Chapter 13 Haunted Kingdom

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Akira sat down in his room after placing his skateboard upright against his bed frame.
"Wheeeew." He said then exhaled loudly.
- your martial arts have improved significantly. - Miki stated after grinning a tad.
"Yeah. The training was definitely worth it," Akira said, nodding in agreement. "I'm happy we found someone that agreed that's local and not overpriced."
- well you were asking for daily lessons. So it was bound to be at least a little bit expensive. But it paid off, no pun intended. You're now the highest degree black belt in mixed martial arts after 6 years. -
"Yeah. Your cursed abilities have become much more potent and refined too," Akira said giving Miki a more than well deserved compliment.
Akira had improved his hand to hand abilities as much as he could, and Miki had trained and increased their cursed techniques, knowledge, and efficiency with the energy.
Suddenly there was a loud banging on the front door and Akira slowly got up and went to it.
"Yuji?" Akira asked in surprise.
"You okay?"
"Uh yeah? Why wouldn't I be?" Akira asked slowly now seeing how in distress Yuji was.
"Tracked a special grade to your neighborhood. Figured they were coming after you."
Akira's eyes narrowed after hearing this, now understanding the jujitsu sorcery terms more.
"What'd it look like?"
"Patchwork skin, white hair, black clothes," Yuji answered but his tone was full of hate and anger. A genius wasn't needed to know Yuji also had a major bone to pick with this guy.
"I warned him," Akira muttered under his breath. "Where was the last sighting?"
"Nearby park."
Akira nodded and grabbed his skateboard from behind the door and closed door behind him as he dropped the board and gestured for a Yuji to follow.
"I know the area and which park I think you're talking about, C'mon."
Yuji didn't need to be told twice and followed Akira.
"You said you'd warned him, so you know which one I'm talking about?"
"I think so yeah. Miki encountered him while we were wiping out nearby curses."
"You know he's..." Yuji began but Akira cut him off.
"He's a dead man walking. Now stop talking and pick up the pace."
- Looks like we'll be able to test ourselves sooner than expected. -
' So it'd seem. '
Another few minutes went by and they arrived at the park where they did in fact see the patchwork curse but also a another one with horns sticking out of its head and piece of cloth around one of its arm.
"Damn...he brought back up," Yuji said observing the two of them. "We're gonna need back up too."
"No we don't," Akira responded, his eyes fixed on the two curses who were now looking back at him too.
"Ah you boys made it!" The patchwork curse said.
"I'm gonna kill you..." Akira muttered already starting to see red.
- Hold on Aki. I understand why you feel this way but this is a good opportunity to test ourselves. -
- We'll kill him either way I promise. But right now I think it'd be beneficial to try and test how far we've come ok? -
"If you're sure."
- I am. -
Akira kicked his board at the patchwork curse's face who caught it only to be immediately hit by Akira's follow up attack that he didn't see coming. The other curse reached out his arm to grab Akira but Miki caught it in her left hand and ripped it off with her right head making the curse back up and wailing in agony. Despite the vicious counterattack Miki still wasn't visible even to the curse she'd just hurt. Akira dodged an incoming downward slash from patchwork by sidestepping and grabbing the patchwork's face and slamming him backwards into the ground.
Yuji stood there shocked as he watched the fight continue. Akira and Miki were not only holding their own against two curses Yuji had needed help with just to stay alive against but the boy and his cursed parter were actually wining against them.
"Domain expansion..." were the words that broke Yuji out of his awe after the patchwork curse said them.
"Akira back off!"
As the patchwork's domain began to envelop everything Akira didn't budge. In fact Yuji thought for a second he saw Akira smirk.
"We're doing this already? Fine by me... let's see who's the strongest. Domain Expansion! Haunted kingdom."
The quickly spreading domain stopped suddenly then immediately began being pushed back until everything became dark, only a red looking castle stood off in the distance behind Akira and eyes opened everywhere around it them in the sky. The curses began screaming in what Yuji thought was fear and they began to bleed profusely from their mouth, ears, eyes, and nose. Black shadows seemed to grip at their body and slowly rot and then rip their limbs off. To Yuji it was a horrific sight but Akira seemed to be enjoying the view. The curses continued to writhe in agony until eventually this hellish environment began to slowly subside after the patchwork curse seemingly became incapacitated. Akira was breathing hard and shaking slightly after his domain was gone.
- For just using your energy that was very impressive Aki. -
'Thanks but I'm definitely out of the fight now.'
- Seems two are too. -
"I'm fine. Probably. Do what you want with them. I'm going home."
"Will do," a voice said from above making the two boys look up and Gojo looked down at them till he landed.
"Yo. Quite the impressive display Akira."
"Thank you," Akira replied almost done catching his breath now.
"You good?"
"Yeahuh," Akira replied giving a shaky thumbs up.
"If you say so...guess not..." Gojo said as he watched Akira almost face plant then immediately become upright again as Miki's symbols appeared on him. "Hi Miki. Bit much for him huh?"
"It was his first time using it. He'll be fine but I'm taking him back to rest."
"Okiedokie. Yuji let's go back."

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