Chapter Forty-Nine: Brother-Brother Time

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Marinette woke up feeling resolved, a new fire burning with her, stopping her from running out of fuel that kept her going. She had been burnt-out, but now she felt rejuvenated.

She even decided that she would wear something warm in color for the day, almost as a promise to herself that she would move forward with more vigor than she had before.

She felt a change in the air around her, something that made her feel quite happy. She hoped that the change was something for the better. She was tired of feeling stuck in place. And so, she was going to make herself a list when she got home from school, a list that had a list of goals for her to work towards.

It would be a way for the scrambled mess that her mind was in to unravel in an organized way. She needed that thing up in her head working properly, after all. For some reason, she had grown quite fond of it.

She dressed herself for the day with a blurry of  colors and soon was ready enough for the day that she decided to go down and eat breakfast, else she risked the rumbling in her stomach to sour her mood. It was uncanny how easy it was for the stomach to have so much control over the person who ruled what it received, as it could easily make that person grouchy because they lacked certain nutrition that they wanted in a certain moment.

Marinette had seen and experienced her fair share of hangryness from someone's nerves and hunger finally getting the best of them. It was an odd word now that she thought about it, hangryness, who on earth had insisted upon spelling it that way?

She was pondering over this when she finally made her way downstairs, her bright mood making her more lively than she had been for the past week or so. She had been missing her parents a lot more recently, she missed her bed and her photos of her friends on the wall.

  That was not on her mind as she made her way down the steps, it was the farthest it had been for a while, actually. Her mind was set on the idea of breakfast for now.

She found her aunt in the dining room, along with her uncle, whose attention seemed to be elsewhere, as they did not notice her slip into the room. Both of them were busy on their phones, their eyes focused, warning Marinette to not break their concentration.

Instead, she sat down, making her way around the items that were on her plate instead, as she needed to go to school and there was hardly any time for her to relax and cool down during that rambunctious tip of her day.

"Hey, Marinette," her uncle called to her, his eyes shooting up to hers suddenly, drawing her attention to him, "your mother wants some explanation to these videos that she found."

Marinette's head immediately shot up. She had no clue what videos he could be talking about. With slight worry blooming in her chest, she forced herself up from her seat, hoping that it had nothing at all to do with her alter ego.

BIt was a clip of Marinette at her old school, walking through the hallway with a sketchbook in her hand, her mouth holding a huge, open smile to those that greeted her as she passed.

The amount of students in the hallway soon dwindled, making it to where Marinette was the only one there. At least, until two very important people approached.

Alya and Lila slipped into camera view smoothly, each of their backs being the only thing that could be seen until they turned the corner, their eyes catching on Marinette.

They walked towards her, their head leaning together for a moment before they once again flew apart, that random act soon making sense as they finally reached where Marinette stood.

She watched as Alya quickly—in a painfully obvious way—stuck out her foot, making Marinette's foot catch, before stumbling to the ground.

Alya was quick to apologize, her eyes looking earnest as she lifted Marinette up, tilted her away from Lila. Meanwhile, Lila scooped up her sketchbook.

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