Chapter Twenty-Nine: Learning and Sketching

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  Marinette was lucky to find that no one had eaten her cookies, and she was able to eat the cookies by herself, minus Tikki, of course.

Today was Sunday, so she didn't have

much to do, other than finishing up a commission and sending it off, she had nothing else to do.

She hadn't been to a proper park while here, and she really missed the inspiration she could get from them, even if she got new inspiration from the town.

So, impulsively, Marinette decided she would wander around for a park close to the ones in Paris.

She searched on her phone for parks near her, specifically ones with gardens.

She enjoyed nature, there were so many things to find, so many things for inspiration.

But then she remembered she needed to talk to Tikki, halting any ideas for how to spend the day.

Marinette walked up to her bedroom to find her Kwami was still fast asleep. Her little tummy lifting up every few seconds.

Marientte's lips curled into a smile. Her Kwami was adorable. I word that she found fitting for Tikki's personality.

Tikki cared. She was thoughtful and was wise, though that may have come with time. Her bubbly voice was always full of happiness. Even when she was sad, you could notice just how she had small faint smile wrinkles around her round-ish face.

All of these things she loved about Tikki, the very thought of her comforted her. Marinette was constantly thinking of her. Sometimes, she would go to the store and find something that reminded her of Tikki. Whether it was a bright red fabric, or just a sign with a saying that Tikki would constantly say to her.

She had a very open relationship with Tikki, even though she till kept some things to herself, she could say that she was the person/Kwami she was most open to in her life.

Marinette sighed, the sound ringing familiar to her. She had been doing that a lot for the last few years.

Deciding that she should get this out of the way, she shook Tikki's small shoulder slightly, successfully waking the Kwami.

"Y-yes Marhnwtre?" She mumbled, her words sounding like an alien language.

"Tikki, we should talk," She said softly, turning off her nearby lamp so the light wouldn't hurt the petite Kwami's eyes.

"Oh-Okay," She replied, tossing a little to the side.

"Get up," Marinette said in a sing-song voice.

The Kwami groaned in protest and flopped onto her belly, lying like a starfish.

Marinette opened her mouth again but Tikki cut her off.


Marientte snorted at her antics and walked to her desk. She sat comfortably in her chair that had fluffy fabric on it, making it super comfy.

Tikki floated over to Marinette, her eyes drooping slightly, drowsiness lingering in her eyes.

"What is it, Marinette?" Tikki asked as she sat the the top of Marinette chair, knowing it must be serious.

"Tikki, is-," Marinette stopped herself, nervously trying to get the courage to say it.

"Tikki, is Adrien not a true Miraculous holder?" Marinette finally said.

It was silent in the room, so much so, you could probably hear a pin drop in the silence. Tikki's eyes widened and her face was one of shock. Tikki but her tiny lip nervously as she sat there before Marinette.

"He says he has been hurting, Tikki. And he doesn't have any side-effects yet—It just makes sense," Marinette continued, saying her thoughts verbally.

"So, he knows?" Tikki asked in a small, sad voice. There was an underlying hope to her voice, as if maybe, just maybe, he didn't know.

"I'm not sure he thinks it a hundred percent, but he thinks so," Her blue-bell eyes looking away from Tikki.

"He isn't a True Miraculous holder," Tikki confessed, her eyes gleamed with sadness.

"For any Miraculous?" Marinette asked frantically.

"I don't know, we would have to run a test of sorts to find out."

Marinette nodded and sat back fine on her bed, finding her notebook on her side-table.

"Where are you going?" Tikki asked, concerned.

"To a garden or park, I need to think,"

With that, Marinette exited her room, Tikki following slowly behind her.


Marinette was angry when she got to the garden, furious even. Not at Tikki, Adrien, or even herself. But at the previous Guardian.

Marinette had always held a little bit of grudge against the previous Guardian.

She couldn't help but feel like everything was beyond fair. He had not only chosen them by a simple test that, not everyone, but most people would pass. He had chosen them when they were teenagers, totally untrained, barely even teenagers at that. She had been flung into something she hadn't wanted to do, and, while she was glad for Tikki and happy that she didn't give her away, she couldn't help but feel like she had been forced to do it in the beginning. Then, she had been flung into another huge responsibility, being Guardian! And with all of that including Lila, she was expected to not fail.

But today, she had learned something new. She had always assumed that the guardian had sensed a Miraculous that they would be compatible with, but no, he just gave them what he needed out.

And now, poor Adrien was paying the price for using the Miraculous too long.

Marinette sighed, her surroundings appearing back around her as she came out of her daydream.

Marinette realized she had been furiously sketching things on her innocent piece of paper.

Marinette reluctantly put away her sketchbook, and got up to look at the scenery.

She turned and was about to start walking in that direction when a forehead banged into hers.

She, unfazed by this, grabbed the person that was about to fall.

"Are you okay? I'm so sorry, I wasn't watching!"

The girl she had grabbed looked at her and smiled, one of her hands massaging her forehead.

"Yeah, I'm fine, thanks for catching me."

"Your welcome," Marinette said sincerely and smiled brightly.

The girl waved and walked away, lacing Marinette to finally be able to look around.


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