Chapter Fifty: Big Brother Wisdom

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Grayson had actually been serious about Disney movies. Damian had thought he had been joking when he had talked about marathoning some of them on the large television. He had been in a huge rant about what he was getting and planning for the great event. From covers to snacks and then of course the actual movies themselves. The manor had probably never even had a Disney movie within hundred feet of it. Damian had no clue as to how Grayson had been so entranced by them; he never had he seen him watching one.

He was sure that he was most likely not going to enjoy the movie. He had a feeling that the first one would be one that his brother wanted to see because he had not watched it in years. He would soon figure out if his theory was correct later in the night.

That was when his brother insisted upon starting the movies—nightime. He was looking forward to seeing what all his brother had done for the movie night, though. It was a warm thought in Damian's mind, his brother rushing around the room attempting to add something that he had forgotten last minute.

Damian had just woken up, as it was now early morning. He was sure that Grayson was still asleep, and he would still be asleep for another thirty minutes or so. Damian liked being up before everyone else, it was oddly peaceful—everyone besides Alfred. Alfred rose before the moon fully went to rest beneath the skyline. Damian had no clue as to why, but blamed it on the thought that Alfred had trouble sleeping for long periods of time.

His brother, Drake, had problems actually allowing himself to sleep the night away at all. He was so busy solving cases beneath his work at Wayne Enterprises, that he often was swamped within his duties. His would continue through these sleepless nights until caffeine no longer effected his brain at all, and he finally fell asleep from exhaustion.

It was unhealthy, and it annoyed Damian to no end. He could not understand why his brother would make himself so vulnerable to get something done faster. He understood with great conviction why Alfred had banned Drake from coffee once again.

With his father gone for an unseeable amount of time, he knew that his brothers would have no choice but to take up jobs that his father left behind as he went through his mission. It had been very last minute, him being told. He wondered why his father told him when it only seemed unavoidable.

Drake would get their father's side of work at Wayne Enterprises tossed at him until he showed back up, which would make him spend more time at work than usual. That would not do. He would probably find himself coffee just to manage turning in papers in a steady fluid pace.

Grayson would take over being Batman occasionally, which would mess with his patrol in Bludhaven when he went out as Nightwing. He might slowly wean back on Nightwing's patrols so he could maintain a comfortable sleep schedule. That seemed probable.

Todd might consider actually stepping foot in the manor for more than a few strangled hours. With his father on mission Todd might feel just the slightest more comfortable than usual. Damian did not know this for sure, though. Todd was an uncharted anomaly, a wild card.

Titus pressed his head into Damian's hand, demanding some sort of acknowledgement as he made his way through the hallway with him. Damian softly pet his head before finally entering the dining room.

The smells that hit the air only encouraged Damian's speed. He wasted no time taking in what Alfred has been hard at work cooking for them. It was something from Damian's culture, he could tell because of how familiar it was. He took it with his heart warm with happiness.

Titus made his way to his food bowl, his tail wagging behind him cheerily. As Damian searched the table, he finally found what brought the smell that made Damian hungry. He made himself a hearty plate of the meal and sat down, quietly munching on his food.

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