Chapter Fifty-Six-The Project and the Glare

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The prickling sensation of Cat Blanc's sharp claws trailing down her arm sent shivers running through Marinette's body. Her skin tingled where he had touched, the warmth of his touch lingering like an unwelcome caress long after he had stepped back. She could feel his eyes on her, piercing into her soul, and her heart beat faster, making her feel alive and vulnerable all at once. She tried to take a deep breath, but the air caught in her throat as she looked up at him, his sly grin sending a shiver down her spine.

"Marinette" She snapped out of her reverie and glanced up at her teacher, who was looking at her with a quizzical expression. "Are you listening?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.

Marinette looked in the direction where Cat Blanc had been standing a moment earlier, but he was gone. She straightened up in her seat and looked down at her notes—blinking at the empty pages.

"Yes, Ms. Gazelle," Marinette replied, flashing a cheeky smile. "I heard everything."

"Can you please summarize the topic we left off on today?' Marinette gazed around as the request sank in. What had they been delving into during their class today? Since her unsettling dream starring Cat Blanc, she couldn't seem to banish him from her thoughts. His presence felt eerily pervasive, as if his spirit continued to loom over her, despite her having thwarted him in time.

A random student spoke up, their hand raised high in the air, excitement evident in their voice. They said, "As I recall, we discussed the historical architecture of Gotham City during the Industrial Revolution and its subsequent influence on the city's development." Marinette's face relaxed with relief as the student answered the question correctly. She mentally thanked them for saving her from having to scramble for an answer herself.

Ms. Gazelle pushed her glasses up her nose and gave the student a disapproving look. "Thank you, Marinette," she said sarcastically. A few students giggled, sensing the tension between the teacher and Marinette. The teacher leaned in closer, her voice lowered to a whisper. "I highly suggest you pay more attention in class." Her gaze lingered on Marinette for a moment before she straightened up and returned to the front of the classroom. Her warning hung heavy in the air, leaving Marinette humbled in her thoughts.

Ms. Gazelle had earned a reputation as an exacting and stern teacher, known for running a tight ship and demanding nothing less than excellence from her students. Rumors swirled that she had once been a ballet instructor, but her past remained shrouded in mystery. Some students speculated that her strict manner was a remnant of her time in the dance world. Despite the enigma surrounding her, she had found her calling in the teaching profession. Many students respected her dedication to academics, while others secretly dreaded her rigorous classes.

Ms. Gazelle addressed the class, "For the rest of the class, I would like you to work on your project with your partner or get it finished by then." She made her way to her desk and settled into her seat, pulling out her book and beginning to read. Some students began to chatter with their partners in hushed tones, while others stared at their assignment sheets with visible trepidation.

A moment later, someone sat down at the empty desk in front of Marinette. She looked up and immediately recognized the person as Phoebe.

"Sorry about that," Phoebe said, casually leaning on Marinette's desk and resting her face on her hand. "I would have sat with you for the whole class, but I had to discuss the project with my partner." She let out an exaggerated sigh, clearly exasperated. "They lost their notes, so I had to lend them a pair of mine. Can you believe that?"

Marinette smiled at Phoebe. "I can help you with that, you know," she offered, silently hoping that Phoebe would take her up on the offer. Working on the project together would give her a chance to spend more time with her friend, and she genuinely wanted to be helpful.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08 ⏰

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