Chapter 8 Captured

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Amia sighed feeling relief at finally being able to drop her popular school girl act.
"Let's go, I got him," she called out somewhat loudly and the boy from earlier alongside 4 others came out from the corner that Amia had come from too. Two boys and two girls.
"He wasn't nearly as dangerous as you made him out to be Amia," the boy said and Amia shook her head with an eye roll.
"I caught him by surprise, now let's go. Saiya you mind?"
One of the two girls stepped forward, and made a hand sign and a sphere of cursed energy closed around them. A few seconds later it unwrapped itself and they appeared in what was a old but very large abandoned house.
The one named Saiya stepped forward to get a better look at the unconscious boy. She had long teal colored hair, green eyes, and a slim figure, covered by a black school uniform, as did the others. The other girl looked identical to Saiya except with green hair and green eyes. Clearly a twin.
"I didn't think your technique was strong enough to work on him."
Suddenly Akira's eyes snapped opened and were filled with a brightly glowing neon yellow energy. His body shoved Amia away violently and the others got ready for a fight immediately.
"Easy," Amia said to the other 4 as she watched Akira's body.
"What's going on? I thought you put him to sleep!" The boy Amia had yanked away from Akira at the school shouted.
"I DID Eru! Does that look like Akira to you?!"
"What is it then?!" Eru shouted as Akira's body stood up straight, black scales began to appear all over him. A tattoo of a eye with a red Iris and pupil appeared in the center of his forehead. His nails now sharp black claws, his teeth all fangs.
"I don't know!" Amia shouted back.
"I'm happy Amia, thank you. You've finally given me an excuse to kill you," a sinister female voice growled from Akira's body. "No one attacks my Akira and lives!"
"Who're you? How do you know my name?"
"Sure, I'll tell you as thanks, I'm Miki. And Akira is MINE! Don't worry though, I'll make sure he doesn't remember any of this."
"I hate to tell you Miki, but I'm not dying today."
Miki growled again and bared teeth at Amia and got in a pounce like position, getting reading to spring on Amia. As soon as she leapt Amia used her cursed speech again.
Akira's body stopped and slowly became lightly coated in ice, Miki was momentarily halted mid-stride. Miki went wide eyed at how strong Amia was, that was a powerful word and she only looked a tiny bit phased. Not even noticeable to a normal human.
The boy Eru, and Saiya's green haired twin, and the other boy gathered around Miki. Miki herself glanced around and just as she broke free, each of the 3 threw a chain enchanted with cursed energy at her, and it latched on to Miki's legs and right arm. Even still Amia barely dodged as Miki blasted cursed energy at her from Akira's mouth. The wall behind Amia was now completely annihilated, and the floor creaked unevenly signaling it was very unstable.
The shackles started to break, clearly not designed to restrain a being of Miki's caliber.
"Amia! We gotta go! This clearly isn't working!" Saiya shouted at Amia who clenched her fists in frustration but nodded.
Saiya made a hand gesture and a portal opened, all 4 of them ran threw and it closed just before another blast from Miki demolished the rest of the building with another beam.
"Whoa!" Itadori exclaimed as he appeared alongside Gojo. "Who's...who's that?!"
Gojo smirked and whistled as he kicked a piece of wood, seemingly amused by the destruction.
"Quite the mess here Miki, wanna tell me what happened?"
"Wha...that's Miki?!"
Miki growled at Gojo but took a breath, remembering her chances of victory against him were next to nothing. At the moment at least.
"It's not our fault. It was self-defense. One of Akira's supposed friends tried to kidnap him. She put him to sleep using Cursed Speech."
"I see. He's still asleep I take it?" Gojo asked and Miki nodded.
"It'd be troublesome for him to wake up to all this."
"So you're keeping him asleep?"
"For now yes."
"Hmm," Gojo muttered to himself deep in thought.
"What did these supposed friends of his want? Or do?"
Miki didn't answer at first, not really in the mood to talk about this. To reveal what she knew about all this any further...especially since she didn't like Gojo. It wasn't that she saw him as a threat but the power gap between them was...annoying. And that's putting it lightly.
"I don't know. They were using some kinda enchanted shackles to try and contain him."
"Did they know about you?"
"Not prior to this."
"I'd like you to come back with us. I'm thinking this might be a rival group to Jujitsu High. I'm sorry Miki I'm sure this is annoying for you and Akira. However leaving you both out in the open, especially with them now knowing about'd more than likely present future problems."
"For us or for you?" Miki's tone was a mixture of cold and annoyed at this point.
"Both," Gojo answered his own tone now getting slowly serious. "It's ultimately up to you and Akira though. You know where to find us," Gojo added as he hopped off the ledge of the demolished second story and into the ground with Itadori next to him.
"Sensei I feel bad for Akira. Miki is super scary."
Miki overheard and growled in their direction.
"It's a matter of perspective Yuji. Don't be so quick to judge."
And with that they were both gone, and Miki hopped off the second story as well just before the run down house collapsed.
"What're we gonna do Akira?" Miki muttered quietly to herself, despite him still being asleep. "Well in the end it doesn't really matter I guess, I'll protect you. After all, we're always going to be together."

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