Chapter 4 Break Time

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"Up here," Akira called out to Gojo, offering a small wave.
Gojo looked at the kid several feet off the ground, resting on a large tree branch. Gojo waved back and flew up and sat next to a mildly surprised Akira.
Neither said anything for a bit, not until Gojo broke the metaphorical ice.
"So you've been losing huh?" Akira glanced at Gojo then rolled his eyes but didn't respond verbally to the teacher's question. "I think you misunderstood my instructions earlier. I said hold back and don't use Miki. You can use your own cursed energy, even your techniques."
Akira looked fully at the man now, cocking his head to the side.
"Oh..." Akira answered sheepishly.
"Yeah. You by yourself isn't nearly as dangerous as you with Miki."
That statement Akira took immense offense at as did Miki. For better or worse Akira thought Gojo meant he or someone else might try and split them apart. Like they were a problem needing to be fixed.
"You're not going to separate us." Gojo looked at the boy in surprise after he spoke. "That wasn't a question. That was a statement," Akira said somewhat coldly. "We won't let you."
Gojo blinked as he looked at the kid closer now, his voice was distorted just then. Both Akira's voice and that of a female, presumably Miki's, were heard, ending in a low almost demonic sounding growl. It didn't sound like one voice was overpowering the other, and what's more his eyes turned a bright glowing crimson.
"I see..." Gojo began awkwardly. "Well I wasn't looking to. Besides, I don't think there is a way to do that with how bonded you two are to each other."
Akira's eyes flickered for a few additional seconds before returning to normal. "'re both very powerful together. I took you here because I didn't and don't want to see you needing to be put down later by me or someone else. That's the real reason. But I know what it's like constantly holding yourself back for others. It' can be very irritating. You could be a good sorcerer in our fight to exorcise curses. To change this archaic Jujitsu lifestyle we currently lead, into something better. Something greater." Akira looked at him not sure how to respond, Gojo sighed and looked up at the sky. "But maybe even that is asking a bit much. Let's do this, go take sometime to yourself. Maybe week here, think on what you want. What you're willing to do. When you've come up with answers to those questions come find me and we can talk. Deal?"
Akira looked down and sighed. Despite the abundance of new doors open to him
and Miki now their options still felt limited. Still this was about a good a deal as any.
"Yeah. Deal," Akira finally answered with a nod.
Gojo grinned and patted the boy on the back before jumping down and then landing gently.
"Akira, If you want you can chill there a bit more. Otherwise I'm happy to walk you back."
Akira jumped off too and floated down and landed gracefully. Gojo looked surprised at the event, and Akira looked at him in question.
"Nothing. I just didn't realize you could do that..."
"What? Fly?"
"Yeah. It's not exactly a common ability."
"Oh. Well yeah I can fly. Or rather Miki lets me. Usually though we just use the skateboard. More inconspicuous that way." Gojo laughed a bit then nodded and began his way back towards the school."yeah I can see how a skateboard may be a bit more ideal."
"What're your goals?" Akira asked.
"Hm? Oh. I want to reform the Jujitsu world. To tear down all this and rejuvenate it. I could kill all the existing heads, but they'd be replaced immediately and things would go back to how they were. So I'm trying a different method. Helping the young who will hopefully succeed the old."
"I see."
"Akira, I'd like to ask you something." Akira nodded for Gojo to continue. "How'd you and Miki end up this way?"
"Kinda a long story. Short version, I found her in a hospital I was admitted to, and we just really hit it off."
"That's a very short version. Did she attack you?"
" a way. I didn't know or understand Curses or any of that, still mostly don't. She bound herself to me a week or two after we met. Which freaked me out, I was like 5 or 6, how could it not? But I don't know, after a week of it I just...I was ok with it. Then flash forward till now and to be honest I..." Akira paused. "I think I love her," the boy muttered quietly looking away. Even blushing.
Akira neglected to mention the part where Miki had been severely starved and was feeding on the feeble to survive in the hospital for the past century. Nothing like what she is now that she's been fully restored to her former self.
"What kinda love? Family, friend. Romantic?"
"I don't know yet. Miki HATES certain people, says they're a dangerous threat. However... they all have also happened to be normal girls so I've spoken to regularly."
"Oh," Gojo chuckled. "I see."
"If she was offered a physical body and chose to take it, would you want to be with her?"
Akira looked at Gojo, not ready for that question.
Miki had remained silent till now but Akira sensed she really really wanted an answer Gojo's question as well. The boy sighed and shrugged.
"I mean yeah, absolutely without question." Miki wanted to ask if he meant that, for no other reason than to just to hear him say it again. But her happinesses was satiated enough for now. "But at the same time, I think in a way I'd be lonely without her soul intertwined with mine like it is now."
"Would you miss the power she and you share?"
"I've thought about that before myself and honestly? No. I mean yes it's nice being like this. But we've never been in a position where I needed to use more than my own power."
There was a silence between all three of them before Gojo spoke up once more.
"You two are definitely a first."
"There's never been a case of a human loving a Curse and being connected in a way like you two are. There was one somewhat similar not too long ago, but even that one isn't as unique as yours."
Yuta wanted Rika to pass on after he realized he'd cursed her. However neither Akira nor Miki have any intention of letting the other go, that much was clear to Gojo now.
They appeared just in front of the forest now and we're several feet from the other students. "Akira. If you need advice you can ask them. Some of them may even try talking to you first. Now go on, start by asking for a rematch with Yuji."
Akira looked back at a smirking Gojo and then he sighed and took a step forward towards the other students.
"Oh hey!!!"
"Yeah you got it!"

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