Chapter 2 Jujitsu High

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Gojo whistled impressed, as the skater boy zoomed past that car with shocking speed and a controlled grace. Akira's cursed energy in conjunction with his method of travel allowing him to be one of the fastest things on the road.
"Whoa Sensei you see that?" Yuji exclaimed watching them too. "So cool!"
Gojo didn't respond to his fascinated student as he was too deep in thought.
He's clearly not lacking in skill but I wonder how much is his energy and how much is hers? Most Curse bearers are scared or hesitant to use their abilities...yet this Akira seems to not only be perfectly fine with using them but even using them openly. What's more he's completely unafraid of his Curse seemingly having a deep rooted affection for her. I brought them with us in a spur because it seemed like a good idea, but...he might be too dangerous to have around my other students.
Heh...reminds me of how Yuta and Rika were at the end.
Gojo continued thinking to himself, weighing his options and trying to come up with a next move should one be required.
Akira waited by the entrance as the car pulled in and the two people he'd met earlier got out. Akira didn't look thrilled but didn't look angry either, more so annoyed.
The other students had gathered too, guarding the entrance and keeping watch on Akira. Maki, Fushiguro, and Inumaki in the front, all looking like they were ready for a fight in case. Akira however was mostly relaxed and didn't lay them really any mind, keeping his focus mostly on Gojo.
"Hey again Akira! Glad you found the place ok," Gojo said happily, his earlier concerns now pushed to back of mind. "I see the other students came out to greet you," he added glancing at the others.
"Yeah. Feelin real welcome here," Akira retorted with a eye-roll.
"Said hi yet?" Gojo asked Akira walking past him toward the building.
"Nope," the boy responded, picking up his board and following Gojo with Yuji in tow.
As the boy followed the white haired teacher inside the other students all backed up significantly as Akira passed them by.
"You guys feel that? That pressure coming from him." Panda asked sounding slightly afraid. The others nodded signaling they had all indeed.
A tall muscular man with sunglasses stood near the entrance.
"Relax relax Masamichi, he's a new student."
The man now revealed to Masamichi glared at Saturo Gojo as him and Akira walked by.
They boy followed the white haired man through the hallways of the building till they arrived outside a room, revealed to be a bedroom after the door was opened.
"My room I'm guessing?"
Gojo nodded and patted Akira on the back and went walk back.
"Come outside to the training grounds when you're done unpacking. I'll introduce you to everyone."
And with those words he was gone.
"Thoughts?" Akira asked Miki aloud.
- Undecided. The other children have significant cursed energy in them, about as much as you used to before we bonded. But hold themselves like they're much more skilled fighters. -
"They probably are. I'm not a good or refined fighter. If anything my skills in combat are average if not slightly below. We've relied on sheer power and rough generic techniques so far. But we don't have much actual fighting skills," Akira answered.
- Still, we could kill them. I'm sure of that. -
Akira shook his head with a chuckle.
"We're not here for that nor do I think that's a good idea. Honestly I don't think we're in any actual danger here. That said, let's not put ourselves in a dangerous situation without a good reason yeah?"
- Fine. But... -
Akira knew what she was going to say.
"Miki I know you love me. I do. But not everything is a threat ok? 'Sides you're cute when you're relaxed."
If Miki could blush she'd be a deep purple, Akira rarely said such things to her. Yet in one day he'd called her both beautiful and cute! While she didn't manifest she did do what was kind of akin to a hug, wrapping her wings, tail and heads around him gently. "You can let go now," Akira said with a kind smile. Miki gently and slowly pulled away then her heads and Akira's turned to the door. Gojo had returned and was leaning in the doorway.
"Came to see what was taking you so long, you only have a skateboard and backpack after all."
"We were talking. Wanted some privacy."
"You and Miki?"
"Yeah. We're ready now though."
"Follow me then. And a word of caution, don't let Miki manifest. I don't think the other kids would respond well to that."
"If you're planning to make us fight them to train, it wouldn't be fair."
Gojo chuckled and glanced back at Akira.
"You'd be surprised how well skill can match power in combat."
"You don't know what we can do though."
Gojo nodded in reply, agreeing with the statement.
"True. But you don't know what they can do. Still you do need to hold back, just use your power. Don't use Miki."
"She's not an object or some ability. She's my partner, we operate and live together!" Akira sighed before continuing, not thrilled about the situation. "We'll play nice, not like we have a choice right?"
"Not on this, no."
They continued for a bit longer before appearing in the doorway facing a massive training arena and a massive forest just past that.
The students from before all looking up at both Akira and Gojo.
"So everyone! This here is Akira, he's a new student. Let's make him feel welcome okay?"
Sheer silence was the response he got from the teens, some looked annoyed like Maki, Nobara, and Megumi. Others such as Panda and Inumaki had blank faces, and then there was Yuji grinning like an idiot.
"Welcome I guess," Nobara muttered to Akira. She was the only one who she responded at all, and her tone was by no means friendly.
"I feel so loved," Akira muttered to Gojo sarcastically, even rolling his eyes as he walked down the steps towards the other students. "So what're we doing now that I'm here?"
"Getting you trained up so you can go on missions and exorcise Curses. So grab a weapon and one of you pair up with him. I'm busy I'll check in later!"
Akira and the others watched somewhat speechless as their teacher walked away.
"I gotcha Akira!" Yuji stepped up and rolled up his sleeves getting into a fighting stance.
Glancing around at his environment and now the onlooking students he stretched and got into an amateur fighting stance.
"This feels so unnatural..." he muttered. He had next to no experience with hand to hand combat. He was used to using his telekinetic cursed energy techniques. Or distracting an opponent by drawing cursed spirits towards them to attack on his behalf.
However neither of those were a viable option, and he was told not to use any Miki's abilities or energy.
So flying, energy blasts, regeneration, and her domain expansion were out as well. He didn't even have his skateboard right now either.
' No matter what happens with me and him or them this is training only. Apparently. So don't get upset ok? '
Miki responded first by emitting a low growl but then nodded.
- Fine. -

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