Chapter 9 Actions For Reassurance

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Maybe an hour or two later Miki woke up Akira and let him take back over after appearing in a park just outside their apartment.
"We're not at the school," Akira stated, blinking hard a couple times.
- We're not, - Miki chuckled softly with a nod of her left head.
"Wanna explain what I missed?" Akira asked and Miki shook her heads.
- No. No not really. -
Akira rolled his eyes as he laid down on the bench, then looked up at the now night sky.
"You know Miki, this is the 3rd time since we got together that this has happened with no explanation from you."
- I'm aware. -
"Yeah well so far these blackouts haven't presented any problems. And I'm hoping this one won't either."
- Was that a statement or a question? -
Miki nodded and wrapped her tail around Akira as she laid next to him but didn't respond for a bit.
- It more than likely wont. And if it does, I'll take care of it. -
"I'd prefer that to be we. We'll take care of it. We're partners aren't we?"
- We are. -
"This conversation isn't going to go anywhere productive is it?"
- Define productive? -
"Yeah that's a no," Akira said chuckling however Miki didn't. She was quiet tonight, which slightly put Akira on edge but not enough to warrant a response. Not yet anyway. "Miki, what's wrong?"
- What do you mean? -
"Something's bothering you, I can tell. What is it?"
- It's just...Akira do you actually really love me? -
Akira blinked then frowned at Miki's question.
"What brought this on? Why..."
- Akira I'm serious. -
Akira sighed and looked over at Miki's heads both of which were fixated on him. After a long silence Miki felt am immense sadness coming over her, and went to speak despite her being so choked up she could barely form words. Akira walked over to a dark hidden secluded area away from everything.
"Miki lend me a few claws," Akira muttered quietly before she could speak. "Preferably very very sharp ones."
- Ak... -
"Just do it. I need to show you something."
As requested his hands grew incredibly sharp and long claws, and Akira let out a shaky breath. "This is gonna hurt a lot," he added in a quiet but annoyed tone.
- Akira? - Miki asked slowly very unsure and feeling slightly afraid of what was about to happen.
"Miki you ever heard the expression I love you with all my heart?"
- Ye....AKIRA!!!! -
Miki shouted in a shocked and afraid tone as he shoved his clawed hand into his chest and spat up a mouthful of blood, even falling to his knees but he kept trying to and eventually succeeded in gripping his heart and took in a deep breath and ripped it out with a loud scream.
Miki immediately used the cursed energy in both of their beings to heal him. Akira pushed himself to sit against the base of a tree and shakily offered his still beating heart to a crying and beyond shocked Miki.
"Don't go breaking my heart," he chuckled weakly.
Miki couldn't help but materialize right next to him, managing enough control to stay in a human size.
"Akira put it back!" She said through her tears.
"Nu uh, I'm giving it to you. Hopefully this answers your stupid question," he smiled but his color was fading.
"It does! It does! I'm sorry I doubted you, I'm sorry I'm sorry! Please...please put it back. I get it, I won't ask again."
"If you mark it I'll put it back," he panted. He wasn't near death due to the cursed energy healing but his body clearly wasn't happy.
"Mark it?"
"Your name. Mark it with your name."
Miki shakily used her cursed energy and burned her name in black letters into his heart and he chuckled softly then slowly put it back, Miki immediately healing it and everything else back to normal. About a minute later Akira was back to 100%, but Miki remained in physical form looking at the boy, her worry and tears slowly subsiding.
"You're an idiot," Miki laughed as she wiped her tears from her eyes and Akira grinned and then grunted as Miki hugged him tightly. No longer any question in her mind or heart about his feelings for her.
Akira hugged her back and then when they pulled away, he kissed her making her blush.
"Do me a favor Miki, don't ask me that question again ok? Because that really really wasn't fun."
"Never. Never again," she said softly.

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