Chapter Thirty-Two: A Failed Attempt To Go To The Vet

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"Isn't it adorable?" Marinette said in a happy tone, watching the calico kitty trot around her Uncle Jagged's living room.

Her Uncle nodded at her in agreement, continuing to teasingly aggravate the kitty whilst on the ground.

She had worried about Fang eating the poor kitten for a while, so she didn't dare let it take a step out of her room till she had at the very least asked about whether or not it was safe for any tiny animals to be living around Fang.

When her Uncle and Aunt had woken up, she had immediately run up to them to explain to them what the kitty had done and what it looked like.

They quickly fell in love with the fur-ball.

Marinette felt bad, the poor little thing had obviously not been very well taken care of, as it's ribs were easily noticeable. And some of it's fur was missing in some areas. She had not been able to see all of this that well last night, but now that it was daylight, it was much more noticeable.

The kitten was, from what she had deduced, a stray. As it did not have a mark from a collar and while it was really sweet, it hissed whenever they got too close to its food. She was currently watching videos on how to slowly stop this from happening.

Nevertheless, they were going to see if there was a tag that the cat had, as well as keeping an eye on lost kitten signs in their area. Marinette didn't want to steal someone's pet.

She had talked about whether or not she could keep it with her Uncle's permission. And, luckily, he approved of her having a pet, as she had never owned one before.

And today, they were going to the vet. It was supposed to be a vet her Uncle had visited whenever Fang needed a check-up. He did not care that much about most Vets, as when he was younger, they had refused to work with Fang, which made him upset. So she knew that this Vet would do a good job.

"Are you ready to go, Mari?" Her Aunt asked.

Marinette nodded and scooped up the kitten, it meowed in protest when she did, obviously wanting to continue playing.

Marinette smiled at the cutie, then walked to the car, a blanket was on the seat the kitten would be sitting on.

She set the kitten carefully on the seat, watching with a small smile as it circled around the seat, then proceeded to massage the blanket with its front paws, a soft purr sounding from it's throat.

It was cute, Marinette really liked the cat. She really hoped she could keep it. The very thought of having her own pet made her ecstatic. When she was younger, she had asked her parents for one, though her parents really loved animals, in order to keep the Bakery in the right restrictions, they could not keep any animals in their apartment, therefore ruling out the possibilities of owning an animal.

The car-ride to the Vet was not very long, the ride only lasting about twenty-minutes. The whole car ride, the kitten had stayed in it's seat, it's two different-colored eyes curiously looking around.

Marinette noticed that it seemed to like the windows in the car, and made note to move the curtains in her bedroom away from the window in the daytime so the little kitty could look out the window whenever it wanted. She normally didn't touch the curtains because the fabric was so thin that it let light leak into her room. Marinette had chose the fabric just for this purpose, as she enjoyed her privacy and would rather just keep the curtains closed if she had a choice.

When they had first started the motor of the car, which was not the Limo they normally used to get to most public places, rather, a comfortable more low-key car that she loved as well, the kitten had let out a shrill, almost yelp-like meow.

Eventually, with enough coaxing, the kitten had settled down, much more comfortable with the situation.


  They quickly set out of the car, her Uncle was obviously excited about seeing the Vet, whoever they were, as he kept impatiently tapping his foot to an unknown beat.

The kitten was content, it's watchful eyes peered over her shoulder as she slowly sat down in the waiting room.

Her Aunt Penny had went up to the receptionist to confirm the appointment, as well as getting the needed paperwork.

After a while, her aunt finally sat down, the papers having been finished long ago, as filling out papers was something that was a common occurrence in her line of work.

The kitten crawled into Marinette's lap, and let out a yawn, it was not audible, but it's mouth opened widely enough for Marinette to tell it was a yawn.

The front door to the store opened loudly, making the kitten open on eye curiously.

In came Damian. His hand was wrapped around a leash, with a dog Marinette instantly recognized as a Great Dane.

Marinette chose not to look at him, or even look his way in general, instead, deciding to focus on the fur-ball in her lap.

A few minutes later, Damian came to sit down in the waiting room,

His tense figure deciding to sit on the right side of the room, the side that Marientte and her family had sat in.

Marinette turned her head opposite to where Damian was, hoping that he didn't see her, even though she knew this was next to impossible.

She heard him clearly his throat slightly, and, out of the corner of her eye, begin to softly pet the dog that sat on his feet, along with muttering something to the dog, something that was too quiet for Marinette to hear, but it wasn't her business anyway.

Marinette knew he had seen her, and an awkward silence stayed between the two of them. Neither of them wanted to talk to each other, and both of them had almost silently agreed to just remain silent.

The kitten in her lap was fast asleep, though even in its deep slumber it still managed to purr. Marinette lovingly stroked the cat's ears.

A faint sound of heavy footsteps caught Marinette's attention, the only reason she heard this was because certain Akuma's hid from her, and it was important to know where they were.

She tended slightly, and, even though he was already tense, she could practically hear Damian tense as well.

Marinette hoped it was fine, that it was nothing, just some kids playing not too far away from the building, but she also knew this was Gotham.

Then, she heard a loud, but somewhat familiar bang, something she instantly recognized as a gunshot, making her blood freeze in its tracks.

—The door to the building swung open, violently hitting the wall with a loud thunk.

"How about we all have some fun with a few riddles with your dearest friend!" A man, who she assumed by her villain research, was The Riddler, said enthusiastically.


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