Marinette held in a deep breath of relief as the croissants came out of the oven, they were perfect. She had decided to finally take the dough out of the fridge on a whim, then proceeded to use all of the dough. She was lucky that the oven was as big as it was, if she had tried to pull this in her oven at home it would have taken all night.
For her, though, it took a total of two hours. All she had to do was prep up the chocolate filling—which she had done a million times before—then get ready for school.
The cooking early in the morning reminded her of home, which she missed dearly. She recalled how often she would come and assist her parents in the morning. The feeling was nostalgic.
She missed Paris dearly. It was terrifying to be stuck in a place you barely knew. And while she had been enjoying her stay, it was not her home. She had called her parents multiple times through the weeks, but she still could not visit them in person.
She grabbed her tube of filling, her selected croissants having been prepped for this procedure before even being placed in the oven. She quickly stuck the metal tip into the bread and pushed some of the fluffy mixture into the delicate food.
After finishing all ten, she took three and placed them in her lunch box. She smiled as she looked down at her masterpiece.
"It smells like a masterpiece in the making!!" the long awakened Jagged Stone said as he made his way down the stairs and into the kitchen, his eyes searching for the source of the alluring smell.
The smell had finally drifted upwards enough for both her Aunt and Uncle to arrive. Penny waited at the steps, slightly out of it, probably because there was not a coffee cup in her hands yet.
Shortly after everyone awakened—only Penny if she was being completely honest—they headed out, all of them needing to get out of the house today.
"Yes, I have to run some errands," she replied back quickly to Marinette when she asked.
Marinette nodded her head, her eyes drifting to the kitten which was in the living room sleeping on the couch.
She smiled, her face brightening as she watched it slowly open its eyes and look directly at her. It yawned suddenly, then closed its eyes again, falling back asleep.
She smiled adoringly at the creature, a sense of happiness flowing through her at the cute thing she had just witnessed.
A light tap from Penny told Marinette it was time to leave. Marinette's thoughts were directed towards Damian, and at the same time, a thousand little other things that would determine whether or not her day would go smoothly. She hoped to be a bit luckier than normal, to somehow break the oddness between her and him, but for some reason, a bad feeling poked into her stomach, as if trying to warn her that her day would be trash. And yet, something told her that feeling was misplaced, she had high swell hopes for the day and she was not about to give up on it just because of a small nervous stomach.
✧ ☾ ✧
Marinette smiled at Phoebe as she sat down, scooting her chair in as she set her backpack down.
"Good morning, Mari-girl. You seem fierce today," she noted as she looked her up and down, a small proud smile lifting the corner of her mouth.
Bashfully, Marinette looked down, trying not to let herself feel too embrassed by the compliment. Instead she turned her attention onto her delicacies which were still situated in her bag.
She put a single finger in front of her, telling Phoebe to wait for but a moment. Then searched from the croissant package before carefully pulling them out.

When a liar gets you left behind
RomanceDespite the fact that many things had changed in her class, Marinette was content-she wasn't happy, but she was not sad or negative towards what had happened between some of her classmates and herself. During a cut short trip to Gotham, Marinette f...