Chapter 6 Facing Gojo

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(Song is love and Loss by two steps from hell)

As ordered Miki and Akira didn't hold back, even remotely. That said Gojo wasn't worried, even though it was a 2V1. He was in a league all on his own after all.
Miki shot blasts of bright yellow cursed energy at Gojo from her first mouth, trying to time her second blast at him with her other head wherever he ended up after dodging the first. Akira worked in tandem with Miki's strategy and tried to limit Gojo's movements by throwing large trees at Gojo as Akira flew around himself.
Gojo got grazed by Miki's energy blasts while having to actually block empowered physical strikes from Akira a couple times and if it wasn't for limitless both would've hurt a lot.
Truth be told he was extremely surprised and impressed with them. Not only because of their strength but also their tactics and teamwork.
Gojo dove through an oncoming tree and went for Miki but shockingly she teleported behind Akira and landed two hits on him with her blasts, Akira seized the opportunity and hurled two huge trees on top of him. Gojo not only blocked but repelled both the trees at Akira, Miki blasted Akira with her energy powering him up as he swatted both trees away easily, not having time to use telekinetic ability to block due to their speed, so he was forced to use his physical strength instead.
Gojo paused momentarily and was visibly shocked by how he got his power up, however as he did so Miki landed a hit with her right claws but Limitless had stopped her a second before it actually would've gone through. This time Akira went at Gojo directly with his right fist, flying towards him and as expected Gojo blocked it this time with his left palm, Akira attempted to knee Gojo in the stomach but he used his own knee to block it, what went through surprisingly was Akira's headbutt actually knocking Gojo back a few feet.
Gojo frowned and punched Akira in the chest making the boy gasp hard as a few ribs broke and the air left him. He flew backwards fast almost smashing into a tree if Miki hadn't caught him. Despite her natural massive size, she shrunk down to Akira's size increasing her speed enough to catch him before returning to full size. Since there wasn't any cursed energy behind the hit Akira's ribs were already healed by the time he landed, still despite the regeneration he hadn't caught his breath yet.
- Akira? -
"I'm good," he said between coughs. "As long as he only uses strength we'll keep healing this fast."
If he does put any cursed energy behind his attacks though that'd slow our regeneration enough for it to actually be a problem...Akira frowned at his thought.
"Wow...combined they're stronger than even Yuta and Rika were. Not by much but still..." Gojo muttered quietly to himself. He was snapped from his thoughts by Akira coming at him again...Gojo hadn't paid that much attention while lost in his thoughts, not noticing Akira had already healed. "How..."
Gojo went flying into the ground creating a small crater. Gojo got to his feet calmly and Miki growled clearly getting frustrated.
"The problem isn't landing our attacks, it's they're not getting through his defenses."
"You noticed that huh? I agree your coordination isn't the issue, in fact it's amazing. I'm actually not used to being smacked around this much by the force of attacks. But you're correct, none of them are actually connecting. Wanna see why?"
Akira and Miki traded confused looks before Akira nodded and landed then walked over to Gojo.
Gojo put out his right hand, palm open and facing Akira. "Try and touch me with your palm."
The boy tried to do as instructed but his hand stopped centimeters before actually touching, the boy blinked. Surprised and confused.
"It's one of my cursed techniques, limitless."
"I see, that's super cool. And I bet very frustrating to your enemies," Akira said withdrawing his hand.
Gojo smirked and nodded with a chuckle.
"I don't think we'd be able to get to you even in our world. Granted it's not physical there but still."
"Your world?" Gojo's curiosity and confusion back again.
"Show me."
Akira glanced at the speechless and wide-eyed kids, then shook his head.
"Um that's not a good idea with them nearby. And we don't use that unless things actually get really bad."
"Ah I see."
"So uh we gonna continue or?"
"Hmm...I think we should take a break for now. From what I saw your tactics, teamwork, and trust in each other is outstanding but your attacks themselves are very unrefined. For example you can throw a tree in a general direction but you don't have precise control over it past that. I think you could manage that, then you wouldn't need the sudden power up from Miki."
"Oh. Yeah I see what you mean. I agree that'd be useful..."
"Yeah. Other than precision though I'd recommend you train more for close combat. If someone gets too close to you in a fight, based on what I've seen, uh you're screwed."
"Yeah. That's pretty true..." Akira sighed and shook his head.
"Good news though! That's a case of form and attacking dummies, you don't actually need to necessarily physically spar with anyone to master that. That make you feel better?"
"Uh no not really," Akira laughed.
"Oof, tough crowd."
"I'm going to go back to school for the next day or two I think. Megumi suggested it and I think it'd be a good idea."
Gojo looked at Akira and nodded.
"I think so too. Keep an eye out though."
"What for?" Akira asked clearly confused by the foreboding words.
"I don't know. There's something near or at your school that seems very ominous. Or at least that's what some reports say. Haven't actually been there myself. Regardless keep thinking on what you want."
"Will do I guess."

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