Chapter Forty-Eight: Second Chance

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When Marinette woke up the next day, she momentarily forgot about what all had happened previously, giving her an idle moment of peace right before her problems came rushing back to her.

Quickly, she was up and ready for her school day. She had cooked a quick and simple breakfast in the time that she had nothing to do, busying herself with something as to get away from her thoughts. She did not want to think about it, at least, not until she got to school, which was where she could talk to Damian.

She had a feeling that Damian would be very mad, something of the mix if he was not. She knew that he had to be at the very least frustrated with being ditched without a single explanation.

The night before she had slept in erratic breaks of sleep, she constantly woke up through the nights. She had a feeling it had something to do with stress. She chose not to think about why too much.

When she was dropped off to school she was nervous. It was something that she had no handle on whatsoever, which was very annoying considering she did not like the feeling.

She pushed through the tall metal doors and made her way through the hallways, quickly finding her classroom. She swiftly made her way in, knowing that she would just delay the inevitable if she did not.

Almost instantly, she met eyes with Damian, who looked immensely annoyed. His glare that he naturally had was sharpened by a lot, and his eyes were dark as he continued to challenge her with his eyes. He looked furious.

Marinette knew that she had to at least attempt to explain. This would be one of the best times as well, as not even the teacher was here yet.

She sat down in the seat of the desk next to him, pulling out her stuff in silence before turning to him.

"Where were you?" His voice colder than she had ever heard it, his face unreadable as ever as he looked at her expectantly.

"Something came up, I had no time to try and cancel in person," she responded.

Damian's eyes narrowed. "I expected you to be there because we set up a time. You said you were not busy."

Marinette ignored the instant feeling of guilt that came into her, instead she decided to focus on what he had just said.

"I was not. But something with my family came up. It was very important."

"Ridiculous," he muttered under his breath, annoyance starting to appear on his face.

He met her gaze, his eyes deadly serious."Can you be certain you will not cancel in the future?"

"No," she replied shortly, her voice firm.

"I do not wish to work with someone who cannot prioritize school," he said plainly.

She could tell that whatever sort of progress she had started to make with him was gone, he looked like he did not even want to be around her.

"All I need is a chance to make it up to you, I know that you do not typically like waiting," she pointed out.

He glared at her."I do not give second chances."

"Are you telling me you have never had to cancel something because of family issues, or something really important?" she asked him daringly, her eyes bright with determination.

Damian paused. He seemed to be thinking hard about something before he replied.

"In the future, do not cancel without somehow telling me," he said through clenched teeth.

Marinette raised an eyebrow. "How would I do that? We have no way of communicating outside of school."

He was silent, his calculating eyes leaving hers as he looked away, probably thinking about a way to communicate without sharing his information.

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