Chapter Thirteen: Sleeping troubles

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"I-well . . .You see. . ," Marinette stuttered out, trying to explain the crazy situation.

Marinette found herself speechless as she stared at her still currently brown walls. She did plan to paint them—uneventually.

Marinette found herself looking everywhere but where the Rockstar sat. Her eyes going to the brown walls of the room.

This could not be happening! She had always been so much more careful with her parent's! She had been hiding for years from them, and she had been living in the same house as them. And the she gives away her identity to Jagged in less than a week.

She silently asked why she had to be put in this awkward situation. Though, the more she thought about it, the more she realized this could help her more in the future—Even if it meant she had to reveal her identity mistakenly.

She decided that he it could have its pros—that is, after the very long list of cons.

"Let me guess, it's not what it looks like?" Amusement played across his face as he looked at Marinette, his eyes flashing as if he was laughing in his head.

She could see that nothing would be believable enough to explain the situation. And the fact that once Jagged set his heart on something, he would almost never change his opinion on it was easily discouraging.

Very, very discouraging.

"Exactly? See. . ." She paused, then said the first thing that popped into her head. "Romeo and Juliette had a urgent situation, deadly important."

Silence shook the room for a few seconds. She immediately wished that she would have kept her mouth closed.

She didn't even know a Romeo or Juliette. The urge to ramble out random things was a annoying habit of hers that just made this situation even harder to explain.

Jagged looked at her with disbelief on his face, as—for some reason—he did not believe her.

Though, she wouldn't believe herself either, she was herself and constantly found knew reasons to second-guess herself, though.

"I have no idea why I said that," She said finally, shaking her head at herself, she was ridiculous.

"Does anyone know?" Jagged asked, ignoring her peculiar question, his eyes growing serious.

Marinette thought for a moment before answering. She didn't know whether a yes or no would suffice. She didn't want to say Cat Noir and Princess Honey do, as the chance of her accidentally blowing their identities because of that was big.

"Yes," She said in a calm tone, though she said this as if she was disinterested.

"You scared the mess out of me Marinette, you are my niece," Jagged looked at her seriously, all playfulness from the moment before gone. "Don't scare me like that again."

Marinette felt bad, to put it lightly. The guilt that ran through her body was something that she didn't like the feeling of, it made her extremely uncomfortable.

"I'm sorry, if I leave abruptly it probably means I am dealing with an Akuma attack," She said guiltily, looking down in shame.

Jagged looked at her for a moment, before deciding something within himself. He sat up straighter, his eyes hardening with resolve as he looked her up and down, deciding a silent question he was asking himself.

"I won't ask any questions right now, because you need sleep. But know, after school tomorrow, I'll be asking away." His voice was calm, but it held a promise within it.

Through all of that, she could also see the soft look in his eyes as he said this, his expression being one of worry and concern.

"Please don't tell anyone!" Marinette blurted out, her stomach doing a nervous flip.

"I am telling Penny, but other than that, I promise I won't tell anyone."

Jagged then got up and walked out of the room, not waiting for a answer from her.

Marinette's mind couldn't seem to process the information quite then, as the need to sleep ran through her train of thought.

Soon, she was passed out in bed, stirring occasionally.


The water came rushing in, faster and faster. The salty dry smell of sea-water reached her nose, burning it slightly.

Marinette watched in horror as everyone tried to run from the water. Though, it was almost impossible, as the waves were ones the size of a Tsunami.

She could hear screams as fellow civilians ran. Marinette turned just in time to see a mother with a small child in her arms to be swept away, both of them crying uncontrollably.

She was back in Paris, fighting the Siren all over again.

She could hear herself screaming, trying not think about all the things she was witnessing.

She felt herself running.

Suddenly, she was back fighting Cat Blanc. His white suit coming closer and closer to her. His once innocent and playful eyes now held one of hurt and confusion, as if he couldn't decide whose side to take, his father's, or her's.

Marinette ran, tripping over metal and other debris in the process. Her hands were scratched and her legs were covered in cuts from the debris. She was hurting, everything hurt.

She tripped, an amused chuckle filling the air as Cat Noir stepped closer to her.

Trembling in her suit, she looked down to see what she had stepped on. Alya's lifeless eyes met hers, making her scream in horror. Marinette looked down to her hand, which was entertained with someone else's—Nino's.

All the memories, and illusions that had been forced into her mind ran through her mind like a tornado, tearing through any other thoughts.

The faces of all the people forgetting the horrors inflicted on them rushed into her mind. All except her. The urge to ask the universe why her, was a recurring thought in her mind.

All the things that in her conscious mind, she refused to think about flooded through her mind and forced their way to her.

And then, maybe from exhaustion, it all faded to black.


Marinette stirred uncomfortably on the floor of the kitchen.

She bolted up, quickly looking around her.

She had no recollection of how she got to the kitchen and was just confused in general as to how she got there.

Could she have moved in her sleep?

The thought of that even being a possibility scared her. Sleepwalking was a very serious thing.

It was probably just a one time thing, she thought.

It had to be. She had enough as it was to worry about, she didn't need this piled on her as well.

And so, with that, she worked her way towards the coffee-machine, focusing on the things that she needed to do that day.


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