishing her letter.

Her words were rushed and slightly jumbled, Marinette could hear the nervousness in Chloé's voice.

"I know you probably don't believe me, and that's fine. But I wanted to say that," Then she turned starting to walk away, her ears slightly red on the tips.

Marinette grabbed Chloe's shoulder and pulled her into a hug.

"I would love to have a friend like you Chloé . Especially after the dramatic apology you gave me," She said, laughing.

Chloé glared, but there was a smile on her lips.

"How long did it take you to make that book?" Marinette's attention turning towards the book.

"I don't even know. A month? Maybe?" She confessed uncomfortably, not liking how intense Marinette's gaze was.


Marinette couldn't help but smile at the memory. It was so Chloé to be so dramatic.

A loud smack broke her thoughts.

Chloé had just landed a heavy blow to Adrien's back.

Marinette quickly grabbed a pillow, and ran to aid her partner.

And for a while, she forgot about the fact that she was stuck in Gotham. For a while, she was stuck in the moment.


"It's getting late, Adrien, we need to head back." Chloé said in a heartbreaking tone.

Adrien pouted, crossing his arms. He seemed

"I know, come on, let's transform."

Marinette let out a quick wait, not wanting her friend to forget a very, very important thing that she needed in order to continue using the Bee Miraculous.

"Before you go, Chloé, I need you to imagine a new look when you transform."

"It might take up a lot of Pollen's energy—oh, and think about a new name for yourself,"She gave Chloé a burgundy colored macron.

Chloé fed her Kwami the macron, happiness still very much so clear in both of their eyes.

"Pollen, buzz on!" She said with enthusiasm, a big smile on her face, excitement loud in her voice.


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