Chapter Twenty-Five: The Plan

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"What do you need our help for?"Adrien asked, confuzzled.

"Tikki!" Marinette shouted.

  The others looked at her weird, but she payed them no mind.

"Yes?" Tikki asked, coming in with Plagg and Polenn, who was looking around the room curiously.

"I plan on fixing the magic that's been blocked. But I want Chloe and Adrien to join me."

Tikki nodded at her. "That's fine, If anything, It'll get done quicker."

Marinette looked back at her friends who were watching her and Tikki. Adrien looked confused and Chloe merely raised an eyebrow. Plagg and Polenn just sat on their Holder's heads,probably already filled by Tikki.

"Around two weeks ago, Tikki found out that someone had been looking into me. . . A little to much. Luckily, the Miraculous Magic reacted and blocked them out. The problem is, they were using an electronic. Miraculous Magic and most forms of electronics don't work very well together. The magic is stuck in the electronic they were using," Marinette explained carefully, trying to make sure she didn't forget a important detail.

They were quiet for a moment, taking in the new piece of information. Marinette patiently waited. She looked around the room slightly bored. She noticed a crack on the ceiling.

"Marinette?!" Marinette snapped her head up at the sound of Chloe's voice.

"Sorry," Marinette said, fiddling with her fingers in her lap.

"What were you thinking about?"Adrien asked, looking more than slightly amused at his friend's antics.

Marinette glanced up at him before nodding up at the ceiling. "I was just looking at the crack on the ceiling, I've never really noticed it before."

Chloe rolled her eyes.

"So how long have you known about this?" Chloe asked her best friend impatiently.

Marinette smiled brightly at her, noticing her friends impatience, before quickly growing serious.

"Since yesterday afternoon-ish," She replied quickly.

Marinette turned to Tikki.

"I was thinking, since It is the Bats. Heroes known for their detective work, wouldn't It be safer for us to us Miraculous we've never used before. We wouldn't want them to connect us to the Miraculous holders," Marinette explained seriously, her eyes never leaving Tikki's.

"Wait, It was the Bats?" Adrien exclaimed.

Marinette nodded timidly, her eyes still on Tikki.

"That's a good idea, we don't want to do anything we don't have to," Tikki said in her sweet little voice.

"Chloe, how would you feel having the Dog Miraculous? Adrien, I think you should temporarily use the Bee Miraculous, we don't know what could happen while we do what we need to do. I'll probably use the Horse Miraculous and Mouse Miraculous-Just in case," Marinette mumbled just loud enough for them to hear, mainly talking to herself, thinking out loud.

Even with the precautions they were taking, they couldn't ensure that the Bats wouldn't connect two and two together, but as the guardian, Marinette had to fix It. She had this before when someone in Paris looked to close to her civilian form on their tablet. She had to go and extract that time. That was about one year ago, maybe two.

  None of them questioned Marinette, she knew what she was doing and had never let them down before, her plans always worked in the end, no matter how elaborate. Silently, Marinette grabbed the Miraculous box from It's hiding spot, and quickly gave them the assigned Miraculous.

"Tikki, where do I need to imagine?"Marinette asked after transforming and unifying with the Horse Miraculous.

"Just think about the magic and where It is, If you focus, you should be able sense it. Then if you can't, I'll direct us there. But It's safer if you try first," Tikki said carefully, her eyes narrowing in focus.

"Okay," Marinette said, nodding in agreement. "Everyone ready?"

They all nodded. They were fully prepared. It was something Marinette had done before. That thought comforted Adrien and Chloe slightly. They fully trusted Marinette as their friend, and as Ladybug.

Marinette quickly glanced over their outfits. Adrien's outfit was a very different take compared to Chloe's when she was using the Bee Miraculous. The whole outfit was a dark orange-ish yellow, and had a honeycomb pattern all over the body-suit, though it was something that was only seen if you looked closely. Chloe's was could only be described as extravagant. She had a black, almost furry suit. It reminded Marinette faintly of a Chihuahua. She had tiny gray spots around her shoulders, elbows, and knees.  Marinette liked both of their outfits, they would work well for what they were about to do.

"Okay, let's go."


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